How to use env-ci - 4 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few env-ci examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github apollographql / apollo-tooling / packages / apollo / src / commands / service / check.ts View on Github external
async run() {
    // @ts-ignore we're going to populate `taskOutput` later
    const taskOutput: TasksOutput = {};

    // Define this constant so we can throw it and compare against the same value.
    const breakingChangesErrorMessage = "breaking changes found";
    const federatedServiceCompositionUnsuccessfulErrorMessage =
      "Federated service composition was unsuccessful. Please see the reasons below.";

    const { isCi } = envCi();

    let schema: GraphQLSchema | undefined;
    let graphID: string | undefined;
    let graphVariant: string | undefined;
    try {
      await this.runTasks(
        ({ config, flags, project }) => {
           * Name of the graph being checked. `engine` is an example of a graph.
           * A graph can be either a monolithic schema or the result of composition a federated schema.
          graphID =;
          graphVariant = flags.tag || config.tag || "current";

github intuit / auto / packages / core / src / auto.ts View on Github external
import Release, {
} from './release';
import SEMVER, { calculateSemVerBump, IVersionLabels } from './semver';
import execPromise from './utils/exec-promise';
import loadPlugin, { IPlugin } from './utils/load-plugins';
import createLog, { ILogger } from './utils/logger';
import { makeHooks } from './utils/make-hooks';
import { IAuthorOptions, IRepoOptions } from './auto-args';
import { execSync } from 'child_process';
import { buildSearchQuery, ISearchResult } from './match-sha-to-pr';

const proxyUrl = process.env.https_proxy || process.env.http_proxy;
const env = envCi();

interface ChangelogLifecycle {
  /** The bump being applied to the version */
  bump: SEMVER;
  /** The commits included in the changelog */
  commits: IExtendedCommit[];
  /** The generated release notes for the commits */
  releaseNotes: string;
  /** The current version of the project */
  currentVersion: string;
  /** The last version of the project */
  lastRelease: string;

interface TestingToken {
  /** A token used for testing */
github apollographql / apollo-tooling / packages / apollo / src / commands / client / check.ts View on Github external
async run() {
    const { isCi } = envCi();

    const { validationResults, operations } = await this.runTasks<{
      operations: Operation[];
      validationResults: ValidationResult[];
      ({ project, config }) => [
          title: "Checking client compatibility with service",
          task: async ctx => {
            if (! {
              throw new Error(
                "No service found to link to Apollo Graph Manager. Graph Manager is required for this command."
            ctx.gitContext = await gitInfo(this.log);


Get environment variables exposed by CI services

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Popular env-ci functions