How to use the comlink.transferHandlers function in comlink

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few comlink examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github transcend-io / penumbra / src / transferHandlers / penumbra-events.ts View on Github external
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
import * as Comlink from 'comlink';

/** TODO: abstract this into a re-usable event registration & serialization helper */

Comlink.transferHandlers.set('penumbra-progress', {
   * Checks if object is a penumbra-progress event
   * @param object Object being passed through Comlink.transfer()
   * @returns true if the object is a penumbra-progress CustomEvent
  canHandle(object: any) {
    return object instanceof CustomEvent && object.type === 'penumbra-progress';
   * Serialize penumbra-progress event down to just ProgressDetails
   * @param object Reference to the penumbra-progress CustomEvent
   * @returns [Clonables (structured-clone-compatible objects), [Transferables]]
  serialize(object: any) {
github transcend-io / penumbra / src / transferHandlers / penumbra-events.ts View on Github external
  serialize(object: any) {
    return [object.detail, []];
   * Re-create CustomEvent for re-dispatch in current context
   * @param detail Structured-clone data from serialize()
   * @returns A re-created penumbra-encryption-complete CustomEvent
  deserialize(detail: any) {
    return new CustomEvent('penumbra-encryption-complete', { detail });

Comlink.transferHandlers.set('penumbra-error', {
   * Checks if object is a penumbra-progress event
   * @param object Object being passed through Comlink.transfer()
   * @returns true if the object is a penumbra-progress CustomEvent
  canHandle(object: any) {
    return object instanceof CustomEvent && object.type === 'penumbra-error';
   * Serialize penumbra-progress event down to just ProgressDetails
   * @param object Reference to the penumbra-progress CustomEvent
   * @returns [Clonables (structured-clone-compatible objects), [Transferables]]
  serialize(object: any) {


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