How to use the bytebuffer.btoa function in bytebuffer

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bytebuffer examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github lino-network / lino-js / lib / lino-js.esm.js View on Github external
pub_key: convertToInternalPubKey(rawPubKey, _TYPE.PubKeySecp256k1),
        signature: ByteBuffer.fromHex(rawSigDER).toString('base64'),
        account_number: '0',
        sequence: String(seq)
    const stdTx = {
        msg: msgs,
        signatures: [stdSig],
        fee: getZeroFee()
    const authStdTx = {
        type: 'auth/StdTx',
        value: number2StringInObject(stdTx)
    const jsonStr = JSON.stringify(authStdTx);
    return ByteBuffer.btoa(jsonStr);
function decodeObject(result) {
github lino-network / lino-js / src / transport / encoder.ts View on Github external

  const stdTx: StdTx = {
    msg: msgs,
    signatures: sigs,
    fee: getFee(maxFeeInCoin)

  const authStdTx: StdMsg = {
    type: 'auth/StdTx',
    value: number2StringInObject(stdTx)
  const jsonStr = JSON.stringify(authStdTx);
  return ByteBuffer.btoa(jsonStr);