How to use the danger-plugin-toolbox.imageMinifiedJpg function in danger-plugin-toolbox

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few danger-plugin-toolbox examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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void (async function main() {
  // thank new contributors
  toolbox.commonContribution({ msg: 'Thanks for contributing :tada:' })

  // are there any leftover console commands
  toolbox.jsConsoleCommands({ logType: 'fail' })

  // are new images minified

  // are there skipped or focused tests
  toolbox.jsTestShortcuts({ logTypeSkipped: 'message', logTypeFocused: 'fail' })

  toolbox.commonPrDescription({ minLength: 10, msg: ':pencil2: Please add a description.' })


Danger Plugin Toolbox is a Danger JS plugin containing a set of common validations and utilities, build to make it easy to start using Danger JS.

Latest version published 4 months ago

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