How to use the dcl-catalyst-commons.EntityType.PROFILE function in dcl-catalyst-commons

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github decentraland / explorer / kernel / packages / shared / profiles / sagas.ts View on Github external
async function deploy(url: string, identity: ExplorerIdentity, metadata: any, contentFiles: Map) {
  // Build entity and group all files
  const preparationData = await DeploymentBuilder.buildEntity(
  // sign the entity id fetchMetaContentServer
  const authChain = Authenticator.signPayload(identity, preparationData.entityId)
  // Build the client
  const catalyst = new ContentClient(url, 'explorer-kernel-profile')
  // Build the deploy data
  const deployData: DeploymentData = { ...preparationData, authChain }
  // Deploy the actual entity
  return catalyst.deployEntity(deployData)


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