How to use the dotenv.default.config function in dotenv

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few dotenv examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github zotoio / github-task-manager / test / github-task-manager.spec-int.js View on Github external
import { describe, it } from 'mocha';
//import { expect } from 'chai';
//import supertest from 'supertest';
import integration from './_integration.spec-int.js';
import githubUtils from '../src/serverless/gtmGithubUtils.js';
import { default as json } from 'format-json';
import { default as firstline } from 'firstline';

import { default as util } from 'util';
import { default as dotenv } from 'dotenv';


describe('GitHub Task Manager', () => {
    describe('should correctly update a pull request', () => {
         * 1. fork github repo from template at
         * 2. add webhook with secret
         * 3. create a branch
         * 4. create a file
         * 5. open a pull request back to master

        //let request = supertest(integration.urlPrefix);

        it('should trigger behaviors if hostname matches exactly', async () => {
github zotoio / github-task-manager / src / agent / startAgent.js View on Github external
import { default as dotenv } from 'dotenv';

import { Agent } from './Agent';

(() => {
    let agent = new Agent();


Loads environment variables from .env file

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