How to use cozy-harvest-lib - 2 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cozy-harvest-lib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github cozy / / en / cozy-banks / src / ducks / transactions / TriggerErrorCard.jsx View on Github external
const TriggerErrorCard = ({ index, count, error, className }) => {
  const { t, lang } = useI18n()

  const { bankName, trigger } = error

  const konnError = new KonnectorJobError(trigger.current_state.last_error)
  // We do not have a full konnector object here but we can create a simple
  // one, that is sufficient for getErrorLocaleBound, from the information in
  // the trigger
  const konnector = {
    slug: trigger.message.slug,
    name: bankName

  const errorTitle = getErrorLocaleBound(konnError, konnector, lang, 'title')

  return (
github cozy / / en / cozy-banks / src / ducks / transactions / TriggerErrorCard.jsx View on Github external
const TriggerErrorCard = ({ index, count, error, className }) => {
  const { t, lang } = useI18n()

  const { bankName, trigger } = error

  const konnError = new KonnectorJobError(trigger.current_state.last_error)
  // We do not have a full konnector object here but we can create a simple
  // one, that is sufficient for getErrorLocaleBound, from the information in
  // the trigger
  const konnector = {
    slug: trigger.message.slug,
    name: bankName

  const errorTitle = getErrorLocaleBound(konnError, konnector, lang, 'title')

  return (
      title={errorTitle + (count > 1 ? ` (${index + 1}/${count})` : '')}
        <div>{t('Transactions.trigger-error.description', { bankName })}</div>


Provides logic, modules and components for Cozy's harvest applications.

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