How to use clean-css - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few clean-css examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github puzzle-js / puzzle-js / tests / resource-injector.spec.ts View on Github external
it("should inject style sheets using default version", async (done) => {

        // arrange
        const fragments = {
            "f1": FragmentHelper.create(),
            "f2": FragmentHelper.create()

        sandbox.stub(fragments.f1, "getAsset").callsFake((arg) => arg + "-CSS-");
        sandbox.stub(fragments.f2, "getAsset").callsFake((arg) => arg + "-CSS-");
        sandbox.stub(ResourceFactory.instance, "getRawContent").callsFake( (arg): any => arg + "-CSS-");
        sandbox.stub(CleanCSS.prototype, "minify").callsFake( (arg): any => ({ styles: arg }));

        // act
        const dom = cheerio.load("");
        const resourceInjector = new ResourceInjector(fragments, "", {});
        await resourceInjector.injectStyleSheets(dom as any, false);

        const c1 = fragments.f1.config;
        const c2 = fragments.f2.config;

        const assets = c1.assets.concat(c2.assets).filter((asset) => asset.type === RESOURCE_TYPE.CSS);
        const deps = c1.dependencies.concat(c2.dependencies).filter((dep) => dep.type === RESOURCE_TYPE.CSS);

        let expectedDependencyList = assets.concat(deps).map( (res) =>;
        expectedDependencyList = expectedDependencyList.filter((v,i) => expectedDependencyList.indexOf(v) === i); // remove dublications
        const expectedCssContent = expectedDependencyList.concat([""]); // for last -CSS-
github puzzle-js / puzzle-js / tests / resource-injector.spec.ts View on Github external
it("should inject style sheets using passive version", async (done) => {

        // arrange
        const fragments = {
            "f1": FragmentHelper.create(),
            "f2": FragmentHelper.create()

        const f1Version = faker.random.arrayElement(["2.0.0", "3.0.0"]);
        const f2Version = faker.random.arrayElement(["2.0.0", "3.0.0"]);
        sandbox.stub(fragments.f1, "detectVersion").callsFake(() => f1Version);
        sandbox.stub(fragments.f2, "detectVersion").callsFake( () => f2Version);
        sandbox.stub(fragments.f1, "getAsset").callsFake((arg) => arg + "-CSS-");
        sandbox.stub(fragments.f2, "getAsset").callsFake((arg) => arg + "-CSS-");
        sandbox.stub(ResourceFactory.instance, "getRawContent").callsFake( (arg): any => arg + "-CSS-");
        sandbox.stub(CleanCSS.prototype, "minify").callsFake( (arg): any => ({ styles: arg }));

        // act
        const dom = cheerio.load("");
        const resourceInjector = new ResourceInjector(fragments, "", {});
        await resourceInjector.injectStyleSheets(dom as any, false);

        const c1 = fragments.f1.config.passiveVersions[f1Version];
        const c2 = fragments.f2.config.passiveVersions[f2Version];

        const assets = c1.assets.concat(c2.assets).filter((asset) => asset.type === RESOURCE_TYPE.CSS);
        const deps = c1.dependencies.concat(c2.dependencies).filter((dep) => dep.type === RESOURCE_TYPE.CSS);

        const expectedDependencyList = assets.concat(deps).map( (res) =>;
        const expectedCssContent = expectedDependencyList.concat([""]); // for last -CSS-

        // assert
github MrSwitch / jquery.form.js / src / _build.js View on Github external

// Build Files
var build = {
	"../" : htmlToMarkDown(fs.readFileSync("../index.html", "utf8")),
	"../dist/jquery.form.js" : unminifedJS.join('\n'),
	"../dist/jquery.form.min.js" : minifedJS.join('\n'),
	"../dist/jquery.form.css" : styles.join('\n'),
	"../dist/jquery.form.min.css" : cleanCSS.process(styles.join('\n')),
	"../dist/jquery.editor.js" : fs.readFileSync("./jquery.editor.js", "utf8"),
	"../dist/jquery.editor.min.js" : UglifyJS.minify("./jquery.editor.js").code,
	"../dist/jquery.editor.css" : fs.readFileSync("./jquery.editor.css", "utf8"),
	"../dist/jquery.editor.min.css" : cleanCSS.process(fs.readFileSync("./jquery.editor.css").toString()),
	"../dist/jquery.predict.js" : fs.readFileSync("./jquery.predict.js", "utf8"),
	"../dist/jquery.predict.min.js" : UglifyJS.minify("./jquery.predict.js").code,
	"../dist/jquery.predict.css" : fs.readFileSync("./jquery.predict.css", "utf8"),
	"../dist/jquery.predict.min.css" : cleanCSS.process(fs.readFileSync("./jquery.predict.css").toString())

