How to use the defaults.activity_timeout function in defaults

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few defaults examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pusher / pusher-js / src / core / config.ts View on Github external
export var getGlobalConfig = function() {
  return {
    wsPort: Defaults.ws_port,
    wssPort: Defaults.wss_port,
    httpHost: Defaults.sockjs_host,
    httpPort: Defaults.sockjs_http_port,
    httpsPort: Defaults.sockjs_https_port,
    httpPath: Defaults.sockjs_path,
    statsHost: Defaults.stats_host,
    authEndpoint: Defaults.channel_auth_endpoint,
    authTransport: Defaults.channel_auth_transport,
    // TODO make this consistent with other options in next major version
    activity_timeout: Defaults.activity_timeout,
    pong_timeout: Defaults.pong_timeout,
    unavailable_timeout: Defaults.unavailable_timeout