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// before the request goes out we need to set up spying
// see
cy.route('POST', '/posts').as('post')
cy.contains('#output', '"title": "example post"').should('be.visible')
// Spok is a mix between schema and value assertions
// Since it supports nested objects, in a single "should()" we can verify desired
// properties of the XHR object, its request and response nested objects.
status: 201,
url: spok.endsWith('posts'),
// network request takes at least 10ms
// but should finish in less than 1 second
duration: spok.range(10, 1000),
statusMessage: spok.string,
// check the request inside XHR object
request: {
// using special keyword "$topic" to get
// nicer indentation in the command log
$topic: 'request',
body: {
title: 'example post',
userId: 1,
response: {
$topic: 'response',