How to use colortranslator - 1 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few colortranslator examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github celo-org / celo-monorepo / packages / web / src / brandkit / color / Pigment.tsx View on Github external
function Pigment({ hex, name, onCopyHex, justCopied }: Props & ColorData) {
  const inline: ViewStyle = { backgroundColor: hex }

  const cmyk = new ColorTranslator(hex).CMYK.toUpperCase()
    .replace(/%/g, '')
    .replace('K(', 'K (')

  if (hex === colors.white) {
    inline.borderColor = colors.gray
    inline.borderWidth = 1

  const foreGround = getContrastingColor(hex) as colors

  return (


A JavaScript library, written in TypeScript, to convert among different color models

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Popular colortranslator functions