Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
new MixedObject(40, new Date(2016, 3, 1)),
new MixedObject(50, new Date(2016, 9, 30)),
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Test Histogram
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const tScale = scaleTime();
// Create histogram generator ==================================================
let defaultHistogram: d3Array.HistogramGenerator;
defaultHistogram = d3Array.histogram();
let testHistogram: d3Array.HistogramGenerator;
testHistogram = d3Array.histogram();
// Configure histogram generator ===============================================
// value(...) ------------------------------------------------------------------
testHistogram = testHistogram.value((d, i, data) => {
const datum: MixedObject = d; // d is of type MixedObject
const index: number = i; // i is number
const array: MixedObject[] = data; // data is of type MixedObject[]
let valueAccessorFn: (d: MixedObject, i: number, data: MixedObject[]) => Date;
const width = Math.floor(dimensions.width) - chartMargin;
const height = Math.floor(dimensions.height) - chartMargin;
const startDate = events[0].start;
const endDate = events[events.length - 1].end;
const margin = 26;
const scaleX = scaleTime().domain([startDate, endDate]).range([margin, width - margin]).nice();
const scaleY = scaleLinear().domain([0, 1]).range([height - margin, margin]).nice();
const histogramScale = scaleTime().domain([startDate, endDate]).nice(timeDay);
const histogramTicks = histogramScale.ticks(timeDay, 1);
const calculateHistogram = histogram().value(prop('start')).domain(scaleX.domain()).thresholds(histogramTicks);
const eventsHistogram = calculateHistogram(events);
const focusHistogram = eventsHistogram
// .slice(1, eventsHistogram.length - 1)
.map(bin => {
const durationTotal = bin.reduce((acc, { duration }) => acc + duration, 0);
const durationBin = bin.length > 0 ? bin[bin.length - 1].end.getTime() - bin[0].start.getTime() : 0;
return {
start: bin.x0,
end: bin.x1,
durationPercent: durationTotal / (8 * 60 * 60 * 1000),
export function histogramConstruct(domain, mappedValue, bins) {
return d3Histogram()
.thresholds(ticks(domain[0], domain[1], bins))
.map(bin => ({
count: bin.length,
x0: bin.x0,
x1: bin.x1
const Chart = ({ width, height, project, currencySymbol }) => {
const margin = 26;
const timeScale = spreadToTimeScale(project);
const endDate = new Date(project.end);
endDate.setDate(endDate.getDate() + 1);
const scaleX = scaleTime().domain([project.start, endDate]).range([margin, width - margin]).nice();
const ticks = scaleX.ticks(timeScale, 1);
const calculateHistogram = histogram().value(prop('start')).domain(scaleX.domain()).thresholds(ticks);
const bins = calculateHistogram( => !event.isMarker)).map(bin => ({
duration: bin.reduce((acc, event) => acc + event.duration, 0)
const scaleY = scaleLinear()
.domain([0, Math.max('duration')))])
.range([height - margin, margin])
const calculatePath = area()
.x((d, i) => scaleX(i === 0 ? d.x0 : d.x1))
.y(d => scaleY(d.duration))
} else if (!continuousDomain) {
const ordinals = this.xScale.domain();
thresholds = => this.xScale(value)) as number[];
thresholds.push(this.xScale(_.last(ordinals) as string) + (this.xScale as ScaleBand).bandwidth());
const pkg =;
const values = pkg.getItemIndices().map(itemIndex => {
const value = dataset.getCellForScale(itemIndex, this.column as number);
return {
value: this.xScale(value),
index: itemIndex,
this.valueBins = histogram()
.value(d => d.value)
.domain(range as [number, number])
doShow() {
this.x = scaleLinear();
this.y = scaleSqrt();
this.tooltip = new PopoverView({position: 'right'});
this.x.range([0, this.width]);
this.y.range([this.height, 0], 1);
const maxDuration = max(, d => d.value);
this.x.domain([0, Math.max(maxDuration, 10)]).nice();
const bins = histogram()
.value(d => d.value)
.map(bin => ({
x0: bin.x0,
x1: bin.x1,
y: bin.length,
testResults: bin
const maxY = max(bins, d => d.y);
this.y.domain([0, maxY]).nice();
scale: this.x,
tickFormat: time => duration(time, 1)
export function stackedHistogramFromNodes(nodes, timeSpan) {
const includedDates = getIncludedDates(timeSpan)
const histFunc = histogram()
.value(d => new Date(d.applied_date))
return [].concat(...nodes
.map(node => histFunc(node.selectedActiveValues)
.slice(0, -1)
.map(d => ({
key: node.key,
count: d.length,
binStartDate: d.x0,
values: d || [],
color: node.color,
othered: node.othered,
heritage: node.heritage,