How to use cls-hooked - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cls-hooked examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github webiny / webiny-js / packages / webiny-api / src / api.js View on Github external
async prepare(options: Object = {}): Promise {
        if (this.handler) {
            return this.handler;

        await this.init();

        // Used for configuring, eg. entity layer, services, graphql or some other internal config parameter.
        await this.__processHooks("configure");

        // Once everything was configured and optionally installed, initialization of each app starts.
        await this.__processHooks("preInit");
        await this.__processHooks("init");
        await this.__processHooks("postInit");

        this.namespace = cls.createNamespace(;

        // Build event handler
        const handler = createHandler(this.namespace, options);
        this.handler = async args => {
            const output = await handler(args);
            return output;

        return this.handler;
github RiseVision / rise-node / src / AppManager.ts View on Github external
public async initAppElements() {
    this.expressApp = express();

    this.server = http.createServer(this.expressApp);
    const io    = socketIO(this.server);

    const namespace = cls.createNamespace('sequelize-namespace');

    (Sequelize as any).__proto__.useCLS(namespace);

    const sequelize = new Sequelize({
      // logging(msg) {
      //   (require('fs')).appendFileSync(`${__dirname}/../sequelize.log`, msg+"\n");
      // },
      database: this.appConfig.db.database,
      dialect : 'postgres',
      host    :,
      logging : false,
      password: this.appConfig.db.password,
      pool    : {
        idle: this.appConfig.db.poolIdleTimeout,
        max : this.appConfig.db.poolSize,
github snake-npms / snake-orm / lib / dialect / mysql / Base.js View on Github external
constructor (connectOptions) {
		this.connectOptions = Object.assign({user: connectOptions.username}, connectOptions)
		const mysql = require('mysql2')
		// filter connect options
		this.dbDrive = mysql.createPool(this.connectOptions.reject(['username', 'dialect', 'logger', 'autoMigrate', 'development', 'production', 'test'])).promise()
		this.tableInfo = {}
		this.ns = createNamespace(`snake-orm-auto-transaction-for-mysql:${connectOptions.database}`)
github microsoft / botbuilder-js / libraries / botbuilder-applicationinsights / src / applicationInsightsTelemetryClient.ts View on Github external
 * @module botbuilder-applicationinsights
 * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the MIT License.
import * as appInsights from 'applicationinsights';
import { Activity, BotTelemetryClient, TelemetryDependency, TelemetryEvent, TelemetryException, TelemetryTrace } from 'botbuilder-core';
import * as cls from 'cls-hooked';
const ns: any = cls.createNamespace('my.request');

// This is the currently recommended work-around for using Application Insights with async/await
// This allows AppInsights to automatically apply the appropriate context objects deep inside the async/await chain.
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-submodule-imports
import { CorrelationContext, CorrelationContextManager } from 'applicationinsights/out/AutoCollection/CorrelationContextManager';
const origGetCurrentContext: any = CorrelationContextManager.getCurrentContext;

function getCurrentContext(): any {
  // tslint:disable-next-line:no-backbone-get-set-outside-model
  return ns.get('ctx') || origGetCurrentContext();

// Overwrite the built-in getCurrentContext() method with a new one.
CorrelationContextManager.getCurrentContext = getCurrentContext;
github webiny / webiny-js / packages-api / webiny-api / src / auth / auth.js View on Github external
return new Promise(resolve => {
            const session = getNamespace('webiny-api');
            const req = session.get('req');
            const token = req.get('Webiny-Authorization');

            if (!token) {

            jwt.verify(token, this.config.jwtSecret, (err, decoded) => {
                if (err) {
                    // TODO: check if token is expired
                } else {
                    this.config.entity.findById( => {
                        this.user = user;
                    }).catch(e => {
github noomijs / noomi / core / database / transactionmanager.ts View on Github external
import { MysqlTransaction } from "./mysqltransaction";
import { SequelizeTransaction } from "./sequelizetransaction";
import { Transaction } from "./transaction";

import { DBManager } from "./dbmanager";
import { Transaction as SeqTransaction } from "sequelize";
import { OracleTransaction } from "./oracletransaction";
import { App } from "../tools/application";
import { MssqlTransaction } from "./mssqltransaction";
import { TypeormTransaction } from "./typeormtransaction";

class TransactionManager{
    static transactionMap:Map = new Map();  //transaction map
    static transactionMdl:string;                               //transaction 实例名
    static expressions:Array;                           //纳入事务的过滤串
    static namespace:any = require('cls-hooked')
                .createNamespace('NOOMI_TX_NAMESPACE');         //cls namespace
    static transactionId:number=1;                              //transaction id;
    static pointcutId:string = 'NOOMI_TX_POINTCUT';             //切点名
    static addToAopExpressions:Array = [];              //待添加到transaction aop的表达式串
    static isolationLevel:number=0;                             //隔离级 1read uncommited 2read commited 3repeatable read 4serializable
    static transactionOption:any;                               //事务配置项
    static init(cfg:any){
        //transaction 模块实例名
        this.transactionMdl = cfg.transaction||'noomi_transaction';
        if(cfg.isolation_level && typeof cfg.isolation_level === 'number'){
            this.isolationLevel = cfg.isolation_level;
        let adviceInstance = InstanceFactory.addInstance({
            name:'NoomiTransactionAdvice',           //实例名
github charjac / nest-boilerplate / src / common / context / context.component.ts View on Github external
public create(cb) {
github tafarij / micro-correlation-id / lib / index.js View on Github external
'use strict';

const cls = require('cls-hooked');
const uuid = require('uuid');

const ns = cls.createNamespace('d7519f70-1ccf-11e8-accf-0ed5f89f718b');
const key = 'CORRELATOR';

const getId = () => ns.get(key);

const correlator = (header = 'x-correlation-id') => handler => (req, res, ...restArgs) => {
  req.correlationId = getId;

  return ns.runAndReturn(() => {
    const id = req.headers[header] || uuid.v4();
    ns.set(key, id);
    return handler(req, res, ...restArgs);

module.exports = {
github skonves / express-http-context / index.js View on Github external
'use strict';

const cls = require('cls-hooked');

const nsid = 'a6a29a6f-6747-4b5f-b99f-07ee96e32f88';
const ns = cls.createNamespace(nsid);

/** Express.js middleware that is responsible for initializing the context for each request. */
function middleware(req, res, next) { => next());

 * Gets a value from the context by key.  Will return undefined if the context has not yet been initialized for this request or if a value is not found for the specified key.
 * @param {string} key
function get(key) {
	if (ns && {
		return ns.get(key);
github entropic-dev / entropic / services / storage / middleware / postgres.js View on Github external
return function postgres(next) {
    const pool = new Pool(
        ? [
              connectionString: url
        : [])
    const namespace = createNamespace('postgres');
    orm.setConnection(async () => {
      const connector = namespace.get('getConnection');
      if (typeof connector !== 'function') {
        throw new Error(
          'Accessing postgres outside the context of a request? UNACCEPTABLE'

      const connection = await connector();
      return {
        release() {}

    return async function inner(context) {


CLS using AsynWrap instead of async-listener - Node >= 4.7.0

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