How to use the echarts/lib/echarts.extendChartView function in echarts

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few echarts examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ecomfe / echarts-gl / src / chart / surface / SurfaceView.js View on Github external
import echarts from 'echarts/lib/echarts';
import graphicGL from '../../util/graphicGL';
import retrieve from '../../util/retrieve';
import glmatrix from 'claygl/src/dep/glmatrix';
import trianglesSortMixin from '../../util/geometry/trianglesSortMixin';

var vec3 = glmatrix.vec3;

function isPointsNaN(pt) {
    return isNaN(pt[0]) || isNaN(pt[1]) || isNaN(pt[2]);


    type: 'surface',

    __ecgl__: true,

    init: function (ecModel, api) {

        this.groupGL = new graphicGL.Node();

    render: function (seriesModel, ecModel, api) {
        // Swap surfaceMesh
        var tmp = this._prevSurfaceMesh;
        this._prevSurfaceMesh = this._surfaceMesh;
        this._surfaceMesh = tmp;
github ecomfe / echarts-gl / src / chart / graphGL / GraphGLView.js View on Github external
import ForceAtlas2 from './ForceAtlas2';
import requestAnimationFrame from 'zrender/lib/animation/requestAnimationFrame';
import glmatrix from 'claygl/src/dep/glmatrix';

var vec2 = glmatrix.vec2;

import Roam2DControl from '../../util/Roam2DControl';

import PointsBuilder from '../common/PointsBuilder';

import lines2DGLSL from '../../util/shader/lines2D.glsl.js';

var globalLayoutId = 1;


    type: 'graphGL',

    __ecgl__: true,

    init: function (ecModel, api) {

        this.groupGL = new graphicGL.Node();
        this.viewGL = new ViewGL('orthographic'); = = 0;


        this._pointsBuilder = new PointsBuilder(true, api);

        // Mesh used during force directed layout.
github ecomfe / echarts-gl / src / chart / flowGL / FlowGLView.js View on Github external
import echarts from 'echarts/lib/echarts';
import graphicGL from '../../util/graphicGL';
import retrieve from '../../util/retrieve';
import ViewGL from '../../core/ViewGL';

import VectorFieldParticleSurface from './VectorFieldParticleSurface';

// TODO 百度地图不是 linear 的

    type: 'flowGL',

    __ecgl__: true,

    init: function (ecModel, api) {
        this.viewGL = new ViewGL('orthographic');
        this.groupGL = new graphicGL.Node();

        this._particleSurface = new VectorFieldParticleSurface();

        var planeMesh = new graphicGL.Mesh({
            geometry: new graphicGL.PlaneGeometry(),
            material: new graphicGL.Material({
                shader: new graphicGL.Shader({
github ecomfe / echarts-gl / src / chart / polygons3D / Polygons3DView.js View on Github external
import echarts from 'echarts/lib/echarts';
import Geo3DBuilder from '../../component/common/Geo3DBuilder';
import graphicGL from '../../util/graphicGL';


    type: 'polygons3D',

    __ecgl__: true,

    init: function (ecModel, api) {
        this.groupGL = new graphicGL.Node();

        this._geo3DBuilderList = [];

        this._currentStep = 0;

    render: function (seriesModel, ecModel, api) {
github ecomfe / echarts-gl / src / chart / line3D / Line3DView.js View on Github external
import echarts from 'echarts/lib/echarts';
import graphicGL from '../../util/graphicGL';
import retrieve from '../../util/retrieve';
import Lines3DGeometry from '../../util/geometry/Lines3D';
import Matrix4 from 'qtek/src/math/Matrix4';
import Vector3 from 'qtek/src/math/Vector3';
import lineContain from 'zrender/lib/contain/line';
import glmatrix from 'qtek/src/dep/glmatrix';

import lines3DGLSL from '../../util/shader/lines3D.glsl.js';

var vec3 = glmatrix.vec3;


export default echarts.extendChartView({

    type: 'line3D',

    __ecgl__: true,

    init: function (ecModel, api) {

        this.groupGL = new graphicGL.Node();

