Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
const glob = require('glob');
const path = require('path');
const {CucumberExpression, ParameterTypeRegistry} = require('cucumber-expressions');
const {steps} = require('./args').argv;
const stepDefinitionsPaths = [].concat( => glob.sync(pattern)));
const parameterTypeRegistry = new ParameterTypeRegistry();
// A global registry to load load and resolve all step definitions
class StepDefinitionRegistry {
constructor() {
this.definitions = {};
this.runtime = {};
this.latestType = '';
['given', 'when', 'then'].forEach(keyword => {
this.definitions[keyword] = [];
this.runtime[keyword] = (expression, implementation) => this.definitions[keyword].push({
expression: new CucumberExpression(expression, parameterTypeRegistry)
let steps = {};
* @param {*} step
* @param {*} fn
const addStep = (step, fn) => {
const stack = (new Error()).stack;
steps[step] = fn;
fn.line = stack && stack.split('\n')[STACK_POSITION];
if (fn.line) fn.line = fn.line.trim().replace(/^at (.*?)\(/, '(');
const parameterTypeRegistry = new ParameterTypeRegistry();
const matchStep = (step) => {
for (const stepName in steps) {
if (stepName.indexOf('/') === 0) {
const res = step.match(new RegExp(stepName.slice(1, -1)));
if (res) {
const fn = steps[stepName];
fn.params = res.slice(1);
return fn;
const expression = new CucumberExpression(stepName, parameterTypeRegistry);
const res = expression.match(step);
if (res) {
const fn = steps[stepName];
function build() {
return new ParameterTypeRegistry()
reset(cwd: string, newId: IdGenerator.NewId): void {
this.cwd = cwd
this.newId = newId
this.afterTestCaseHookDefinitionConfigs = []
this.afterTestRunHookDefinitionConfigs = []
this.beforeTestCaseHookDefinitionConfigs = []
this.beforeTestRunHookDefinitionConfigs = []
this.definitionFunctionWrapper = null
this.defaultTimeout = 5000
this.parameterTypeRegistry = new ParameterTypeRegistry()
this.stepDefinitionConfigs = []
this.World = World
throw new Error('Nope')
new StepDefinition(
new CucumberExpression('a pending {word}', new ParameterTypeRegistry()),
() => 'pending'
new StepDefinition(
new CucumberExpression(
'an ambiguous {word}',
new ParameterTypeRegistry()
() => undefined
new StepDefinition(
new CucumberExpression('an {word} step', new ParameterTypeRegistry()),
() => undefined
new StepDefinition(
new CucumberExpression(
'I have {int} cukes in my belly',
new ParameterTypeRegistry()
cukes => cukes
constructor() {
this.definitions = {};
this.runtime = {};
this.options = {
parameterTypeRegistry: new ParameterTypeRegistry()
this.definitions = [];
this.runtime = (matcher, implementation) => {
let expression;
if (matcher instanceof RegExp) {
expression = new RegularExpression(
} else {
expression = new CucumberExpression(