How to use duplexify - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few duplexify examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github tjmehta / primus-graphql / test / data-handler.unit.js View on Github external
onCompleted: sinon.stub()
    this.mocks.QueryExecutor = sinon.stub().returns(this.mocks.queryExecutor)
    this.mocks.Responder = sinon.stub().returns(this.mocks.responder)
    this.mocks.SubscribeCallbacks = sinon.stub().returns(this.mocks.subscribeCallbacks)
    // proxyquire
    this.DataHandler = proxyquire('../src/server/data-handler.js', {
      './active-subscriptions.js': this.mocks.activeSubscriptions,
      './query-executor.js': this.mocks.QueryExecutor,
      './responder.js': this.mocks.Responder,
      './subscribe-callbacks.js': this.mocks.SubscribeCallbacks
    var toServer = through2.obj()
    var toClient = through2.obj()
    this.primusClient = duplexify.obj(toServer, toClient)
    this.spark = duplexify.obj(toClient, toServer) = 'sparkId'
github urbanjs / urbanjs-tools / src / utils / helper-stream.js View on Github external
emitError: true
    }, options);

    const forkStream = new ForkStream({
      classifier: (file, cb) => cb(null, !!condition(file))


    // merge-stream package cannot be updated because it emits the error
    // from conditionStream to mergedStream
    const mergedStream = mergeStream(forkStream.b, conditionStream);
    const outStream = through2.obj();

    const duplexStream = duplexify.obj(forkStream, outStream);

    if (options.emitError) {
      conditionStream.on('error', err => duplexStream.emit('error', err));

    return duplexStream;
github aws / aws-encryption-sdk-javascript / modules / decrypt-node / src / decrypt_stream.ts View on Github external
? new NodeDefaultCryptographicMaterialsManager(cmm)
    : cmm

  const parseHeaderStream = new ParseHeaderStream(cmm)
  const verifyStream = new VerifyStream({ maxBodySize })
  const decipherStream = getDecipherStream()

  /* pipeline will _either_ stream.destroy or the callback.
   * decipherStream uses destroy to dispose the material.
   * So I tack a pass though stream onto the end.
  pipeline(parseHeaderStream, verifyStream, decipherStream, new PassThrough(), (err: Error) => {
    if (err) stream.emit('error', err)

  const stream = new Duplexify(parseHeaderStream, decipherStream)

  // Forward header events
    .once('MessageHeader', header => stream.emit('MessageHeader', header))

  return stream
github binded / cloud-cache / src / index.js View on Github external
const getOrSetStream = (key, getStreamFn, opts = {}) => {
    const proxy = duplexify()
    const onError = (err) => {

    const getKey = opts.refresh
      ? () => Promise.reject(new KeyNotExistsError(key))
      : () => get(key, { stream: true })

      .then((rs) => {
        // since already cached, we can fire 'finish' event
      .catch((err) => {
        if (err instanceof KeyNotExistsError) {
github aws / aws-encryption-sdk-javascript / modules / encrypt-node / src / encrypt_stream.ts View on Github external
cmm: KeyringNode|NodeMaterialsManager,
  op: EncryptStreamInput = {}
): Duplex {
  const { suiteId, encryptionContext = {}, frameLength = FRAME_LENGTH, plaintextLength } = op

  /* Precondition: The frameLength must be less than the maximum frame size Node.js stream. */
  needs(frameLength > 0 && Maximum.FRAME_SIZE >= frameLength, `frameLength out of bounds: 0 > frameLength >= ${Maximum.FRAME_SIZE}`)

  /* If the cmm is a Keyring, wrap it with NodeDefaultCryptographicMaterialsManager. */
  cmm = cmm instanceof KeyringNode
    ? new NodeDefaultCryptographicMaterialsManager(cmm)
    : cmm

  const suite = suiteId && new NodeAlgorithmSuite(suiteId)

  const wrappingStream = new Duplexify()

  cmm.getEncryptionMaterials({ suite, encryptionContext, plaintextLength })
    .then(async (material) => {
      const { dispose, getSigner } = getEncryptHelper(material)

      const { getCipher, messageHeader, rawHeader } = getEncryptionInfo(material, frameLength)

      wrappingStream.emit('MessageHeader', messageHeader)

      const encryptStream = getFramedEncryptStream(getCipher, messageHeader, dispose, plaintextLength)
      const signatureStream = new SignatureStream(getSigner)

      pipeline(encryptStream, signatureStream)

