How to use the class-transformer.deserializeArray function in class-transformer

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few class-transformer examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github 52North / helgoland / src / app / toolbox / services / api-interface / api-interface.service.ts View on Github external
(result) => {
                    const timeseriesList = deserializeArray(Timeseries, result);
                    timeseriesList.forEach((entry) => {
                        entry.url = apiUrl;
                (error) => observer.error(error),
github 52North / helgoland / www / src / components / view / timeseries / services / timeseries.service.ts View on Github external
private loadTimeseries() {
        const json = this.localStorage.loadTextual(TIMESERIES_CACHE_PARAM);
        if (json) {
            const result = deserializeArray(Timeseries, json);
            this.timeseries = result;
github 52North / helgoland / www / src / services / api-interface / api-interface.service.ts View on Github external
(result) => {
                    const timeseriesList = deserializeArray(Timeseries, result);
                    timeseriesList.forEach((entry) => {
                        entry.url = apiUrl;
                (error) => observer.error(error),