How to use the defaults.js function in defaults

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few defaults examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github hapijs / hapi / lib-cov / defaults.js View on Github external
/* automatically generated by JSCoverage - do not edit */
if (typeof _$jscoverage === 'undefined') _$jscoverage = {};
if (! _$jscoverage['defaults.js']) {
  _$jscoverage['defaults.js'] = [];
  _$jscoverage['defaults.js'][9] = 0;
  _$jscoverage['defaults.js'][14] = 0;
  _$jscoverage['defaults.js'][58] = 0;
  _$jscoverage['defaults.js'][91] = 0;
  _$jscoverage['defaults.js'][92] = 0;
  _$jscoverage['defaults.js'][93] = 0;
  _$jscoverage['defaults.js'][94] = 0;
  _$jscoverage['defaults.js'][107] = 0;
var internals = {};
exports.process = {name: "Hapi Server", process: {}, log: {levels: {info: true, err: true}}, email: {fromName: "Hapi Server", replyTo: "no-reply@localhost", admin: "admin@localhost", server: {}}};
exports.server = {tos: {min: "19700101"}, payload: {maxBytes: 1048576}, cors: {maxAge: 86400}, ext: {onPreRoute: (function (req, res, next) {
github hapijs / hapi / lib-cov / defaults.js View on Github external
exports.server = {tos: {min: "19700101"}, payload: {maxBytes: 1048576}, cors: {maxAge: 86400}, ext: {onPreRoute: (function (req, res, next) {
}), onPreHandler: (function (req, res, next) {
}), onPostHandler: (function (req, res, next) {
}), onPostRoute: (function (req, res, next) {
}), onUnknownRoute: null}, authentication: null};
exports.authentication = {loadClientFunc: null, loadUserFunc: null, extensionFunc: null, checkAuthorizationFunc: null, tokenEndpoint: "/oauth/token", defaultAlgorithm: "hmac-sha-1", tokenLifetimeSec: 1209600, aes256Keys: {oauthRefresh: null, oauthToken: null}};
_$jscoverage['defaults.js'].source = ["/*","* Copyright (c) 2012 Walmart. All rights reserved. Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License.","* See LICENSE file included with this code project for license terms.","*/","","","// Declare internals","","var internals = {};","","","// Process configuration","","exports.process = {","","    name: 'Hapi Server',","","    // Process Configuration","","    process: {","","        // runAs: 'www-data',","    },","","    // Logging","","    log: {","","        levels: {","","            info: true,","            err: true","        }","    },","","    // Email Configuration","","    email: {","","        fromName: 'Hapi Server',","        replyTo: 'no-reply@localhost',","        admin: 'admin@localhost',","","        server: {","","            // port: 25,","            // user: '',","            // password: '',","            // host: 'localhost',","            // ssl: false","        }","    }","};","","","// Server configuration","","exports.server = {","","    // tls: {","    //","    //     key: '',","    //     cert: ''","    // },","","    // Terms of Service","","    tos: {","","        min: '19700101'","    },","","    // Payload","","    payload: {","","        maxBytes: 1024 * 1024","    },","","    // CORS","","    cors: {","","        maxAge: 86400                               // One day","    },","","    // Extensions","","    ext: {","","        onPreRoute: function (req, res, next) { next(); },              // New request, before any middleware","        onPreHandler: function (req, res, next) { next(); },            // Before route handler is called, after validation","        onPostHandler: function (req, res, next) { next(); },           // After route handler returns, before setting response","        onPostRoute: function (req, res, next) { next(); },             // After response sent","","        onUnknownRoute: null                                            // Overrides hapi's default handler. Signature: function (req, res) {}","    },","","    // Authentication (see exports.authentication for expected content)","","    authentication: null","};","","","// Authentication configuration","","exports.authentication = {","","    loadClientFunc: null,","    loadUserFunc: null,","    extensionFunc: null,","    checkAuthorizationFunc: null,","","    tokenEndpoint: '/oauth/token',","    defaultAlgorithm: 'hmac-sha-1',","    tokenLifetimeSec: 1209600,                  // Two weeks","","    aes256Keys: {","","        oauthRefresh: null,","        oauthToken: null","    }","};",""];
github hapijs / hapi / lib-cov / defaults.js View on Github external
/* automatically generated by JSCoverage - do not edit */
if (typeof _$jscoverage === 'undefined') _$jscoverage = {};
if (! _$jscoverage['defaults.js']) {
  _$jscoverage['defaults.js'] = [];
  _$jscoverage['defaults.js'][9] = 0;
  _$jscoverage['defaults.js'][14] = 0;
  _$jscoverage['defaults.js'][58] = 0;
  _$jscoverage['defaults.js'][91] = 0;
  _$jscoverage['defaults.js'][92] = 0;
  _$jscoverage['defaults.js'][93] = 0;
  _$jscoverage['defaults.js'][94] = 0;
  _$jscoverage['defaults.js'][107] = 0;
var internals = {};
exports.process = {name: "Hapi Server", process: {}, log: {levels: {info: true, err: true}}, email: {fromName: "Hapi Server", replyTo: "no-reply@localhost", admin: "admin@localhost", server: {}}};
exports.server = {tos: {min: "19700101"}, payload: {maxBytes: 1048576}, cors: {maxAge: 86400}, ext: {onPreRoute: (function (req, res, next) {
}), onPreHandler: (function (req, res, next) {
}), onPostHandler: (function (req, res, next) {