How to use the egg-logger.EggConsoleLogger function in egg-logger

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few egg-logger examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github eggjs / egg-cluster / lib / agent_worker.js View on Github external

// $ node agent_worker.js options
const options = JSON.parse(process.argv[2]);
if (options.require) {
  // inject
  options.require.forEach(mod => {

const debug = require('debug')('egg-cluster');
const gracefulExit = require('graceful-process');

const ConsoleLogger = require('egg-logger').EggConsoleLogger;
const consoleLogger = new ConsoleLogger({ level: process.env.EGG_AGENT_WORKER_LOGGER_LEVEL });

const Agent = require(options.framework).Agent;
debug('new Agent with options %j', options);
const agent = new Agent(options);

function startErrorHandler(err) {
  consoleLogger.error('[agent_worker] start error, exiting with code:1');
  process.exitCode = 1;

agent.ready(err => {
  // don't send started message to master when start error
  if (err) return;
github eggjs / egg-cluster / lib / master.js View on Github external
    this.options = parseOptions(options);
    this.workerManager = new Manager();
    this.messenger = new Messenger(this);


    this.isProduction = isProduction();
    this.agentWorkerIndex = 0;
    this.closed = false;
    this[REAL_PORT] = this.options.port;
    this[PROTOCOL] = this.options.https ? 'https' : 'http';

    // app started or not
    this.isStarted = false;
    this.logger = new ConsoleLogger({ level: process.env.EGG_MASTER_LOGGER_LEVEL || 'INFO' });
    this.logMethod = 'info';
    if (process.env.EGG_SERVER_ENV === 'local' || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
      this.logMethod = 'debug';

    // get the real framework info
    const frameworkPath = this.options.framework;
    const frameworkPkg = utility.readJSONSync(path.join(frameworkPath, 'package.json'));

    this.log(`[master] =================== ${} start =====================`);`[master] node version ${process.version}`);
    /* istanbul ignore next */
    if (process.alinode)`[master] alinode version ${process.alinode}`);`[master] ${} version ${frameworkPkg.version}`);

    if (this.isProduction) {
github eggjs / egg-cluster / lib / app_worker.js View on Github external
'use strict';

// $ node app_worker.js options
const options = JSON.parse(process.argv[2]);
if (options.require) {
  // inject
  options.require.forEach(mod => {

const fs = require('fs');
const debug = require('debug')('egg-cluster');
const gracefulExit = require('graceful-process');
const ConsoleLogger = require('egg-logger').EggConsoleLogger;
const consoleLogger = new ConsoleLogger({
  level: process.env.EGG_APP_WORKER_LOGGER_LEVEL,
const Application = require(options.framework).Application;
debug('new Application with options %j', options);
const app = new Application(options);
const clusterConfig = app.config.cluster || /* istanbul ignore next */ {};
const listenConfig = clusterConfig.listen || /* istanbul ignore next */ {};
const httpsOptions = Object.assign({}, clusterConfig.https, options.https);
const port = options.port = options.port || listenConfig.port;
const protocol = (httpsOptions.key && httpsOptions.cert) ? 'https' : 'http';

  to: 'master',
  action: 'realport',
  data: {
github midwayjs / pandora / packages / pandora / src / universal / LoggerBroker.ts View on Github external
'use strict';
import {DefaultLoggerManager, ILogger} from 'pandora-service-logger';
import {join} from 'path';
import {EOL} from 'os';
import mzFs = require('mz/fs');

const ConsoleLogger = require('egg-logger').EggConsoleLogger;
export const consoleLogger = new ConsoleLogger({
  level: 'INFO',

let daemonLogger = null;

export function getPandoraLogsDir() {
  const {logger: loggerConfig} = lazyGetGlobalConfig();
  return loggerConfig.logsDir;

export function getDaemonLogger(): ILogger {
  const {logger: loggerConfig} = lazyGetGlobalConfig();
  if (!daemonLogger) {
    const loggerManager = DefaultLoggerManager.getInstance();
    daemonLogger = loggerManager.createLogger('daemon', {
github eggjs / egg-core / lib / egg.js View on Github external
     * @member {Object} EggCore#options
     * @private
     * @since 1.0.0
    this._options = this.options = options;, '_options', 'app._options is deprecated, use app.options instead');

     * logging for EggCore, avoid using console directly
     * @member {Logger} EggCore#console
     * @private
     * @since 1.0.0
    this.console = new EggConsoleLogger();

     * @member {BaseContextClass} EggCore#BaseContextClass
     * @since 1.0.0
    this.BaseContextClass = BaseContextClass;

     * Base controller to be extended by controller in `app.controller`
     * @class Controller
     * @extends BaseContextClass
     * @example
     * class UserController extends app.Controller {}
    const Controller = this.BaseContextClass;


egg logger

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