How to use the function in elliptic

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few elliptic examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github FabricLabs / fabric / tests / peer.js View on Github external
'use strict';

const Fabric = require('../');

const assert = require('assert');
const expect = require('chai').expect;

const crypto = require('crypto');
const net = require('net');

const EC = require('elliptic').ec;
const ec = new EC('secp256k1');

const Peer = require('../lib/peer');
const Message = require('../lib/message');

// const key = '/test';
const data = require('../data/message');

const TEST_PORT = 7775;
const GENESIS_DATA = 'Hello, world!';
const BULK_COUNT = 1000;

describe('Peer', function () {
  it('should expose a constructor', function () {
    assert.equal(Peer instanceof Function, true);
github lino-network / lino-js / src / util / index.ts View on Github external
export function verifyWithSha256(msg: any, pubKeyHex: string, signature: string): boolean {
  // private key from hex
  var ec = new EC('secp256k1');
  var key = ec.keyFromPublic(decodePubKey(pubKeyHex), 'hex');

  // signmsg
  const signByte = shajs('sha256')
  // sign to get signaturegit stat
  const res = key.verify(signByte, signature);
  return res;
github lino-network / lino-js / lib / lino-js.cjs.js View on Github external
function isKeyMatch(privKeyHex, pubKeyHex) {
    const ec = new'secp256k1');
    var key = ec.keyFromPrivate(decodePrivKey(privKeyHex), 'hex');
    return key.getPublic(true, 'hex').toUpperCase() == decodePubKey(pubKeyHex);
// deterministically generates new priv-key bytes from provided key.
github weixin / Miaow / node_modules / create-ecdh / browser.js View on Github external
function ECDH(curve) {
	this.curveType = aliases[curve];
	if (!this.curveType ) {
		this.curveType = {
			name: curve
	this.curve = new;
	this.keys = void 0;
github enigmampc / secret-contracts / enigma-lib / enigma-utils.js View on Github external
function getDerivedKey (enclavePublicKey, clientPrivateKey) {
    let ec = new EC ('secp256k1');
    if (enclavePublicKey.slice (0, 2) != '04') {
        enclavePublicKey = '04' + enclavePublicKey;
    let client_key = ec.keyFromPrivate (clientPrivateKey, 'hex');
    let enclave_key = ec.keyFromPublic (enclavePublicKey, 'hex');

    let shared_points = enclave_key.getPublic ().mul (client_key.getPrivate ());

    let y = 0x02 | (shared_points.getY ().isOdd () ? 1 : 0);
    let x = shared_points.getX ();
    let y_buffer = Buffer.from ([y]);
    let x_buffer = Buffer.from (x.toString (16), 'hex');

    let sha256 = ();
    sha256.update (y_buffer.toString ('binary'));
    sha256.update (x_buffer.toString ('binary'));
github TRON-US / tronweb / src / utils / crypto.js View on Github external
export function ECKeySign(hashBytes, priKeyBytes) {
    const ec = new EC('secp256k1');
    const key = ec.keyFromPrivate(priKeyBytes, 'bytes');
    const signature = key.sign(hashBytes);
    const r = signature.r;
    const s = signature.s;
    const id = signature.recoveryParam;

    let rHex = r.toString('hex');

    while (rHex.length < 64) {
        rHex = `0${rHex}`;

    let sHex = s.toString('hex');

    while (sHex.length < 64) {
        sHex = `0${sHex}`;
github ontio / ontology-ts-sdk / src / crypto / PrivateKey.ts View on Github external
computeEcDSASignature(hash: string): string {
        const ec = new;
        const signed = ec.sign(hash, this.key, { canonical: true });
        return Buffer.concat([
            signed.r.toArrayLike(Buffer, 'be', 32),
            signed.s.toArrayLike(Buffer, 'be', 32)
github chainside / btcnodejs / lib / crypto.js View on Github external
getPublic(compressed = true) {
        const ec = new EC("secp256k1");
        const key = ec.keyFromPrivate(this.body.toHex(0, this.body.capacity()), "hex");
        const pub = key.getPublic();
        const uncompressed_hex = pub.x.toString("hex", 64) + pub.y.toString("hex", 64);
        const buffer = new ByteBuffer.fromHex(uncompressed_hex).prepend("04", "hex", 0);
        const uncompressed_pub = new Publickey(buffer);
        if (compressed) return new Publickey(uncompressed_pub.compressed);
        else return uncompressed_pub;
github decentralized-identity / did-jwt / src / Signer.js View on Github external
export function ES256KSigner () {
  const secp256k1 = new ec('secp256k1')

  function hash (payload) {
    return Buffer.from(sha256.arrayBuffer(payload))

  function toJose (signature) {
    const jose = Buffer.alloc(64)
    Buffer.from(signature.r, 'hex').copy(jose, 0)
    Buffer.from(signature.s, 'hex').copy(jose, 32)
    return base64url.encode(jose)

  return async function sign (payload, signer) {
    const signature = await signer(hash(payload))
    return toJose(signature)
github ethers-io / ethers.js / packages / signing-key / index.js View on Github external
function getCurve() {
    if (!_curve) {
        _curve = new"secp256k1");
    return _curve;
var SigningKey = /** @class */ (function () {