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renderLogin() {
return (
renderHold() {
return (
export function getTemplates(): Template[] {
return [
title: t('templates.small'),
description: t('templates.description', { dimensions: getDimensions(1, 1), amount: 20 }),
thumbnail: 'thumb-1x1',
rows: 1,
cols: 1
title: t('templates.medium'),
description: t('templates.description', { dimensions: getDimensions(2, 2), amount: 80 }),
thumbnail: 'thumb-2x2',
rows: 2,
cols: 2
title: t('templates.big'),
description: t('templates.description', { dimensions: getDimensions(2, 3), amount: 120 }),
thumbnail: 'thumb-2x3',
const getCategoryTitles = (): Record => ({
editor: t('shortcuts_modal.editor_shortcuts'),
item: t('shortcuts_modal.item_shortcuts'),
other: t('shortcuts_modal.other_shortcuts')
renderChoiceForm = () => {
const { name } = this.props
return (
<header size="large">
<button size="small">
<button size="small"></button></div></div></div></div></div>
return (
<img src="{asset.thumbnail}">
{asset.metrics.triangles} {t('metrics.triangles')}
{asset.metrics.textures} {t('metrics.textures')}
{asset.metrics.materials} {t('metrics.materials')}
return (
<button disabled="{hasError}">
render() {
const { email, isLoading, hasMobileEmail } = this.props
return (
{isMobile().any ? (
{!hasMobileEmail ? (
<button disabled="{isLoading}" size="medium">
{assets.length > 1 && (
<button disabled="{isFirst}">
{currentAsset + 1}/{assets.length}
</button><button disabled="{isLast}">
<button disabled="{isSubmitDisabled}">
{isEditing && t('')}
{!isEditing && (isLast ? t('asset_pack.edit_asset.action') : t('asset_pack.edit_asset.action_skip'))}