How to use the ent.decode function in ent

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ent examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github oaeproject / Hilary / node_modules / oae-preview-processor / lib / processors / link / util.js View on Github external
return callback(err);

    // Check if we can update the main content metadata (displayName, description, ..)
    opts = opts || {};
    if (
      opts.displayName &&
      ctx.content.displayName === &&
      typeof opts.displayName === 'string'
    ) {
      ctx.addContentMetadata('displayName', ent.decode(opts.displayName));
      log().trace({ contentId: ctx.contentId }, 'Updating the content displayName.');

    if (opts.description && !ctx.content.description && typeof opts.description === 'string') {
      ctx.addContentMetadata('description', ent.decode(opts.description));
      log().trace({ contentId: ctx.contentId }, 'Updating the content description.');

    return callback();
github fedspendingtransparency / data-act-broker-web-app / src / js / helpers / helpHelper.js View on Github external
const unescapeInlineHtml = (html) => {
    let tmpHtml = html;
    // find any inline HTML (as denoted by ```!inline-html [CODE] !inline-html```)
    const regex = /<p><code>!inline-html\n[\s\S]*\n!inline-html&lt;\/code&gt;&lt;\/p&gt;/;
    const results = regex.exec(tmpHtml);

    // we found inline HTML, unescape it and insert it into the parsed Markdown output
    if (results &amp;&amp; results.length &gt; 0) {
        const rawHtml = results[0].substring(21, results[0].length - 23);
        const decodedHtml = ent.decode(rawHtml);
        tmpHtml = tmpHtml.replace(regex, decodedHtml);

    return tmpHtml;
github apostrophecms / apostrophe / apostrophe.js View on Github external
self.htmlToPlaintext = function(html) {
    // The awesomest HTML renderer ever (look out webkit):
    // block element opening tags = newlines, closing tags and non-container tags just gone
    html = html.replace(/&lt;\/.*?\&gt;/g, '');
    html = html.replace(/&lt;(h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|p|br|blockquote).*?\&gt;/gi, '\n');
    html = html.replace(/&lt;.*?\&gt;/g, '');
    return ent.decode(html);
github TimBeyer / html-to-vdom / lib / htmlparser-to-vdom.js View on Github external
convert: function (node, getVNodeKey) {
            if (node.type === 'tag' || node.type === 'script' || node.type === 'style') {
                return converter.convertTag(node, getVNodeKey);
            } else if (node.type === 'text') {
                return new VText(decode(;
            } else {
                // converting an unsupported node, return an empty text node instead.
                return new VText('');
        convertTag: function (tag, getVNodeKey) {
github pubpub / pubpub / src / markdown / markdown.js View on Github external = function (text) {
  var id = inlineIds++;
  inlines[id] = React.createElement( || 'br', {key: keys++}, ent.decode(text));
  return '{$' + id + '$}';
github googleapis / google-cloud-node / packages / common / src / util.js View on Github external
this.response = errorBody.response;

  try {
    this.errors = JSON.parse(this.response.body).error.errors;
  } catch (e) {}

  var messages = [];

  if (errorBody.message) {

  if (this.errors && this.errors.length === 1) {
  } else if (this.response && this.response.body) {
  } else if (!errorBody.message) {
    messages.push('Error during request.');

  this.message = uniq(messages).join(' - ');
github jonschlinkert / templates / examples / helper-render.js View on Github external
app.helper('md', function(str, options) {
  var md = new Remarkable();
  var res = md.render(str, options);
  return ent.decode(res);
github mitchdenny / ecdc / src / lib / htmlentities.ts View on Github external
public transform(input: string): string {
		let output = ent.decode(input);
		return output;
github christianalfoni / EmptyBox / common / markdownRenderer.js View on Github external = function (href, title, text) {
  var id = inlineIds++;
  inlines[id] = React.createElement('a', {
    href: href,
    title: title,
    key: keys++,
    target: 'new'
  }, ent.decode(text));
  return '{{' + id + '}}';


Encode and decode HTML entities

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