How to use env-editor - 3 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few env-editor examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / amplify-cli / src / extensions / amplify-helpers / open-editor.js View on Github external
async function openEditor(context, filePath) {
  const continueQuestion = {
    type: 'input',
    name: 'pressKey',
    message: 'Press enter to continue',

  // Check if default editor is chosen in init step
  const { defaultEditor } = getEnvInfo();

  const editorSelected = defaultEditor || (await editorSelection());

  if (editorSelected !== 'none') {
    const editorArguments = [];
    const editor = envEditor.getEditor(editorSelected);

    if (!editor) {
        `Selected editor '${editorSelected}' was not found in your machine. Please open your favorite editor and modify the file if needed.`
    const editorPath = editor.paths.find(p => fs.existsSync(p));

    if (editorSelected === 'vscode') {


    try {
      if (!editor.isTerminalEditor) {
github sindresorhus / open-editor / index.js View on Github external
const make = (files, options = {}) => {
	if (!Array.isArray(files)) {
		throw new TypeError(`Expected an \`Array\`, got ${typeof files}`);

	const editor = options.editor ? envEditor.getEditor(options.editor) : envEditor.defaultEditor();
	const editorArguments = [];

	if ( === 'vscode') {

	for (const file of files) {
		const parsed = lineColumnPath.parse(file);

		if (['sublime', 'atom', 'vscode'].includes( {

		if (['webstorm', 'intellij'].includes( {
			editorArguments.push(lineColumnPath.stringify(parsed, {column: false}));
github cypress-io / cypress / packages / server / lib / util / editors.ts View on Github external
export const getUserEditors = (): Bluebird => {
  return Bluebird.filter(allEditors(), (editor) => {
    debug('check if user has editor %s with binary %s',, editor.binary)

    return shell.commandExists(editor.binary)
  .then((editors: Editor[] = []) => {
    debug('user has the following editors: %o', editors)

    return savedState.create()
    .then((state) => {
      return state.get('preferredEditor')
    .then((preferredEditor?: CyEditor) => {
      debug('saved preferred editor: %o', preferredEditor)

      return, createEditor).concat([getOtherEditor(preferredEditor)])


Get metadata on the default editor or a specific editor

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