How to use color-blend - 3 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few color-blend examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github VisualComposer / builder / public / editor / services / stylesManager / service.js View on Github external
import postcssCustomProps from 'postcss-custom-properties'
import postcssAdvancedVars from 'postcss-advanced-variables'
import postcssColor from 'postcss-color-function'
import postcssNested from 'postcss-nested'
import postcssPrefixUrl from 'postcss-prefix-url'
import postcssMedia from 'postcss-custom-media'
import postcssEach from 'postcss-each'
import colorBlend from 'color-blend'
import functions from 'postcss-functions'
import autoprefixer from 'autoprefixer'
import objectHash from 'node-object-hash'

let cssHashes = {}
let mainPlugins = []
let plugin = postcss.plugin('postcss-math', () => {
  return (css) => {
    // Transform CSS AST here
    css.walk((node) => {
      let nodeProp

      if (node.type === 'decl') {
        nodeProp = 'value'
      } else if (node.type === 'atrule' && === 'media') {
        nodeProp = 'params'
      } else if (node.type === 'rule') {
        nodeProp = 'selector'
      } else {
github gatsbyjs / gatsby / www / src / utils / guidelines / color.js View on Github external
export const a11y = function(hex, bg) {
  const text = colorToHex(hex)
  const background = colorToHex(bg)

  // not 100% sure how well this works — values are slightly different
  // than what produces when the text
  // color is an rgba value; contrast ratios for solid colors seem fine
  const overlaid = normal(
      r: background[0],
      g: background[1],
      b: background[2],
      a: background[3],
    { r: text[0], g: text[1], b: text[2], a: text[3] }

  const contrast = wcag(
    [overlaid.r, overlaid.g, overlaid.b],
    [background[0], background[1], background[2]]

  return {
    contrast: contrast,
github davidhoksza / MolArt / src / lm.plugin.js View on Github external
const mergeRgb = function(c1, c2, p) {
        if (p === undefined) p = 0.2;

        c1.a = 1;
        c2.a = 1;

        return blender.darken(c1, c2);


Blends RGBA colors with different blend modes

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