How to use the cookie-parser.signedCookie function in cookie-parser

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cookie-parser examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ioBroker / ioBroker.iot / lib / socket.js View on Github external
function getUserFromSocket(socket, callback) {
        let wait = false;
        try {
            if (socket.handshake.headers.cookie && (!socket.request || !socket.request._query || !socket.request._query.user)) {
                const cookie = decodeURIComponent(socket.handshake.headers.cookie);
                const m = cookie.match(/connect\.sid=(.+)/);
                if (m) {
                    // If session cookie exists
                    const c = m[1].split(';')[0];
                    const sessionID = cookieParser.signedCookie(c, that.settings.secret);
                    if (sessionID) {
                        // Get user for session
                        wait = true;
              , function (err, obj) {
                            if (obj && obj.passport && obj.passport.user) {
                                socket._sessionID = sessionID;
                                if (typeof callback === 'function') {
                                    callback(null, obj.passport.user);
                                } else {
                                    that.adapter.log.warn('[getUserFromSocket] Invalid callback')
                            } else {
                                if (typeof callback === 'function') {
                                    callback('unknown user');
                                } else {
                                    that.adapter.log.warn('[getUserFromSocket] Invalid callback')
github socketstream / / lib / index.js View on Github external
var processSession = function(socket, secret) {
  try {
    var cookie_obj = qs.parse(socket.request.headers.cookie, ';');
    // for reasons mysterious the connect.sid key sometimes comes with 1 leading whitespace
    var cursor = cookie_obj['connect.sid'] ? cookie_obj['connect.sid'] : cookie_obj[' connect.sid'];
    socket.sessionId = cookieParser.signedCookie(cursor, secret);
    return true;
  catch(e) {
    log.warn('Warning: connect.sid session cookie not detected. User may have cookies disabled or session cookie has expired');
    return false;
github senchalabs / connect / lib / middleware / cookieSession.js View on Github external
req.session = {};
    var cookie = req.session.cookie = new Cookie(options.cookie);

    // pathname mismatch
    var originalPath = parseUrl.original(req).pathname;
    if (0 != originalPath.indexOf(cookie.path)) return next();

    // cookieParser secret
    if (!options.secret && req.secret) {
      req.session = req.signedCookies[key] || {};
      req.session.cookie = cookie;
    } else {
      // TODO: refactor
      var rawCookie = req.cookies[key];
      if (rawCookie) {
        var unsigned = cookieParser.signedCookie(rawCookie, secret);
        if (unsigned) {
          var original = unsigned;
          req.session = cookieParser.JSONCookie(unsigned) || {};
          req.session.cookie = cookie;

    onHeaders(res, function(){
      // removed
      if (!req.session) {
        debug('clear session');
        cookie.expires = new Date(0);
        res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', cookie.serialize(key, ''));
github ifgyong / demo / React-native / Helloword / node_modules / connect / lib / middleware / cookieSession.js View on Github external
req.session = {};
        var cookie = req.session.cookie = new Cookie(options.cookie);

        // pathname mismatch
        var originalPath = parseUrl.original(req).pathname;
        if (0 != originalPath.indexOf(cookie.path)) return next();

        // cookieParser secret
        if (!options.secret && req.secret) {
            req.session = req.signedCookies[key] || {};
            req.session.cookie = cookie;
        } else {
            // TODO: refactor
            var rawCookie = req.cookies[key];
            if (rawCookie) {
                var unsigned = cookieParser.signedCookie(rawCookie, secret);
                if (unsigned) {
                    var original = unsigned;
                    req.session = cookieParser.JSONCookie(unsigned) || {};
                    req.session.cookie = cookie;

        onHeaders(res, function () {
            // removed
            if (!req.session) {
                debug('clear session');
                cookie.expires = new Date(0);
                res.setHeader('Set-Cookie', cookie.serialize(key, ''));
github webgme / webgme / src / server / storage / server.js View on Github external
if (handshakeData) {
            if (handshakeData.query &&
                handshakeData.query.webGMESessionId &&
                handshakeData.query.webGMESessionId !== 'undefined') {
                // TODO: Isn't this branch deprecated?
                sessionId = handshakeData.query.webGMESessionId;
            } else if (handshakeData.query &&
                handshakeData.query[gmeConfig.server.sessionCookieId] &&
                handshakeData.query[gmeConfig.server.sessionCookieId] !== 'undefined') {
                sessionId = COOKIE.signedCookie(handshakeData.query[gmeConfig.server.sessionCookieId],
            } else if (gmeConfig.server.sessionCookieId &&
                gmeConfig.server.sessionCookieSecret &&
                handshakeData.headers && handshakeData.headers.cookie) {
                //we try to dig it from the signed cookie
                sessionId = COOKIE.signedCookie(
        return sessionId;
github bergwhite / nodejs-chat / bin / socket / event.js View on Github external
io.on('connection', (socket) =>  {
    const cookieData = cookie.parse(socket.handshake.headers.cookie);
    const sessionId = cookieParser.signedCookie(cookieData['key'], 'whocarewhatisthepass');
    const sessionDir = '../../sessions/'
    const sessionExtension = '.json'
    const currentRoomName = chatMethod.getCurrentRoomID(socket)
    let loginedUserName = ''
    let loginedUserImg = ''
    socket.join(currentRoomName)  // 进入房间
    try {

      // 查询session中保存的用户名
      const sessionFile = require(sessionDir + sessionId + sessionExtension)
      loginedUserName = sessionFile.loginUser

      // 通过session中的用户名在数据库中查询用户信息
      info.findOne({user: loginedUserName}, (err, val) => {

        // 如果出错则打印出来
github fossasia / open-event-wsgen / src / app.js View on Github external
socket.on('start', function(msg) {
    socket.abortDeploy = false;
    parsedCookie = cookie.parse(socket.request.headers.cookie);
    sid = cookieParser.signedCookie(parsedCookie['connect.sid'], sessionSecret);
    folder = cookieParser.signedCookie(parsedCookie.folder, sessionSecret);

    sessionStore.get(sid, function(err, currSession) {
      if (err) {
        console.log('error while getting session information');
      deploy(currSession.token, folder, currSession.owner, socket, function() {
        console.log('Deploy Process Finished');
github os-js / OS.js / src / server / node / core / session.js View on Github external
module.exports.getSessionId = function(request) {
  const cookie = request.headers.cookie;
  if ( !cookie ) {
    return null;

  const cookies = _cookie.parse(cookie);
  const secret = _settings.get('http.session.secret');
  return _parser.signedCookie(cookies['connect.sid'], secret);
github os-js / OS.js / src / server / node / modules / connection.js View on Github external
getSessionId(request) {
    const header = request.headers.cookie;
    if ( !header ) {
      return null;

    const cookies = cookie.parse(header);
    const secret = Settings.get('http.session.secret');
    const key = Settings.get('') || 'connect.sid';
    return parser.signedCookie(cookies[key], secret);
github datarhei / restreamer / src / webserver / app.js View on Github external'io').set('authorization', (handshakeData, accept) => {
            if (handshakeData.headers.cookie) {
                    cookie.parse(handshakeData.headers.cookie)[this.sessionKey], this.secretKey
                ), (err, s) => {
                    if (!err && s && s.authenticated) {
                        return accept(null, true);
            } else {
                return accept(null, false);


Parse HTTP request cookies

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