for(var x in build){
		fs.writeFile( name, code, function(err) {
			if(err) {
			} else {
				console.log(name + " created!");
	})(x, build[x]);
github WeAreGenki / minna-ui / utils / rollup-plugin-emit-css / src / index.ts View on Github external
const processCss = (css: string, id: string): void => {
        if ((!css || !/\S/.test(css)) && !emitEmpty) {
          if (debug) this.warn('CSS empty, not emitting file');

        if (optimize) {
          const cleancss = new CleanCSS({
            sourceMap: false, // TODO: Add source map support
            ...(typeof optimize === 'object' ? optimize : {}),

          const result = cleancss.minify(css);

          for (const err of result.warnings) this.warn(err);
          for (const err of result.errors) this.error(err);

          // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
          css = result.styles;

        const name = id.replace(extname(id), '');

        this.emitAsset(`${name}.css`, css);
github spmjs / grunt-cmd-transport / tasks / lib / css2js.js View on Github external
// if outside css modules, fileObj would be undefined
  // then dont add styleBox
  var opt = {};
  if (addStyleBox && fileObj) {
    // ex. arale/widget/1.0.0/ => arale-widget-1_0_0
    var styleId = unixy((options || {}).idleading || '')
      .replace(/\/$/, '')
      .replace(/\//g, '-')
      .replace(/\./g, '_');
    opt.prefix = ['.', styleId, ' '].join('');

  code = css2str(code, opt);

  // remove comment and format
  code = cleancss.process(code, {
    keepSpecialComments: 0,
    removeEmpty: true

  // transform css to js
  // spmjs/spm#581
  var template = 'function() {seajs.importStyle(\'%s\')}';
  return format(template, code);
github nytimes / kyt / src / server / index.js View on Github external
match({ routes, history }, (error, redirectLocation, renderProps) => {
        if (error) {
          // response.status(500).send(error.message);
        } else if (redirectLocation) {
          // response.redirect(302, `${redirectLocation.pathname}${}`);
        } else if (renderProps) {
            root: renderToString(),
            css: new cleancss().minify(jss.sheets.toString()).styles,
            jsBundle: clientAssets.main.js
        } else {
          // response.status(404).send('Not found');
github silverwind / droppy / server / lib / resources.js View on Github external
resources.compileCSS = function compileCSS() {
  var css = "";
  resources.files.css.forEach(function (file) {
    css += fs.readFileSync(path.join(paths.mod, file)).toString("utf8") + "\n";

  // Vendor prefixes
  css = postcss([autoprefixer]).process(css).css;

  // Minify
  if (minify) css = cleanCSS.minify(css).styles;

  return {data: new Buffer(css), etag: etag(), mime: mime("css")};
github lrsjng / fquery / lib / plugins / cleancss / index.js View on Github external
return this.edit(function (blob) {

			try {
				blob.content = cleancss.process(blob.content, settings);

			} catch (err) {
					method: 'cleancss',
					message: 'failed',
					fquery: this,
					blob: blob,
					data: err
github mozbrick / brick / build / minify.js View on Github external
srcJsPath = path.join('component', name, 'src', name + '.js');

    try {
        js = uglifyjs.minify(srcJsPath);
        fs.writeFileSync(jsPath, js.code);
    } catch (e) {
        return p;

    var cssPath = path.join(distDir, name + '.min.css');
    try {
        css = fs.readFileSync(path.join('component', name, 'src', name + '.css')).toString();
        css = cleancss.process(css);
        fs.writeFileSync(cssPath, css);
    } catch (e) {
        return p;

    if (typeof js !== 'undefined' && typeof css !== 'undefined') {
        p.fulfill({css: css, js: js.code});
    } else {
        throw "missing resulting source";
    return p;
github silverwind / droppy / server / lib / resources.js View on Github external
Object.keys(out).forEach(function (file) {
        if (/\.js$/.test(file)) {
          out[file] = new Buffer(uglify.minify(out[file].toString(), opts.uglify).code);
        } else if (/\.css$/.test(file)) {
          out[file] = new Buffer(cleanCSS.minify(out[file].toString()).styles);


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