How to use the cli-color.magentaBright function in cli-color

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cli-color examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github CVCEeu-dh / histograph / scripts / tasks / helpers.js View on Github external
if(typeof options[i] != 'string')
        var pseuroArray = options[i].match(/^\[([^\]]*)\]$/);
        console.log(options[i],'rrrrr', pseuroArray)
        options[i] =[1].split(','), function(d) {
            return d.trim();
            return +d;
      console.log(clc.blackBright('   executing query: ', clc.magentaBright(options.cypher), '...\n'));
      // enrich options with timestamp (always useful though)
      if(!options.exec_time || !options.exec_date){
        var now = require('../../helpers').now();
        options.exec_time = now.time;
        options.exec_date =;

      query = (options.profile? 'PROFILE ':'') + parser.agentBrown(queries[path[1]], options);
      console.log('with params')
github CVCEeu-dh / histograph / scripts / lucene.js View on Github external
var q = async.queue(function (triplet, nextTriplet) {
              console.log(clc.blackBright("processing id =", clc.whiteBright(, triplet.doi, "remaining", clc.magentaBright(q.length(), loops-n, total_count)));
              var contentToIndex = _.compact(_.unique(_.values(triplet.translations))).join(' ').toLowerCase();
              if(!contentToIndex.length) {
                contentToIndex = _.compact(_.values(triplet.archive)).join(' ').toLowerCase();
              if(!contentToIndex.length) {
                throw 'not enough content'
              contentToIndex = _.compact([ triplet.doi, contentToIndex, helpers.text.translit(contentToIndex)]).join(' ');// + ' ' + helpers.text.translit(contentToIndex);
                ' MATCH (res:resource) '+
                '  WHERE id(res) = {id} SET res.full_search = {full_search} RETURN res', {
                  full_search: S(contentToIndex).stripTags().s
              }, function (err, n) {
github CVCEeu-dh / histograph / scripts / tasks / helpers.js View on Github external
// nodes only to be updated
      toBeUpdated = _.flatten(groups.filter(function (d) {
        return d.length == 1
      // nodes to be merged
      toBeMerged = groups.filter(function (d) {
        return d.length > 1
      // remove groups from memory (we creaed a copy)
      delete groups
      // output to the user
      console.log(clc.blackBright('   to be updated:', clc.magentaBright(toBeUpdated.length), '- to be merged:',clc.magentaBright(_.sum(toBeMerged, function (d) {return d.length})), 'nodes, in', clc.magentaBright(toBeMerged.length)));
      // first things first: update what need to be updated, with user confirmation
      var checkNodes = [];
        function merge(next) {
          var q = async.queue(function (group, nextGroup) {
            var ids =, function (d) {return}),
                names =, 'name');
            console.log(clc.blackBright('\n   merging nodes:',  clc.cyanBright(JSON.stringify(ids)), 'remaining:'),q.length());
            // collect all the relationships for the nodes
            neo4j.query('MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) in {ids} WITH n MATCH p=(n)-[r]-(t) RETURN n as node, r as rel', {
              ids: ids
            }, function (err, tuples) {
              if(err) {
github CVCEeu-dh / histograph / scripts / tasks / helpers.js View on Github external
create: function(options, callback) {
      var User = require('../../models/user');

      console.log(clc.yellowBright('\n   tasks.helpers.staffpick.create'));
      console.log(clc.blackBright('    generating user'), clc.magentaBright('MARVIN (staffpick)'));
          username    : 'MARVIN-staff',
          password    : 'marvin',
          email       : 'marvin staffpick',
          firstname   : 'MARVIN',
          lastame     : 'marvin',
          strategy    : 'local', // the strategy passport who creates his account, like local or google or twitter
          about       : '',
          status      : 'enabled',
          picture     : ''
      }, function (err, user) {
          callback(null, _.assign(options, {
            username: 'MARVIN-staff',
        else {
github CVCEeu-dh / histograph / scripts / tasks / helpers.js View on Github external
User.create(generator.user.marvin(), function (err, user) {
            else {
              console.log(clc.blackBright('   user', clc.magentaBright('MARVIN'), 'generated'));
              callback(null, _.assign(options, {
                marvin: _.assign(user, {
                  pwd: generator.user.marvin().password // its password, before it is encrypted
github CVCEeu-dh / histograph / scripts / tasks / helpers.js View on Github external
}, function (err, data) {
        if(err) {
        console.log(clc.blackBright('   parsing csv file completed,', clc.magentaBright(data.length), 'records found'));
        console.log(clc.blackBright('   e.g:'), _.take(data,2)); = data;
        callback(null, options);
github DivanteLtd / storefront-api / packages / lib / logger.ts View on Github external
public static debug (message: any, context: string|Record = '', isTimeDiffEnabled = true) {
    this.printMessage(message, clc.magentaBright, context, isTimeDiffEnabled);
github loggin-js / loggin-js / examples / plugins / severity.js View on Github external
        fn: (str) => clicolor.magentaBright(str).replace(/<%m(.+)>/g, '$1')
github ibartel / ssh-tunnel-manager / lib / utils.js View on Github external
var result = profile.username + '@' +;
    var opts = [];
    if (profile.identity) {
        opts.push('using identity');
    if (profile.password) {
        opts.push('using password');
    if (!profile.password && typeof profile.password !== 'undefined') {
        opts.push('using interactive password');
    if (opts.length) {
        result = result + ' (' + opts.join(', ') + ')';
    if (profile.default) {
        result = result + ' ' + C.magentaBright('[default]');
    return result;