How to use dotty - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few dotty examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github derbyparty / racer-schema / lib / Schema.js View on Github external
if (part[0] === '[') {
          paths[k] = +part.slice(1, part.length - 1);
      error.errors[i].paths = paths;

  // Custom validators
  if (contexts) {
    for (var i = 0; i < contexts.length; i++) {
      var context = contexts[i];
      if (!context.customValidator.sync) continue;
      var value;
      if (context.paths.length) {
        value = dotty.get(doc, context.paths);
      } else {
        value = doc;
      if (!value) continue;
      var err = context.customValidator.sync(value, context);
      if (err) {
        err.paths = context.paths;

  if (error.errors.length) {
    return error;
github adrai / node-cqrs-eventdenormalizer / lib / definitions / viewBuilder.js View on Github external
dotty.put(notification, this.definitions.notification.meta, _.cloneDeep(dotty.get(evt, this.definitions.event.meta)));
    if (!!this.definitions.notification.eventId && !! {
      dotty.put(notification, this.definitions.notification.eventId, dotty.get(evt,;
    if (!!this.definitions.notification.event && !! {
      dotty.put(notification, this.definitions.notification.event, dotty.get(evt,;
    if (!!this.definitions.notification.aggregateId && !!this.definitions.event.aggregateId) {
      dotty.put(notification, this.definitions.notification.aggregateId, dotty.get(evt, this.definitions.event.aggregateId));
    if (!!this.definitions.notification.aggregate && !!this.definitions.event.aggregate) {
      dotty.put(notification, this.definitions.notification.aggregate, dotty.get(evt, this.definitions.event.aggregate));
    if (!!this.definitions.notification.context && !!this.definitions.event.context) {
      dotty.put(notification, this.definitions.notification.context, dotty.get(evt, this.definitions.event.context));
    if (!!this.definitions.notification.revision && !!this.definitions.event.revision) {
      dotty.put(notification, this.definitions.notification.revision, dotty.get(evt, this.definitions.event.revision));
    dotty.put(notification, this.definitions.notification.correlationId, dotty.get(evt, this.definitions.event.correlationId));

    // vm
    dotty.put(notification, this.definitions.notification.payload, vm.toJSON());
    dotty.put(notification, this.definitions.notification.collection,;
    dotty.put(notification, this.definitions.notification.action, vm.actionOnCommit);

    return notification;
github adrai / node-cqrs-domain / lib / definitions / aggregate.js View on Github external
          return res;
        }, 0);
        dotty.put(evt, aggregate.definitions.event.version, maxVersion);

    var aggName, ctxName;

    if (!!aggregate.definitions.event.aggregate && !!aggregate.definitions.command.aggregate) {
      aggName = dotty.get(cmd, aggregate.definitions.command.aggregate) ||;
      dotty.put(evt, aggregate.definitions.event.aggregate, aggName);

    if (!!aggregate.definitions.event.context && !!aggregate.definitions.command.context) {
      ctxName = dotty.get(cmd, aggregate.definitions.command.context) ||;
      dotty.put(evt, aggregate.definitions.event.context, ctxName);

    var aggregateId;

    if (!!aggregate.definitions.event.aggregateId) {
      aggregateId = dotty.get(evt, aggregate.definitions.event.aggregateId);

    var streamInfo = {
      context: ctxName,// ||,
      aggregate: aggName,// ||,
      aggregateId: aggregateId ||
    if (!aggregate.disablePersistence) {
      var revision = aggregateModel.getRevision(streamInfo) + 1;
github jibeinc / juice / src / SentenceGenerator / index.js View on Github external
for (let i = 0; i < this.structure.length; i++) {

      // get the properties of each object
      const segment = this.structure[i];
      const fallback = segment.default;
      const required = segment.required;
      let fragment = segment.fragment;

      // search and replace with the data values
      let matches;
      while ((matches = regex.exec(fragment)) !== null) {
        const matchStr = matches[0];
        const match = matches[1];

        if (dotty.exists(this, match)) {
          fragment = fragment.replace(matchStr, dotty.get(this, match));

        else if (fallback) {
          fragment = fallback;

        else if (!required) {
          fragment = null;

        // the data object passed in is missing critical data. Fail softly.
        else {
github jibeinc / juice / src / SentenceGenerator / index.js View on Github external
for (let i = 0; i &lt; this.structure.length; i++) {

      // get the properties of each object
      const segment = this.structure[i];
      const fallback = segment.default;
      const required = segment.required;
      let fragment = segment.fragment;

      // search and replace with the data values
      let matches;
      while ((matches = regex.exec(fragment)) !== null) {
        const matchStr = matches[0];
        const match = matches[1];

        if (dotty.exists(this, match)) {
          fragment = fragment.replace(matchStr, dotty.get(this, match));

        else if (fallback) {
          fragment = fallback;

        else if (!required) {
          fragment = null;

        // the data object passed in is missing critical data. Fail softly.
        else {
github adrai / node-cqrs-domain / lib / definitions / aggregate.js View on Github external
dotty.put(evt, aggregate.definitions.event.payload, payload);

    if (!!aggregate.definitions.event.meta && !!aggregate.definitions.command.meta) {
      var commandMeta = dotty.get(cmd, aggregate.definitions.command.meta);
      var userAddedMeta = dotty.get(evt, aggregate.definitions.event.meta);
      var meta = (commandMeta || userAddedMeta) && _.extend({}, commandMeta, userAddedMeta);
      dotty.put(evt, aggregate.definitions.event.meta, meta);

    dotty.put(evt, aggregate.definitions.event.aggregateId,;
    dotty.put(evt, aggregate.definitions.event.correlationId, dotty.get(cmd,;

    if (!!aggregate.definitions.event.version) {
      if (_.isNumber(version)) {
        dotty.put(evt, aggregate.definitions.event.version, version);

      if (!dotty.exists(evt, aggregate.definitions.event.version)) {
        // if version is not defined in event, search the latest version number...
        var evtName = dotty.get(evt,;
        var maxVersion = _.reduce(aggregate.getEvents(), function (res, e) {
          if ( !== evtName) {
            return res;

          var v = e.version || 0;
          if (v > res) {
            return v;
          return res;
        }, 0);
github adrai / node-cqrs-eventdenormalizer / lib / definitions / viewBuilder.js View on Github external
generateNotification: function (evt, vm) {
    var notification = {};

