Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
it('should not generate any sourcemaps', function* () {
var duo = build('simple');
yield duo.write();
var src = yield fs.readFile(path('simple', 'build/index.js'), 'utf8');
assert.equal(src.indexOf('//# sourceMappingURL='), -1); // inline
assert(!exists('simple/build/')); // external
module.exports = function *() {
const strategyDir = yield fs.readdir(gekkoRoot + 'strategies');
const strats = strategyDir
.filter(f => _.last(f, 3).join('') === '.js')
.map(f => {
return { name: f.slice(0, -3) }
// for every strat, check if there is a config file and add it
const stratConfigPath = gekkoRoot + 'config/strategies';
const strategyParamsDir = yield fs.readdir(stratConfigPath);
for(let i = 0; i < strats.length; i++) {
let strat = strats[i];
if(strategyParamsDir.indexOf( + '.toml') !== -1)
strat.params = yield fs.readFile(stratConfigPath + '/' + + '.toml', 'utf8')
strat.params = '';
this.body = strats;
it('should rebuild correctly when a file is touched', function* () {
var p = join(path('rebuild'), 'index.js');
var js = yield fs.readFile(p, 'utf8');
var a = build('rebuild');
var b = build('rebuild');
var c = build('rebuild');
a = yield;
fs.writeFile(p, js);
b = yield;
c = yield;
assert(a.code && b.code && c.code);
assert.equal(a.code, b.code);
assert.equal(b.code, c.code);
it('should include inline source-maps', function* () {
var out = yield exec('--development index.js', 'simple');
if (out.error) throw out.error;
var entry = yield fs.readFile(path('simple/build/index.js'), 'utf8');
var map = convert.fromSource(entry).toObject();
var src = map.sourcesContent[map.sources.indexOf('/two.js')];
assert.equal(src.trim(), 'module.exports = \'two\';');
function* build(fixture) {
fixture += extname(fixture) ? '' : '/build.js';
var file = path(fixture);
var js = yield fs.readFile(file, 'utf-8');
return evaluate(js);
chapterCount: function*() {
var src = this.bookPath();
var url = src + '/' + '';
var exist = yield fs.exists(url);
if (!exist) return 0;
var content = yield fs.readFile(url);
content = content.toString();
return content.split('*').length - 1;
Renderer.prototype.getFile = function *(file) {
debug("reading file %s", chalk.grey(path.relative(this.options.root, file)));
return fm(yield fs.readFile(file, "utf8"));
function* addFile(file) {
var data = yield fs.readFile(file);
var name;
if (embedDirs) {
name = file;
if (name.indexOf(dirPath) === 0) {
name = name.substring(dirPath.length);
} else {
name = path.basename(file);
zip.file(name, data);'Added ' + name + ' ' + data.length + ' bytes to archive ' + archive);
return function *favicon(next){
if(this.path != '/favicon.ico') return yield next;
if ('GET' !== this.method && 'HEAD' !== this.method) {
this.status = 'OPTIONS' == this.method ? 200 : 405;
this.set('Allow', 'GET, HEAD, OPTIONS');
icon = yield fs.readFile(conf.static+'/img/favicon.ico');
this.type = 'image/x-icon';
this.body = icon;
module.exports = function *() {
if(!_.has(parts, this.params.part))
return this.body = 'error :(';
const fileName = gekkoRoot + '/' + parts[this.params.part] + '.toml';
this.body = {
part: yield fs.readFile(fileName, 'utf8')