How to use dat-gui - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few dat-gui examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github rolyatmax / sketches / src / tenacious-centimeter.js View on Github external
window.addEventListener('resize', fit(canvas), false)

let animating = true
const toggleAnimation = () => { animating = !animating }

const settings = {
  particles: 800000,
  excitability: 10,
  pointWidth: 1,
  pullStrength: 2.5,
  decay: 2
const origSettings = Object.assign({}, settings)

const gui = new GUI()
gui.add(settings, 'particles', 4, 1500000).step(1).listen().onFinishChange(restart)
gui.add(settings, 'excitability', 10, 500).step(10).listen()
// gui.add(settings, 'pointWidth', 0.5, 6).listen()
gui.add(settings, 'pullStrength', 0, 3).step(0.1).listen()
gui.add(settings, 'decay', -10, 10).step(1).listen()
gui.add({ 'start / stop': toggleAnimation }, 'start / stop')
gui.add({ restart }, 'restart')
gui.add({ reset }, 'reset')

window.gui = gui

function reset () {
  Object.assign(settings, origSettings)
github b-ma / meel / www / js / app / models / ui-model.js View on Github external
UIModel.prototype.set = function(attr, value) {
    var oldValue = this[attr];
    this[attr] = value;
    this.emit('change', attr, value, oldValue);
    this.emit('change:' + attr, value, oldValue);

UIModel.prototype.get = function(attr) {
    return this[attr];

var uiModel = new UIModel();

// GUI
var gui = f1 = new dat.GUI();
var controllers = {};
// display settings
var folders = {};
folders['display'] = gui.addFolder('display settings');
folders['sound'] = gui.addFolder('sound settings');

_.each(settings, function(setting, attr) {
    controllers[attr] = folders[setting.folder].add(uiModel, attr, setting.range[0], setting.range[1]);
    controllers[attr].onChange(function(value) { uiModel.set(attr, value); })

// gui.close();

module.exports = uiModel;
github voithos / brot.js / src / brot.js View on Github external
BrotJS.prototype.setupGUI = function() {
        var self = this;
        self.gui = new dat.GUI();
        self.gui.add(self, 'addBuddhabrot');

        // The 'download' attribute is needed in order to provide a filename
        if (featureDetection.downloadAttribute) {
            self.gui.add(self, 'saveImage');
github rolyatmax / watercolor-canvas / demo.js View on Github external
Math.cos(rads) * dist + canvasCenter[0],
      Math.sin(rads) * dist + canvasCenter[1]
    return { color, position }

  const params = Object.assign({}, settings, {
    randomFn: rand,
    context: ctx,
    colors: colors
  const draw = watercolor(params)

const gui = new GUI()
gui.add(settings, 'colors', 1, 6).step(1).onChange(ctx.setup.bind(ctx))
// gui.add(settings, 'shapePoints', 3, 15).step(1).onChange(ctx.setup.bind(ctx))
gui.add(settings, 'spread', 1, 1000).onChange(ctx.setup.bind(ctx))
gui.add(settings, 'colorSize', 1, 1000).onChange(ctx.setup.bind(ctx))
gui.add(settings, 'deformations', 0, 5).step(1).onChange(ctx.setup.bind(ctx))
// gui.add(settings, 'layers', 1, 200).step(1).onChange(ctx.setup.bind(ctx))
gui.add(settings, 'sigma', 0.5, 3).onChange(ctx.setup.bind(ctx))
gui.add(settings, 'blend', ['lighten', 'darken']).onChange(ctx.setup.bind(ctx))
gui.add(settings, 'mask').onChange(ctx.setup.bind(ctx))
gui.add(settings, 'maskCircles', 1, 500).step(1).onChange(ctx.setup.bind(ctx))
gui.add(settings, 'maskCircleSize', 1, 500).onChange(ctx.setup.bind(ctx))
// gui.add(settings, 'fitToNeighbor', ['min', 'max']).onChange(ctx.setup.bind(ctx))
gui.add(settings, 'randomSeed', 0, 999).step(1).onChange(ctx.setup.bind(ctx))
github pixijs / examples / src / _shared / js / index.js View on Github external
domready(function () {
            // create app object
            var app = {
                renderer: PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, options),
                root: new PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer(),
                tick: null,
                animate: null,
                stats: new Stats(),
                gui: new DatGui({ load: decodeGuiFromHash() }),
                onResize: null,
                deltaTime: 0,

