How to use the dustjs-linkedin.loadSource function in dustjs-linkedin

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few dustjs-linkedin examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github dadi / web / test / unit / view.js View on Github external
it("should return json when calling `render()`", function(done) {
    var name = "test"
    var schema = TestHelper.getPageSchema()
    schema.template = "test.dust"

    // load a template
    var template = "{#names}{title} {name}{~n}{/names}"
    var compiled = dust.compile(template, "test", true)

    var req = { url: "/test" }
    var p = page(name, schema)
    var v = view(req.url, p, true)

    var data = {
      title: "Sir",
      names: [{ name: "Moe" }, { name: "Larry" }, { name: "Curly" }]


    v.render(function(err, result) {
github gitana / cloudcms-server / duster / index.js View on Github external
}, function(err, text) {

        if (err) {
            return callback(err);

        // compile and store into dust.cache
        try {
            //console.log("WRITE TO TEMPLATE CACHE: " + templatePath);
            template = dust.loadSource(dust.compile(text));
            TEMPLATE_CACHE[templateCacheKey] = template;
        } catch (e) {
            delete TEMPLATE_CACHE[templateCacheKey];
            return callback(e);

        // proceed
        executeTemplate(template, templatePath, context, callback);
github Postleaf / postleaf / source / modules / dust_engine.js View on Github external
locateFile(file, options.viewFolders, (err, file) => {
      if(err) return callback(err);

      // Try cache first
      if(templateCache[file]) {
        try {
          return callback(null, Dust.loadSource(templateCache[file]));
        } catch(err) {
          return callback(err);

      // Load and compile template
      compileTemplate(file, callback);
github krakenjs / bundalo / test / bundler.js View on Github external
bundle.formatDust = function (pattern, model, renderCb) {
        if (!this.cache[pattern]) {
            this.cache[pattern] = dust.loadSource(dust.compile(this.get(pattern)));

        dust.render(this.cache[pattern], model, renderCb);
    return bundle;
github jifeon / autodafe / framework / base / application.js View on Github external
this.log( 'Views folder is not found. Skip loading views', 'warning' );

  if ( stats && stats.isDirectory() ) fs.readdirSync( full_view_path ).forEach( function( file ) {
    this.load_views( path.join( view_path, file ) );
  }, this );

  else if ( stats && stats.isFile() && this._views_mtime[ view_path ] != stats.mtime.getTime() ) {

    this.log( 'Load view `%s`'.format( view_path ), 'trace' );

    var template  = fs.readFileSync( full_view_path, 'utf8' );
    var compiled  = dust.compile( template, view_path );

    this._views_mtime[ view_path ] = stats.mtime.getTime();
    dust.loadSource( compiled );

  if ( !view_path ) {
    this.views_loaded = true;
    if ( stats ) this.log( 'Views are loaded', 'info' );
    this.emit( 'views_are_loaded' );
github DecentCMS / DecentCMS / modules / core / ui / services / dust-view-engine.js View on Github external
dust.helpers.t = function localizationDustHelper(chunk, context, bodies) {
    var renderer = chunk.root['decent-renderer'];
    var scope = renderer.scope;
    var t = scope.require('localization') || function(s) {return s;};
    var body = dust.helpers.tap(bodies.block, chunk, context);
    var localizedBody = t(body);
    var reTokenized = localizedBody.replace(/\[([^\]]+)]/g, '{$1}');
    dust.loadSource(dust.compile(reTokenized, reTokenized));
    return renderLocalizedString(chunk) {
      dust.render(reTokenized, context, function(err, rendered) {
github clavery / grunt-generator / tasks / lib / generator.js View on Github external
partials.forEach(function(v, i) {
      var contents =;
      var name = path.basename(v, path.extname(v));

      if(me.options.templateEngine === 'handlebars') {
        Handlebars.registerPartial(name, contents);
      } else if(me.options.templateEngine === 'dust') {
        var templateName = name;
        var source = dust.compile(contents, templateName);
github raptorjs-legacy / raptorjs / tools / raptor-cli / scaffolding.js View on Github external
function(file) {
                if (file.isDirectory() || file.getAbsolutePath() === scaffoldDir.getAbsolutePath()) {
                if (file.getName() === '.DS_Store') {

                var inputTemplate = file.readAsString();
                var templateName = file.getName();
                var compiled = dust.compile(inputTemplate, templateName, false);

                var outputPath = file.getAbsolutePath().slice(scaffoldDir.getAbsolutePath().length + 1);
                if (outputPath.endsWith('.dust')) {
                    outputPath = outputPath.slice(0, 0-'.dust'.length);
                var skip = false;
                var outputFile = new File(
                        outputPath.replace(/_([a-zA-Z0-9]+)_/g, function(match, varName) {
                            var replacement = viewModel[varName];
                            if (replacement === false) {
                                skip = true;
                                return '';
github darkspotinthecorner / DarkTip / src / darktip.js View on Github external
DarkTip.setting = function(key, data) {
		var tplNames = [];
		if (typeof data === 'undefined') {
			return settingsContext.get(key);
		tplNames = key.match(/^module\.template\.([^\.].*)$/);
		if (tplNames && tplNames.length)
			data = dust.loadSource(dust.compile(data, tplNames[1]));
		settingsContext.set(key, data);
		return this;
github DecentCMS / DecentCMS / modules / core / ui / services / dust-view-engine.js View on Github external
fs.readFile(templatePath, function readTemplate(err, template) {
        dust.loadSource(dust.compile(template.toString(), templatePath))