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forceCenter(0.1); // alpha
// Collision ===========================================================================
// create Collision force --------------------------------------------------------------
let forceCollide: d3Force.ForceCollide;
// without radius
forceCollide = d3Force.forceCollide();
// with fixed radius
forceCollide = d3Force.forceCollide(15);
// with radius accessor function
forceCollide = d3Force.forceCollide((node, index, nodes) => {
const n: SimNode = node;
const i: number = index;
const ns: SimNode[] = nodes;
return n.r;
// Configure Collision force -----------------------------------------------------------
let radiusAccessor: (node: SimNode, i: number, nodes: SimNode[]) => number;
// radius
forceCollide = forceCollide.radius(20);
forceCollide = forceCollide.radius((node, index, nodes) => {
const n: SimNode = node;
const i: number = index;
y1: 0,
x2: x,
y2: sign * innerTickSize,
labelX: x,
labelY: sign * tickSpacing,
if (showTicks && flexTicks) {
// console.log(ticks, showTicks);
const nodes = => ({ id: d.value, value: d.value, fy: d.y2, origX: d.x1 }));
const simulation = forceSimulation(nodes)
.force("x", forceX(d => d.origX).strength(1))
.force("collide", forceCollide(22))
// .force("center", forceCenter())
for (let i = 0; i < 100; ++i) simulation.tick();
// console.log(nodes);
const zip = zipper()
.combine((a, b) => {
if (Math.abs(b.x - b.origX) > 0.01) {
return {
x2: b.x,
labelX: b.x
return a;
let circle_tip = select('#col4').select('#circletip');
//TODO make new legend
// select('.legend').selectAll('.rectLegend').remove()
// let legend = svglegend.legendColor()
// legend.scale(self.legendScale);
// legend.shapeWidth((that.svgWidth)/8);
self.dotDataColloection.forEach(dot =>{
[dot.x,dot.y] = self.projection([dot.longitude,dot.latitude])
let simulation = forceSimulation(self.dotDataColloection)
for (var i = 0,
n = Math.ceil(Math.log(simulation.alphaMin()) / Math.log(1 - simulation.alphaDecay()));
i < n; ++i) {
let circles = draw.selectAll('circle').data(self.dotDataColloection);
circles = circles.enter()
function attachForce(sankeyNode, forceKey, d, gd) {
// Attach force to nodes in the same column (same x coordinate)
var nodes = d.graph.nodes
.filter(function(n) {return n.originalX === d.node.originalX;})
// Filter out children
.filter(function(n) {return !n.partOfGroup;});
d.forceLayouts[forceKey] = d3Force.forceSimulation(nodes)
.force('collide', d3Force.forceCollide()
.radius(function(n) {return n.dy / 2 + d.nodePad / 2;})
.force('constrain', snappingForce(sankeyNode, forceKey, nodes, d, gd))
if (alphaDecay) {
const _forceLink = forceLink();
if (nodeIdKey) { => d[nodeIdKey]);
if (linkDistance) {
this.simulation.force('link', _forceLink);
// this.simulation.force('center', forceCenter());
if (collideRadius || collideStrength) {
const _forceCollide = forceCollide();
if (collideRadius) {
_forceCollide.radius(typeof collideRadius === 'function' ? (d) => {
return collideRadius(d);
} : collideRadius);
if (collideStrength) {
this.simulation.force('collide', _forceCollide);
} else {
this.simulation.force('collide', null);
if (chargeStrength) {
this.simulation.force("charge", forceManyBody().strength(chargeStrength));
export const computeForces = ({ axis, valueScale, ordinalScale, spacing, forceStrength }) => {
const collisionForce = forceCollide(d => d.size / 2 + spacing / 2)
let xForce
let yForce
if (axis === 'x') {
xForce = forceX(d => {
return valueScale(d.value)
yForce = forceY(d => ordinalScale(
} else if (axis === 'y') {
xForce = forceX(d => ordinalScale(
yForce = forceY(d => valueScale(d.value)).strength(forceStrength)
return { x: xForce, y: yForce, collision: collisionForce }
ForceDirectedSeries.prototype.updateNodeList = function () {
var d3forceSimulation = this.d3forceSimulation;
this._linkForce = d3force.forceLink(this.forceLinks);
d3forceSimulation.force("link", this._linkForce);
this._collisionForce = d3force.forceCollide();
d3forceSimulation.force("collision", this._collisionForce);
var w = $math.max(50, this.innerWidth);
var h = $math.max(50, this.innerHeight);
d3forceSimulation.force("x", d3force.forceX().x(w / 2).strength(this.centerStrength * 100 / w));
d3forceSimulation.force("y", d3force.forceY().y(h / 2).strength(this.centerStrength * 100 / h));
function internalLayout(dgraph) {
var simulation = force.forceSimulation(dgraph.nodes)
.force('charge', force.forceManyBody().strength(manyBodyStrength))
.force('link', force.forceLink(dgraph.edges).distance(linkDistance))
.force('collide', force.forceCollide(collideCircle).strength(1).iterations(3));
var iteration = 0;
var nodesCount = dgraph.nodes.length;
var iterationsCount = Math.min(nodesCount, Math.log(nodesCount) * 30);
if (iterationsCount < 2) iterationsCount = 2;
while (iteration++ < iterationsCount) {
var size = enclose(dgraph.nodes);
dgraph.nodes.forEach(function (node) {
node.x -= size.x;
width = parseInt('width'));
height = parseInt('height'));
simulationGroups = force.forceSimulation()
.force('gravity', force.forceCenter(width/2, height/2))
.force('attract', force.forceManyBody().strength(1010).distanceMin(10))
.force('repel', force.forceManyBody().strength(-1000).distanceMax(
Math.min(width, height) - margin * 2 + 90)
.force('collide', force.forceCollide(75))
simulationNodes = force.forceSimulation()
.force('x', force.forceX(d => ( && ? : width/2).strength(0.05))
.force('y', force.forceY(d => ( && ? : height/2).strength(0.05))
.force('collide', force.forceCollide(markMargin).strength(1))
.on('tick', tick);