How to use the cbor.decodeAllSync function in cbor

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few cbor examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Ylianst / MeshCentral / webauthn.js View on Github external
obj.verifyAuthenticatorAttestationResponse = function (webauthnResponse) {
        const attestationBuffer = Buffer.from(webauthnResponse.attestationObject, 'base64');
        const ctapMakeCredResp = cbor.decodeAllSync(attestationBuffer)[0];
        const authrDataStruct = parseMakeCredAuthData(ctapMakeCredResp.authData);
        //console.log('***CTAP_RESPONSE', ctapMakeCredResp)
        //console.log('***AUTHR_DATA_STRUCT', authrDataStruct)

        const response = { 'verified': false };

        if (ctapMakeCredResp.fmt === 'none') {
            if (!(authrDataStruct.flags & 0x01)) { throw new Error('User was NOT presented during authentication!'); } // U2F_USER_PRESENTED

            const publicKey = COSEECDHAtoPKCS(authrDataStruct.COSEPublicKey);
            response.verified = true;

            if (response.verified) {
                response.authrInfo = {
                    fmt: 'none',
                    publicKey: ASN1toPEM(publicKey),
github apowers313 / fido2-lib / lib / parser.js View on Github external
function parseAttestationObject(attestationObject) {
    // update docs to say ArrayBuffer-ish object
    attestationObject = coerceToArrayBuffer(attestationObject, "attestationObject");

    // parse attestation
    var parsed;
    try {
        parsed = cbor.decodeAllSync(Buffer.from(attestationObject));
    } catch (err) {
        throw new TypeError("couldn't parse attestationObject CBOR");

    if (!Array.isArray(parsed) || typeof parsed[0] !== "object") {
        throw new TypeError("invalid parsing of attestationObject CBOR");
    parsed = parsed[0];

    if (typeof parsed.fmt !== "string") {
        throw new Error("expected attestation CBOR to contain a 'fmt' string");

    if (typeof parsed.attStmt !== "object") {
        throw new Error("expected attestation CBOR to contain a 'attStmt' object");
github alibaba / funcraft / examples / tablestore-trigger / main.js View on Github external
exports.index = asyncWrap(async function (event, ctx) {
  var [ result ] = cbor.decodeAllSync(event);
  if (result) {
    console.log(`Version: ${result.Version}`);
    for (var i = 0; i < result.Records.length; i++) {
      var record = result.Records[i];
      console.log(`type: ${record.Type}`);
      console.log(`primary keys:`);
      for (var j = 0; j < record.PrimaryKey.length; j++) {
        var key = record.PrimaryKey[j];
        console.log(`  ${key.ColumnName}: ${key.Value}`);
  return 'ok';
github fido-alliance / webauthn-demo / utils.js View on Github external
| name | key   | label | type    | description                      |
       |      | type  |       |         |                                  |
       | crv  | 2     | -1    | int /   | EC Curve identifier - Taken from |
       |      |       |       | tstr    | the COSE Curves registry         |
       |      |       |       |         |                                  |
       | x    | 2     | -2    | bstr    | X Coordinate                     |
       |      |       |       |         |                                  |
       | y    | 2     | -3    | bstr /  | Y Coordinate                     |
       |      |       |       | bool    |                                  |
       |      |       |       |         |                                  |
       | d    | 2     | -4    | bstr    | Private key                      |

    let coseStruct = cbor.decodeAllSync(COSEPublicKey)[0];
    let tag = Buffer.from([0x04]);
    let x   = coseStruct.get(-2);
    let y   = coseStruct.get(-3);

    return Buffer.concat([tag, x, y])
github Ylianst / MeshCentral / webauthn.js View on Github external
function COSEECDHAtoPKCS(COSEPublicKey) {
        const coseStruct = cbor.decodeAllSync(COSEPublicKey)[0];
        return Buffer.concat([Buffer.from([0x04]), coseStruct.get(-2), coseStruct.get(-3)]);
github fido-alliance / webauthn-demo / utils.js View on Github external
let verifyAuthenticatorAttestationResponse = (webAuthnResponse) => {
    let attestationBuffer = base64url.toBuffer(webAuthnResponse.response.attestationObject);
    let ctapMakeCredResp  = cbor.decodeAllSync(attestationBuffer)[0];

    let response = {'verified': false};
    if(ctapMakeCredResp.fmt === 'fido-u2f') {
        let authrDataStruct = parseMakeCredAuthData(ctapMakeCredResp.authData);

        if(!(authrDataStruct.flags & U2F_USER_PRESENTED))
            throw new Error('User was NOT presented durring authentication!');

        let clientDataHash  = hash(base64url.toBuffer(webAuthnResponse.response.clientDataJSON))
        let reservedByte    = Buffer.from([0x00]);
        let publicKey       = COSEECDHAtoPKCS(authrDataStruct.COSEPublicKey)
        let signatureBase   = Buffer.concat([reservedByte, authrDataStruct.rpIdHash, clientDataHash, authrDataStruct.credID, publicKey]);

        let PEMCertificate = ASN1toPEM(ctapMakeCredResp.attStmt.x5c[0]);
        let signature      = ctapMakeCredResp.attStmt.sig;
github Emurgo / yoroi-frontend / app / utils / cborCodec.js View on Github external
export const decodeTx = function (encodedTx) {
  try {
    const buffer = base64ToUint8Array(encodedTx);
    const decodedTx = cbor.decodeAllSync(buffer)[0];
    const inputs = decodedTx[0];
    const outputs = decodedTx[1].map((output) => {
      return {
        address: toAddress(output[0]),
        coin: output[1]
    return {
      txInputs: inputs,
      txOutputs: outputs
  } catch (e) {
    return undefined;


Encode and parse data in the Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) data format (RFC8949).

Latest version published 4 months ago

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