How to use the dom-accessibility-api.computeAccessibleName function in dom-accessibility-api

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github mui-org / material-ui / test / utils / initMatchers.js View on Github external
// this is not equivalent to the declaration from `getComputedStyle`
      // e.g `getComputedStyle` would return a readonly declaration
      // let's hope this doesn't get passed around until it's no longer clear where it comes from
      const declaration = document.createElement('span').style;

      // initial values
      declaration.content = '';
      // technically it's `inline`. We partially apply the default user agent sheet (chrome) here
      // we're only interested in elements that use block
      declaration.display = blockElements.has(element.tagName) ? 'block' : 'inline';
      declaration.visibility = 'visible';

      return declaration;

    const actualName = computeAccessibleName(root, {
      // in local development we pretend to be visible. full getComputedStyle is
      // expensive and reserved for CI
      getComputedStyle: process.env.CI ? undefined : pretendVisibleGetComputedStyle,

      actualName === expectedName,
      `expected ${utils.elToString(
      )} to have accessible name '${expectedName}' but got '${actualName}' instead.`,
      `expected ${utils.elToString(root)} not to have accessible name '${expectedName}'.`,



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