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ngAfterViewInit() {
this.graph = new WorkflowGraph({
svgRoot: this.canvas.nativeElement,
model: this.model as any,
plugins: [
new SVGEdgeHoverPlugin(),
new SelectionPlugin(),
new ZoomPlugin(),
new SVGNodeMovePlugin(),
new SVGJobFileDropPlugin(),
new SVGArrangePlugin(),
new SVGRequiredInputMarkup(),
new SVGExecutionProgressPlugin(),
map(v => this.normalizeJob(v))
// comment for now because JSON.stringify returns null for NaN and Infinity (then not working for numbers)
// distinctUntilChanged((a, b) => JSON.stringify(a) === JSON.stringify(b))
drawGraphAndAttachListeners() {
this.graph = new Workflow({
svgRoot: this.canvas.nativeElement as SVGSVGElement,
model: this.model as any,
plugins: [
new SVGArrangePlugin(),
new SVGPortDragPlugin(),
new SVGNodeMovePlugin(),
new SVGEdgeHoverPlugin(),
new SVGValidatePlugin(),
new SelectionPlugin(),
new ZoomPlugin(),
new DeletionPlugin(),
new UpdatePlugin()
editingEnabled: !this.readonly
try {
} catch (ex) {
setTimeout(() => {
console.warn("Workflow should be able to fit in by now...");
try {
this.functionsWaitingForRender.forEach(fn => fn());