How to use the doc-path.setPath function in doc-path

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few doc-path examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mrodrig / json-2-csv / src / csv-2-json.js View on Github external
return _.reduce(keys, function (document, key) {
        // If there is a value at the key's index in the line, set the value; otherwise null
        val = line[key.index] ? line[key.index] : null;
        // If the user wants to trim field values, trim the value
        val = options.TRIM_FIELD_VALUES && !_.isNull(val) ? val.trim() : val;

        // If the value is an array representation, convert it
        if (isArrayRepresentation(val)) {
            val = convertArrayRepresentation(val);
        // Otherwise add the key and value to the document
        return path.setPath(document, key.value, val);
    }, {});
github mrodrig / json-2-csv / src / csv2json.js View on Github external
return keys.reduce((document, key) => {
            // If there is a value at the key's index in the line, set the value; otherwise null
            let value = retrieveRecordValueFromLine(line, key);

            // Otherwise add the key and value to the document
            return path.setPath(document, key.value, value);
        }, {});


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Popular doc-path functions