        this._api = api;

    render: function (seriesModel, ecModel, api) {
        var tmp = this._prevLine3DMesh;
        this._prevLine3DMesh = this._line3DMesh;
        this._line3DMesh = tmp;
github ecomfe / echarts-gl / src / chart / map3D / Map3DView.js View on Github external
import echarts from 'echarts/lib/echarts';

import graphicGL from '../../util/graphicGL';
import OrbitControl from '../../util/OrbitControl';
import SceneHelper from '../../component/common/SceneHelper';
import Geo3DBuilder from '../../component/common/Geo3DBuilder';

export default echarts.extendChartView({

    type: 'map3D',

    __ecgl__: true,

    init: function (ecModel, api) {
        this._geo3DBuilder = new Geo3DBuilder(api);
        this.groupGL = new graphicGL.Node();

    render: function (map3DModel, ecModel, api) {

        var coordSys = map3DModel.coordinateSystem;

        if (!coordSys || !coordSys.viewGL) {
github ecomfe / echarts-gl / src / chart / lines3D / Lines3DView.js View on Github external
import lines3DGLSL from '../../util/shader/lines3D.glsl.js';

function getCoordSysSize(coordSys) {
    if (coordSys.radius != null) {
        return coordSys.radius;
    if (coordSys.size != null) {
        return Math.max(coordSys.size[0], coordSys.size[1], coordSys.size[2]);
    else {
        return 100;

export default echarts.extendChartView({

    type: 'lines3D',

    __ecgl__: true,

    init: function (ecModel, api) {
        this.groupGL = new graphicGL.Node();

        this._meshLinesMaterial = new graphicGL.Material({
            shader: graphicGL.createShader('ecgl.meshLines3D'),
            transparent: true,
            depthMask: false
        this._linesMesh = new graphicGL.Mesh({
            geometry: new LinesGeometry(),
            material: this._meshLinesMaterial,
github ecomfe / echarts-gl / src / chart / linesGL / LinesGLView.js View on Github external
import echarts from 'echarts/lib/echarts';
import graphicGL from '../../util/graphicGL';
import ViewGL from '../../core/ViewGL';
import Lines2DGeometry from '../../util/geometry/Lines2D';
import GLViewHelper from '../common/GLViewHelper';

import retrieve from '../../util/retrieve';


    type: 'linesGL',

    __ecgl__: true,

    init: function (ecModel, api) {
        this.groupGL = new graphicGL.Node();
        this.viewGL = new ViewGL('orthographic');

        this._glViewHelper = new GLViewHelper(this.viewGL);

        this._nativeLinesShader = graphicGL.createShader('ecgl.lines3D');
        this._meshLinesShader = graphicGL.createShader('ecgl.meshLines3D');

        this._linesMeshes = [];
github ecomfe / echarts-gl / src / chart / scatterGL / ScatterGLView.js View on Github external
import echarts from 'echarts/lib/echarts';
import graphicGL from '../../util/graphicGL';
import ViewGL from '../../core/ViewGL';

import PointsBuilder from '../common/PointsBuilder';


    type: 'scatterGL',

    __ecgl__: true,

    init: function (ecModel, api) {

        this.groupGL = new graphicGL.Node();
        this.viewGL = new ViewGL('orthographic');


        this._pointsBuilder = new PointsBuilder(true, api);

    render: function (seriesModel, ecModel, api) {
github ecomfe / echarts-liquidfill / src / liquidFillView.js View on Github external
var echarts = require('echarts/lib/echarts');
var numberUtil = echarts.number;
var symbolUtil = require('echarts/lib/util/symbol');
var parsePercent = numberUtil.parsePercent;

var LiquidLayout = require('./liquidFillLayout');

function getShallow(model, path) {
    return model && model.getShallow(path);


    type: 'liquidFill',

    render: function (seriesModel, ecModel, api) {
        var group =;

        var data = seriesModel.getData();

        var itemModel = data.getItemModel(0);

        var center = itemModel.get('center');
        var radius = itemModel.get('radius');

        var width = api.getWidth();
        var height = api.getHeight();