    // event
    if (!!this.definitions.notification.meta && !!this.definitions.event.meta) {
      dotty.put(notification, this.definitions.notification.meta, _.cloneDeep(dotty.get(evt, this.definitions.event.meta)));
    if (!!this.definitions.notification.eventId && !! {
      dotty.put(notification, this.definitions.notification.eventId, dotty.get(evt,;
    if (!!this.definitions.notification.event && !! {
      dotty.put(notification, this.definitions.notification.event, dotty.get(evt,;
    if (!!this.definitions.notification.aggregateId && !!this.definitions.event.aggregateId) {
      dotty.put(notification, this.definitions.notification.aggregateId, dotty.get(evt, this.definitions.event.aggregateId));
    if (!!this.definitions.notification.aggregate && !!this.definitions.event.aggregate) {
      dotty.put(notification, this.definitions.notification.aggregate, dotty.get(evt, this.definitions.event.aggregate));
    if (!!this.definitions.notification.context && !!this.definitions.event.context) {
      dotty.put(notification, this.definitions.notification.context, dotty.get(evt, this.definitions.event.context));
    if (!!this.definitions.notification.revision && !!this.definitions.event.revision) {
      dotty.put(notification, this.definitions.notification.revision, dotty.get(evt, this.definitions.event.revision));
github adrai / node-cqrs-domain / lib / definitions / aggregate.js View on Github external
evt = name;
    } else {
      evt = {};
      dotty.put(evt,, name);
      dotty.put(evt, aggregate.definitions.event.payload, payload);

    if (!!aggregate.definitions.event.meta && !!aggregate.definitions.command.meta) {
      var commandMeta = dotty.get(cmd, aggregate.definitions.command.meta);
      var userAddedMeta = dotty.get(evt, aggregate.definitions.event.meta);
      var meta = (commandMeta || userAddedMeta) && _.extend({}, commandMeta, userAddedMeta);
      dotty.put(evt, aggregate.definitions.event.meta, meta);

    dotty.put(evt, aggregate.definitions.event.aggregateId,;
    dotty.put(evt, aggregate.definitions.event.correlationId, dotty.get(cmd,;

    if (!!aggregate.definitions.event.version) {
      if (_.isNumber(version)) {
        dotty.put(evt, aggregate.definitions.event.version, version);

      if (!dotty.exists(evt, aggregate.definitions.event.version)) {
        // if version is not defined in event, search the latest version number...
        var evtName = dotty.get(evt,;
        var maxVersion = _.reduce(aggregate.getEvents(), function (res, e) {
          if ( !== evtName) {
            return res;

          var v = e.version || 0;
github adrai / node-cqrs-eventdenormalizer / lib / revisionGuard.js View on Github external
if (!revInStore && self.options.startRevisionNumber >= 0 && revInEvt > self.options.startRevisionNumber) {
        debug('queue event (startRevisionNumber is set) [concatenatedId]=' + concatenatedId + ', [startRevisionNumber]=' + self.options.startRevisionNumber + ', [revInEvt]=' + revInEvt);
        self.queueEvent(evt, callback);

      if (!revInStore && self.currentHandlingRevisions[concatenatedId] >= 0 && revInEvt > self.currentHandlingRevisions[concatenatedId]) {
        debug('queue event [concatenatedId]=' + concatenatedId + ', [currentlyHandling]=' + self.currentHandlingRevisions[concatenatedId] + ', [revInEvt]=' + revInEvt);
        self.queueEvent(evt, callback);

      if (self.currentHandlingRevisions[concatenatedId] >= revInEvt) {
        debug('event already denormalizing [concatenatedId]=' + concatenatedId + ', [revInStore]=' + revInStore + ', [revInEvt]=' + revInEvt);
        callback(new AlreadyDenormalizingError('Event: [id]=' + dotty.get(evt, + ', [revision]=' + revInEvt + ', [concatenatedId]=' + concatenatedId + ' already denormalizing!'), function (clb) {

      self.currentHandlingRevisions[concatenatedId] = revInEvt;

      debug('event is in correct order => go for it! [concatenatedId]=' + concatenatedId + ', [revInStore]=' + revInStore + ', [revInEvt]=' + revInEvt);
      callback(null, function (clb) {
        self.finishGuard(evt, revInStore, clb);
github adrai / node-cqrs-domain / lib / definitions / commandHandler.js View on Github external
handleNext(aggregateId, cmdEntry.command);
              cmdEntry.callback(err, evts, aggData, meta);
          self.cmdHndlFn(aggregateId, cmdEntry.command, self, function (err, evts) {
            self.removeCommandFromQueue(concId, cmdEntry.command);
            handleNext(aggregateId, cmdEntry.command);
            cmdEntry.callback(err, evts);
      })(aggId, cmd);

    if (dotty.exists(cmd, this.definitions.command.aggregateId)) {
      return _handle(dotty.get(cmd, this.definitions.command.aggregateId));

    debug('no aggregateId in command, so generate a new one');

    this.getNewAggregateId(cmd, function (err, id) {
      if (err) {
        return callback(err);

      return _handle(id);


Access properties of nested objects using dot-path notation

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