How to use the cleaners.cleanTitle function in cleaners

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github postlight / mercury-parser / src / extractors / generic / title / extractor.js View on Github external
extract({ $, url, metaCache }) {
    // First, check to see if we have a matching meta tag that we can make
    // use of that is strongly associated with the headline.
    let title;

    title = extractFromMeta($, STRONG_TITLE_META_TAGS, metaCache);
    if (title) return cleanTitle(title, { url, $ });

    // Second, look through our content selectors for the most likely
    // article title that is strongly associated with the headline.
    title = extractFromSelectors($, STRONG_TITLE_SELECTORS);
    if (title) return cleanTitle(title, { url, $ });

    // Third, check for weaker meta tags that may match.
    title = extractFromMeta($, WEAK_TITLE_META_TAGS, metaCache);
    if (title) return cleanTitle(title, { url, $ });

    // Last, look for weaker selector tags that may match.
    title = extractFromSelectors($, WEAK_TITLE_SELECTORS);
    if (title) return cleanTitle(title, { url, $ });

    // If no matches, return an empty string
    return '';
github postlight / mercury-parser / src / extractors / generic / title / extractor.js View on Github external
title = extractFromMeta($, STRONG_TITLE_META_TAGS, metaCache);
    if (title) return cleanTitle(title, { url, $ });

    // Second, look through our content selectors for the most likely
    // article title that is strongly associated with the headline.
    title = extractFromSelectors($, STRONG_TITLE_SELECTORS);
    if (title) return cleanTitle(title, { url, $ });

    // Third, check for weaker meta tags that may match.
    title = extractFromMeta($, WEAK_TITLE_META_TAGS, metaCache);
    if (title) return cleanTitle(title, { url, $ });

    // Last, look for weaker selector tags that may match.
    title = extractFromSelectors($, WEAK_TITLE_SELECTORS);
    if (title) return cleanTitle(title, { url, $ });

    // If no matches, return an empty string
    return '';


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