How to use core-js - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few core-js examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github prebid / Prebid.js / test / spec / unit / pbjs_api_spec.js View on Github external
it('marks the winning bid object as used for the given adUnitCode', function () {
      // make sure the auction has "state" and does not reload the fixtures
      const adUnitCode = '/19968336/header-bid-tag-0';
      const bidsReceived = $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.getBidResponsesForAdUnitCode(adUnitCode);
      auction.getBidsReceived = function() { return bidsReceived.bids };

      // mark the bid and verify the state has changed to RENDERED
      const winningBid = targeting.getWinningBids(adUnitCode)[0];
      $$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.markWinningBidAsUsed({ adUnitCode });
      const markedBid = find($$PREBID_GLOBAL$$.getBidResponsesForAdUnitCode(adUnitCode).bids,
        bid => bid.adId === winningBid.adId);

github prebid / Prebid.js / test / spec / modules / eplanningAnalyticsAdapter_spec.js View on Github external
ad: 'adContent',
        auctionId: pauctionId,
        width: 300,
        height: 250

      // Step 6: Send auction end event
      events.emit(constants.EVENTS.AUCTION_END, {auctionId: pauctionId});

      // Step 7: Find the request data sent (filtering other hosts)
      requests = requests.filter(req => {
        return req.url.indexOf( > -1;

      expect(includes([ +], requests[0].url));
      expect(includes([''], requests[0].url));

      let info = requests[0].url;
      let purl = parseURL(info);
      let eplData = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(;

      // Step 8 check that 6 events were sent

      // Step 9 verify that we only receive the parameters we need
      let expectedEventValues = [
        // AUCTION INIT
        {ec: constants.EVENTS.AUCTION_INIT,
          p: {auctionId: pauctionId, time: auctionTimestamp}},
        // BID REQ
        {ec: constants.EVENTS.BID_REQUESTED,
github microsoft / BotFramework-WebChat / packages / core / src / __tests__ / connectSaga.spec.js View on Github external
beforeEach(() => {
  const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware();

  store = createStore(
    ({ actionTypes = [] } = {}, { type }) =>
        ? // We are only interested in CONNECT_*, RECONNECT_*, and DISCONNECT_* actions.
          { actionTypes: [...actionTypes, type] }
        : { actionTypes },

  directLine = {
    activity$: new Observable(() => () => 0),
    connectionStatus$: new Observable(observer => {
      connectionStatusObserver = observer;;
    end: () => 0,
    postActivity: () =>
      new Observable(observer => {{ id: '' });
github microsoft / BotFramework-WebChat / packages / core / src / __tests__ / connectSaga.spec.js View on Github external
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware();

  store = createStore(
    ({ actionTypes = [] } = {}, { type }) =>
        ? // We are only interested in CONNECT_*, RECONNECT_*, and DISCONNECT_* actions.
          { actionTypes: [...actionTypes, type] }
        : { actionTypes },

  directLine = {
    activity$: new Observable(() => () => 0),
    connectionStatus$: new Observable(observer => {
      connectionStatusObserver = observer;;
    end: () => 0,
    postActivity: () =>
      new Observable(observer => {{ id: '' });
github edu-sharing / Edu-Sharing / Frontend / src / app / common / services / cordova.service.ts View on Github external
if(this.isRunningCordova()) {
        // deviceready may not work, because cordova is already loaded, so try to set it ready after some time
        setTimeout(() => this.deviceIsReady = true, 1000);
    //adding listener for cordova events
    document.addEventListener('deviceready', () => {
      this.deviceIsReady = true;
    }, false);
    document.addEventListener('pause', whenDeviceGoesBackground, false);
    document.addEventListener('resume', whenDeviceGoesForeground, false);

    // just for simulation on forced cordova mode
    if ((this.forceCordovaMode) && (!this.isReallyRunningCordova())) {
      console.log("SIMULATED deviceready event in FORCED CORDOVA MODE (just use during development)");
    } else if(this.isReallyRunningCordova()) {

github edu-sharing / Edu-Sharing / Frontend / src / app / common / services / cordova.service.ts View on Github external
* ignore pauses under 1 minute that appear when going into
       * a plugin (camera) or you get a permission request from the OS
      if (this.appGoneBackgroundTS==null) return;
      if ((<(60*1000)) return;

