Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
SZA_PATH: path7za,
SZA_COMPRESSION_LEVEL: packager.compression === "store" ? "0" : "9",
// rpmbuild wants directory rpm with some default config files. Even if we can use dylibbundler, path to such config files are not changed (we need to replace in the binary)
// so, for now, brew install rpm is still required.
if (target !== "rpm" && await isMacOsSierra()) {
const linuxToolsPath = await getLinuxToolsPath()
Object.assign(env, {
PATH: computeEnv(process.env.PATH, [path.join(linuxToolsPath, "bin")]),
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH: computeEnv(process.env.DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, [path.join(linuxToolsPath, "lib")]),
await executeAppBuilder(["fpm", "--configuration", JSON.stringify(fpmConfiguration)], undefined, {env})
await packager.dispatchArtifactCreated(artifactPath, this, arch)
// after adding blockmap data will be "Warnings: 1" in the end of output
const match = archiveInfo.match(/(\d+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+files/)
if (match == null) {
log.warn({output: archiveInfo}, "cannot compute size of app package")
else {
estimatedSize += parseInt(match[1], 10)
if (isPortable) {
const portableOptions = options as PortableOptions
defines.REQUEST_EXECUTION_LEVEL = portableOptions.requestExecutionLevel || "user"
defines.UNPACK_DIR_NAME = portableOptions.unpackDirName || (await executeAppBuilder(["ksuid"]))
if (portableOptions.splashImage != null) {
defines.SPLASH_IMAGE = portableOptions.splashImage
else {
await this.configureDefines(oneClick, defines)
if (estimatedSize !== 0) {
// in kb
defines.ESTIMATED_SIZE = Math.round(estimatedSize / 1024)
if (packager.compression === "store") {
commands.SetCompress = "off"
download(url: string, destination: string, options: DownloadOptions): Promise {
const args = ["download", "--url", url, "--output", destination]
if (options != null && options.sha512) {
args.push("--sha512", options.sha512)
return executeAppBuilder(args)
.then(() => destination)
function doGetBin(name: string, url: string | undefined | null, checksum: string | null | undefined): Promise {
const args = ["download-artifact", "--name", name]
if (url != null) {
args.push("--url", url)
if (checksum != null) {
args.push("--sha512", checksum)
return executeAppBuilder(args)
private downloadArtifacts(files: Array, fileSizes: Array, baseUrl: string) {
const args = ["download-resolved-files", "--out", this.outDir, "--base-url", this.buildServiceEndpoint + baseUrl]
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
const artifact = files[i]
args.push("-f", artifact.file)
args.push("-s", fileSizes[i].toString())
return executeAppBuilder(args)
export function executeAppBuilderAsJson(args: Array): Promise {
return executeAppBuilder(args)
.then(rawResult => {
if (rawResult === "") {
return Object.create(null) as T
try {
return JSON.parse(rawResult) as T
catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Cannot parse result: ${e.message}: "${rawResult}"`)
private async prepareLinuxApplicationStageDirectory(options: PrepareApplicationStageDirectoryOptions) {
const appOutDir = options.appOutDir
await executeAppBuilder(["proton-native", "--node-version", this.version, "--platform", "linux", "--arch", options.arch, "--stage", appOutDir])
const mainPath = path.join(appOutDir, (options.packager as LinuxPackager).executableName)
await writeExecutableMain(mainPath, `#!/bin/sh
DIR=$(dirname "$0")
"$DIR/node" "$DIR/app/${ || "index.js"}"
options.timeout = 120 * 1000
return exec(file, appArgs, options)
const commandArgs = [
"--ia32", file,
if (file64 != null) {
commandArgs.push("--x64", file64)
if (appArgs.length > 0) {
commandArgs.push("--args", JSON.stringify(appArgs))
return executeAppBuilder(commandArgs, undefined, options)
export function download(url: string, output: string, checksum?: string | null): Promise {
const args = ["download", "--url", url, "--output", output]
if (checksum != null) {
args.push("--sha512", checksum)
return executeAppBuilder(args) as Promise