How to use the electron-rebuild/lib/node-pre-gyp-fix.preGypFixRun function in electron-rebuild

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few electron-rebuild examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github enlight / electron-inspector / src / rebuild.ts View on Github external
export async function rebuild(
  executablePath: string, version: string, arch: string
): Promise {
  let modulesDir = path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules');
  console.log(`Rebuilding native node-inspector modules for Electron ${version}`);
  await installNodeHeaders(version, null, null, arch);
  console.log(`Rebuilding ${modulesDir}/v8-profiler`);
  await rebuildNativeModules(version, modulesDir, 'v8-profiler', null, arch);
  // `node-inspector` will be launched in a "run as node" Electron process,
  // so `node-pre-gyp` will be looking for a `node-vXX-platform-arch` directory
  await preGypFixRun(path.join(modulesDir, 'v8-profiler'), true, executablePath);
  console.log(`Rebuilding ${modulesDir}/v8-debug`);
  await rebuildNativeModules(version, modulesDir, 'v8-debug', null, arch);
  await preGypFixRun(path.join(modulesDir, 'v8-debug'), true, executablePath);


Electron supporting package to rebuild native node modules against the currently installed electron

Latest version published 3 years ago

Package Health Score

50 / 100
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