            // style stats and add to document
   = 'absolute';
   = '0';
   = '0';


            // serialize gui when it changes
            app.gui.domElement.addEventListener('click', saveGuiToHash.bind(null, app.gui));
            app.gui.domElement.addEventListener('tap', saveGuiToHash.bind(null, app.gui));
github kenjiSpecial / webgl-sketch-dojo / sketches / basic / video-texture / index.js View on Github external
var createCaption = require('../../dom/caption');

var scene, camera, renderer, mesh;
var videoScene, videoMesh;
var plane, mesh;
var cubes = [];
var object, id;
import CamTexture from "vendors/video-texture/webcam"
import VideoTexture from "vendors/video-texture/video"
var camTexture, videoTexture;
var stats, wrapper;
var videoObj = {
    isVideo : false

var gui = new dat.GUI();
var videoController = gui.add(videoObj, "isVideo");

var isAnimation = true;

var videoFiles = {
    "mp4" : "assets/video/video.mp4",
    "ogv" : "assets/video/video.ogv"

function init(){
    scene = new THREE.Scene();

    camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(50, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 10000);
    camera.position.z = 1000;
github edankwan / touch-leap-motion / src / index.js View on Github external
_hand = new Hand();


    particles.init(_renderer, _hand);

    _gui = new dat.GUI();
    var simulatorGui = _gui.addFolder('Simulator');
    simulatorGui.add(settings.query, 'amount', settings.amountList).onChange(function(){
        if (confirm('It will restart the demo')) {
            window.location.href = window.location.href.split('#')[0] + encode(settings.query).replace('?', '#');
    simulatorGui.add(settings, 'gravity', -5, 20);
    simulatorGui.add(settings, 'particlesFromY', 0, 500).name('from Y');
    simulatorGui.add(settings, 'particlesYDynamicRange', -500, 500).name('y dynamic range');
    simulatorGui.add(settings, 'particlesDropRadius', 0, 150).name('drop radius');
    simulatorGui.add(settings, 'handBounceRatio', 0, 1).name('hand bounce');
    simulatorGui.add(settings, 'handForce', 0, 0.1).name('hand force');

    var postprocessingGui = _gui.addFolder('Post-Processing');
github BabylonJS / Editor / src / editor / gui / edition.ts View on Github external
public build (parentId: string): void {
        const parent = $('#' + parentId);

        this.element = new dat.GUI({
            autoPlace: false
        this.element.width = parent.width();


github rolyatmax / sketches / src / jejune-mop.js View on Github external
function guiSettings (settings, onChange) {
  const settingsObj = {}
  const gui = new GUI()
  css(gui.domElement.parentElement, { zIndex: 11 })
  for (let key in settings) {
    settingsObj[key] = settings[key][0]
    const setting = gui
      .add(settingsObj, key, settings[key][1], settings[key][2])
    if (settings[key][3]) {
    if (settings[key][4]) {
  return settingsObj
github rolyatmax / sketches / src / platitudinous-blood.js View on Github external
function guiSettings (settings, onChange) {
  const settingsObj = {}
  const gui = new GUI()
  css(gui.domElement.parentElement, { zIndex: 11 })
  for (let key in settings) {
    settingsObj[key] = settings[key][0]
    const setting = gui
      .add(settingsObj, key, settings[key][1], settings[key][2])
    if (settings[key][3]) {
    if (settings[key][4]) {
  return settingsObj


Browserified dat-gui library

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