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import { AuthenticatedExchangeAPI, Balances } from '../AuthenticatedExchangeAPI';
import { CryptoAddress, ExchangeTransferAPI, TransferRequest, TransferResult, WithdrawalRequest } from '../ExchangeTransferAPI';
import { ExchangeAuthConfig } from '../AuthConfig';
import { Side } from '../../lib/sides';
import { Big, BigJS, ZERO } from '../../lib/types';
import { BookBuilder } from '../../lib/BookBuilder';
import { PlaceOrderMessage, TradeMessage } from '../../core/Messages';
import { Level3Order, LiveOrder } from '../../lib/Orderbook';
import { Logger } from '../../utils/Logger';
import { CBPTTError, HTTPError } from '../../lib/errors';
type ExchangeDefinition = [string, new (opts: any) => ccxt.Exchange];
// Supported exchanges, minus those with native support
const exchanges: { [index: string]: ExchangeDefinition } = {
_1broker: ['1Broker', ccxt._1broker],
_1btcxe: ['1BTCXE', ccxt._1btcxe],
acx: ['ACX', ccxt.acx],
allcoin: ['Allcoin', ccxt.allcoin],
anxpro: ['ANXPro', ccxt.anxpro],
bibox: ['Bibox', ccxt.bibox],
binance: ['Binance', ccxt.binance],
bit2c: ['Bit2C', ccxt.bit2c],
bitbank: ['bitbank', ccxt.bitbank],
bitbay: ['BitBay', ccxt.bitbay],
bitfinex: ['Bitfinex', ccxt.bitfinex],
bitfinex2: ['Bitfinex', ccxt.bitfinex2],
bitflyer: ['bitFlyer', ccxt.bitflyer],
bithumb: ['Bithumb', ccxt.bithumb],
bitlish: ['Bitlish', ccxt.bitlish],
bitmarket: ['BitMarket', ccxt.bitmarket],
bitmex: ['BitMEX', ccxt.bitmex],
bitso: ['Bitso', ccxt.bitso],