      // Flush the rawHeader through the signatureStream
github mqttjs / mqtt-connection / connection.js View on Github external
// defer piping, so consumer can attach event listeners
  // otherwise we might lose events
  process.nextTick(() => {

  this._generator.on('error', this.emit.bind(this, 'error'))
  this._parser.on('error', this.emit.bind(this, 'error')) = duplex

  duplex.on('error', this.emit.bind(this, 'error'))
  duplex.on('close', this.emit.bind(this, 'close')), this._generator, this._parser, { objectMode: true })

  // MQTT.js basic default
  if (opts.notData !== true) {
    var that = this
    this.once('data', function (connectPacket) {
      that.on('data', emitPacket)
      if (cb) {
      that.emit('data', connectPacket)
github googleapis / google-cloud-node / packages / common-grpc / src / service.js View on Github external
GrpcService.prototype.requestWritableStream = function(protoOpts, reqOpts) {
  var stream = = || duplexify.obj();

  if (global.GCLOUD_SANDBOX_ENV) {
    return stream;

  var self = this;

  if (!this.grpcCredentials) {
    // We must establish an authClient to give to grpc.
    this.getGrpcCredentials_(function(err, credentials) {
      if (err) {

      self.grpcCredentials = credentials;
github vweevers / win-detect-browsers / lib / cscript-stream.js View on Github external
function createStream (script, opts_) {
  var opts = opts_ || {}
  var duplex = duplexify.obj(null, null)

  function errback(err) {
    if (err) duplex.destroy(err)

  // Find the cscript binary. If we're on 64-bit Windows and 32-bit
  // Node.js then prefer the native "Sysnative\cscript.exe", because
  // otherwise we would be redirected to "SysWow64\cscript.exe" and
  // then be unable to access the native registry (without resorting
  // to the slower ExecMethod). See also win-detect-browsers#18.
  wbin('cscript', { native: opts.native }, function(err, bin) {
    if (err) return duplex.destroy(err)

    var args = ['//Nologo', '//B', resolve(script)].concat(opts.args || [])
    var child = execFile(bin, args, errback)
github maxogden / websocket-stream / stream.js View on Github external
// special constructor treatment for native websockets in browsers, see
    if (isNative && isBrowser) {
      socket = new WS(target, protocols)
    } else {
      socket = new WS(target, protocols, options)

    socket.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'

  // was already open when passed in
  if (socket.readyState === socket.OPEN) {
    stream = proxy
  } else {
    stream = duplexify.obj()
    socket.onopen = onopen

  stream.socket = socket

  socket.onclose = onclose
  socket.onerror = onerror
  socket.onmessage = onmessage

  proxy.on('close', destroy)

  var coerceToBuffer = !options.objectMode

  function socketWriteNode(chunk, enc, next) {
    // avoid errors, this never happens unless
    // destroy() is called
github mafintosh / stream-channels / index.js View on Github external
function StreamChannels (opts, onchannel) {
  if (!(this instanceof StreamChannels)) return new StreamChannels(opts, onchannel)
  if (typeof opts === 'function') {
    onchannel = opts
    opts = null
  if (!opts) opts = {}

  var self = this

  this.destroyed = false
  this.limit = opts.limit || 1024
  this.state = null // set by someone else. here for perf

  this._outgoing = []
  this._incoming = []
  this._waiting = 0
  this._encode = new Sink()
  this._decode = lpstream.decode({allowEmpty: true, limit: opts.messageLimit || 5 * 1024 * 1024})
  this._decode.on('data', parse)

  this._keepAlive = 0
  this._remoteKeepAlive = 0


Turn a writable and readable stream into a streams2 duplex stream with support for async initialization and streams1/streams2 input

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Popular duplexify functions