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import * as d3Fetch from 'd3-fetch';
import { DSVParsedArray, DSVRowString } from 'd3-dsv';
interface MyType {
foo: string;
const url = '';
const init: RequestInit = {};
let p1: Promise = d3Fetch.blob(url);
p1 = d3Fetch.blob(url, init);
let p2: Promise = d3Fetch.buffer(url);
p2 = d3Fetch.buffer(url, init);
let p3: Promise = d3Fetch.image(url);
const imageProperties = {
width: '300px',
height: '500px'
p3 = d3Fetch.image(url, imageProperties);
let p4: Promise = d3Fetch.json(url);
p4 = d3Fetch.json(url, init);
let p5: Promise = d3Fetch.json(url);
p5 = d3Fetch.json(url, init);
import * as d3Fetch from 'd3-fetch';
import { DSVParsedArray, DSVRowString } from 'd3-dsv';
interface MyType {
foo: string;
const url = '';
const init: RequestInit = {};
let p1: Promise = d3Fetch.blob(url);
p1 = d3Fetch.blob(url, init);
let p2: Promise = d3Fetch.buffer(url);
p2 = d3Fetch.buffer(url, init);
let p3: Promise = d3Fetch.image(url);
const imageProperties = {
width: '300px',
height: '500px'
p3 = d3Fetch.image(url, imageProperties);
let p4: Promise = d3Fetch.json(url);
p4 = d3Fetch.json(url, init);
let p5: Promise = d3Fetch.json(url);
p5 = d3Fetch.json(url, init);