How to use cli-highlight - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cli-highlight examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mikro-orm / mikro-orm / lib / cli / CLIHelper.ts View on Github external
static dump(text: string, config?: Configuration, language?: string): void {
    if (config && language && config.get('highlight')) {
      text = highlight(text, { language, ignoreIllegals: true, theme: config.getHighlightTheme() });

    // tslint:disable-next-line:no-console
github egodigital / ego-cli / src / commands / devops-items-update / index.ts View on Github external
'Content-type': 'application/json-patch+json',
                                            body: JSON.stringify(OPERATIONS),
                                            throwHttpErrors: false,

                                    if (200 === UPDATE_RESPONSE.statusCode) {
                                        spinner.text = `Work item ${ID} updated`;
                                    } else {
                                        // failed

                              `Unexpected response for work item ${ID}: [${UPDATE_RESPONSE.statusCode}] '${UPDATE_RESPONSE.statusMessage}'

                                                    JSON.parse(UPDATE_RESPONSE.body), null, 2
                                                    "language": "javascript"
                                } else {
                                    spinner.text = `Work item ${ID} updated`;
                        } else {
                            spinner.warn(`Empty result for work item ${ID}!`);
github egodigital / ego-cli / src / commands / job / index.ts View on Github external
public async showHelp(): Promise {
        writeLine(`Examples:    ego job my-job.js "0 * * * * *"`);
        writeLine(`             ego job my-job  "* */15 * * * *"`);
        writeLine(`Relative paths will be mapped to the current working directory or the '.ego' subfolder inside the user's home directory.`);
        writeLine(`It is also possible to run shell scripts (with .sh or .cmd extension).`);

        writeLine(`Example script:`);
    exports.execute = async (context) => {
        // context  =>  s.

        // context.args           =>  List of command line arguments, s.
        // context.cwd            =>  The full path of the current working directory
        // context.getFullPath()  =>  Returns the full version of a path, based on the value of 'cwd'
        // context.package        =>  The 'package.json' file of the e.GO CLI
        // context.queue          =>  A queue, that only executes 1 action at the same time, s.
        // context.require()      =>  Allows to include a NPM module of the e.GO CLI
        // context.values         =>  A key/value pair storage, that is available while the execution
        // context.verbose        =>  Indicates, if script should output additional information or not

        // docker utils, s.
        const docker = context.require('./docker');
        // git utils, s.
github mooyoul / proxyfront / tools / configure.ts View on Github external
filter: Number,
    default: 2592000,
    validate(value) {
      try {
        ow(value, ow.number.greaterThanOrEqual(0).lessThanOrEqual(3153600000));
        return true;
      } catch (e) {
        return e.message;

  const config = createConfigYaml({ stage, ...inputs });

  console.log("Generated configuration file contents: \n");
  console.log(highlight(config, { language: "yaml" }));

  const { hasConfirmed } = await inquirer.prompt<{ hasConfirmed: boolean; }>([{
    type: "confirm",
    name: "hasConfirmed",
    message: "Does it looks good?",
    default: true,

  if (!hasConfirmed) {

  await new Promise(((resolve, reject) => {
    fs.writeFile(CONFIG_FILE_PATH, config, (e) => {
      if (e) { return reject(e); }
github mikro-orm / mikro-orm / lib / utils / Configuration.ts View on Github external
constructor(options: Options, validate = true) {
    this.options = Utils.merge({}, Configuration.DEFAULTS, options);
    this.options.baseDir = Utils.absolutePath(this.options.baseDir);

    if (validate) {

    this.logger = new Logger(this.options.logger, this.options.debug);
    this.driver = this.initDriver();
    this.platform = this.driver.getPlatform();
    this.highlightTheme = fromJson(this.options.highlightTheme!);
github iWinston / typeorm-plus / src / platform / PlatformTools.ts View on Github external
static highlightJson(json: string) {
        return highlight(json, { language: "json" });
github subzerocloud / subzero-cli / src / dashboard.jsx View on Github external
const printLog = data =&gt; highlight(decoder.write(data), {language : 'accesslog'}).replace(/<span class="\&quot;hljs-string\&quot;">/g, '').replace(/&lt;\/span&gt;/g, '');
const printSQL = data =&gt; highlight(decoder.write(data), {language : 'sql'});</span>
github ampproject / amphtml / build-system / single-pass.js View on Github external
function formatSinglePassClosureCompilerError(message) {
  const singlePassJavaInvocationLine = /java -jar[^]*--js_module_root .*?\n/;
  message = message.replace(singlePassJavaInvocationLine, '');
  message = highlight(message, {ignoreIllegals: true});
  message = message.replace(/WARNING/g, colors.yellow('WARNING'));
  message = message.replace(/ERROR/g,'ERROR'));
  return message;
github keplersj / jest-runner-prettier / src / run.js View on Github external
if (isPretty) {
      return pass({
        end: new Date(),
        test: { path: testPath }

    const formatted = prettier.format(contents, prettierConfig);

    return fail({
      end: new Date(),
      test: {
        path: testPath,
        errorMessage: diff(highlight(formatted), highlight(contents), {
          expand: false
github ampproject / amphtml / build-system / compile / closure-compile.js View on Github external
function formatClosureCompilerError(message) {
  const closurePluginLoggingPrefix = /^.*?gulp-google-closure-compiler.*?: /;
  message = message.replace(closurePluginLoggingPrefix, '');
  message = highlight(message, {ignoreIllegals: true});
  message = message.replace(/WARNING/g, colors.yellow('WARNING'));
  message = message.replace(/ERROR/g,'ERROR'));
  return message;


Syntax highlighting in your terminal

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