      // OK - real pasuse detected
      console.log("CordovaService: App comes back from Background");

      // call listener if set
      if (this.deviceResumeCallback!=null) this.deviceResumeCallback();

    if(this.isRunningCordova()) {
        // deviceready may not work, because cordova is already loaded, so try to set it ready after some time
        setTimeout(() => this.deviceIsReady = true, 1000);
    //adding listener for cordova events
    document.addEventListener('deviceready', () => {
      this.deviceIsReady = true;
    }, false);
    document.addEventListener('pause', whenDeviceGoesBackground, false);
    document.addEventListener('resume', whenDeviceGoesForeground, false);

    // just for simulation on forced cordova mode
    if ((this.forceCordovaMode) && (!this.isReallyRunningCordova())) {
      console.log("SIMULATED deviceready event in FORCED CORDOVA MODE (just use during development)");
    } else if(this.isReallyRunningCordova()) {
github teleport / autocomplete / js / autocomplete.js View on Github external
    el = null, value, maxItems = 10, itemTemplate = ITEM_TEMPLATE,
    geoLocate = true, apiRoot = '', apiVersion = 1,
    embeds = 'city:country,city:admin1_division,city:timezone/tz:offsets-now,city:urban_area',
  } = {}) {

    const elem = (typeof el === 'string') ? document.querySelector(el) : el;

    assign(this, {
      maxItems, geoLocate, apiRoot, apiVersion, itemTemplate, embeds, results: [],
      _activeIndex: 0, _cache: {}, _query: this.el.value, value,

    // Prefetch results
    if (this.value && this.value.title) {
      this.query = this.value.title;
    } else if (this.query) {
      this.fetchResults(() => {
        this.value = this.getResultByTitle(this.query);
        this.emit('change', this.value);

    this.getCities = debounce(this.getCities, 200);
    return this;
github microsoft / BotBuilder-Samples / samples / javascript_es6 / 01.browser-echo / src / webChatAdapter.ts View on Github external
constructor() {

        this.botConnection = {
            connectionStatus$: new Observable(observer => {
            activity$: new Observable(observer => {
                this.activityObserver = observer;
            end() {
                // The React component was called to unmount:
                // Developers will need to decide what behavior the component should implement.
                // For this sample, this.botConnection.componentWillUnmount() and this.botConnection.end()
                // is never called.
                console.log('this.botConnection.componentWillUnmount() called.');
            getSessionId: () => new Observable(observer => observer.complete()),
github microsoft / BotBuilder-Samples / samples / javascript_es6 / 01.browser-echo / src / webChatAdapter.ts View on Github external
constructor() {

        this.botConnection = {
            connectionStatus$: new Observable(observer => {
            activity$: new Observable(observer => {
                this.activityObserver = observer;
            end() {
                // The React component was called to unmount:
                // Developers will need to decide what behavior the component should implement.
                // For this sample, this.botConnection.componentWillUnmount() and this.botConnection.end()
                // is never called.
                console.log('this.botConnection.componentWillUnmount() called.');
            getSessionId: () => new Observable(observer => observer.complete()),
            postActivity: activity => {
                const id =;

                return new Observable(observer => {
                    const serverActivity = {
github prebid / Prebid.js / modules / adpod.js View on Github external
let bidDuration = utils.deepAccess(bidResponse, 'video.durationSeconds');
  let videoConfig = utils.deepAccess(bidderRequest, '');
  let adUnitRanges = videoConfig.durationRangeSec;
  adUnitRanges.sort((a, b) => a - b); // ensure the ranges are sorted in numeric order

  if (!videoConfig.requireExactDuration) {
    let max = Math.max(...adUnitRanges);
    if (bidDuration <= (max + buffer)) {
      let nextHighestRange = find(adUnitRanges, range => (range + buffer) >= bidDuration); = nextHighestRange;
    } else {
      utils.logWarn(`Detected a bid with a duration value outside the accepted ranges specified in  Rejecting bid: `, bidResponse);
      return false;
  } else {
    if (find(adUnitRanges, range => range === bidDuration)) { = bidDuration;
    } else {
      utils.logWarn(`Detected a bid with a duration value not part of the list of accepted ranges specified in  Exact match durations must be used for this adUnit. Rejecting bid: `, bidResponse);
      return false;
  return true;