Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
const { currency, startIndex, n, version="SEGWIT" } = opts;
if (currency === undefined || startIndex == undefined || n == undefined) {
return cb('Please provide `currency`, `startIndex`, and `n` options');
} else if (currencyCodes[currency] === undefined) {
return cb('Unsupported currency');
// Bitcoin requires a version byte
if (currency === 'BTC' && bitcoin.addressVersion[version] === undefined) {
return cb('Unsupported Bitcoin version. Options are: LEGACY, SEGWIT, TESTNET, SEGWIT_TESTNET');
// Bitcoin segwit addresses require a P2SH_P2WPKH script type -- the script type
// is otherwise ignored and is only needed for BTC
const bitcoinScriptType = (version === 'SEGWIT' || version === 'SEGWIT_TESTNET') ?
bitcoin.scriptTypes.P2SH_P2WPKH: 0;
const payload = Buffer.alloc(7);
payload.writeUInt32BE(startIndex, 1);
payload.writeUInt8(n, 5);
payload.writeUInt8(bitcoinScriptType || 0, 6);
const param = this._buildEncRequest(encReqCodes.GET_ADDRESSES, payload);
return this._request(param, (err, res) => {
if (err) return cb(err);
const parsedRes = this._handleGetAddresses(res, currency, n, bitcoin.addressVersion[version]);
if (parsedRes.err) return cb(parsedRes.err);
return cb(null,;
function buildWitness(sigs, pubkeys) {
let witness = Buffer.alloc(0);
// Two items in each vector (sig, pubkey)
const len = Buffer.alloc(1); len.writeUInt8(2);
for (let i = 0; i < sigs.length; i++) {
const sig = Buffer.concat([sigs[i], DEFAULT_SIGHASH_BUFFER]);
const sigLen = getVarInt(sig.length);
const pubkey = pubkeys[i];
const pubkeyLen = getVarInt(pubkey.length);
witness = Buffer.concat([witness, len, sigLen, sig, pubkeyLen, pubkey]);
return witness;
const tx = txBuildingResolver[currency](data);
if (tx.err !== undefined) return cb({ err: tx.err });
// All transaction requests must be put into the same sized buffer
// so that checksums may be validated. The full size is 530 bytes,
// but that includes a 1-byte prefix (`SIGN_TRANSACTION`), 2 bytes
// indicating the schema type, and 4 bytes for a checksum.
// That leaves 514 bytes for the transaction request. It will be
// deserialized according to the schema type and extra zeros will be
// discarded.
const MAX_TX_REQ_DATA_SIZE = 557;
if (tx.payload.length > MAX_TX_REQ_DATA_SIZE) {
return cb('Transaction is too large');
// Build the payload
const payload = Buffer.alloc(2 + MAX_TX_REQ_DATA_SIZE);
payload.writeUInt16BE(tx.schema, 0);
tx.payload.copy(payload, 2);
// Construct the encrypted request and send it
const param = this._buildEncRequest(encReqCodes.SIGN_TRANSACTION, payload);
return this._request(param, (err, res) => {
if (err) return cb(err);
const parsedRes = this._handleSign(res, currency, tx);
if (parsedRes.err) return cb(parsedRes.err);
return cb(null,;
exports.buildBitcoinTxRequest = function(data) {
try {
const { prevOuts, recipient, value, changeIndex=0, fee, isSegwit, changeVersion='SEGWIT' } = data;
// Serialize the request
const payload = Buffer.alloc(37 + (51 * prevOuts.length));
let off = 0;
// Build the change data
payload.writeUInt32LE(changeIndex, off); off += 4;
const scriptType = isSegwit === true ?
scriptTypes.P2SH_P2WPKH : // Only support p2sh(p2wpkh) for segwit spends for now
scriptTypes.P2PKH; // No support for multisig p2sh in v1 (p2sh == segwit here)
payload.writeUInt8(scriptType, off); off++; // change script type
// Fee is a param
payload.writeUInt32LE(fee, off); off += 4;
const recipientVersionByte = bs58.decode(recipient)[0];
const recipientPubkeyhash = bs58check.decode(recipient).slice(1);
// Parameterize the recipient output
payload.writeUInt8(recipientVersionByte, off); off++;
recipientPubkeyhash.copy(payload, off); off += recipientPubkeyhash.length;
writeUInt64LE(value, payload, off); off += 8;
// Build the inputs from the previous outputs
function getU32LE(x) {
let buffer = Buffer.alloc(4);
return buffer;
function getVarInt (x) {
let buffer;
if (x < 0xfd) {
buffer = Buffer.alloc(1);
} else if (x <= 0xffff) {
buffer = Buffer.alloc(3);
buffer.writeUInt8(0xfd, 0);
buffer.writeUInt16LE(x, 1);
} else if (x < 0xffffffff) {
buffer = Buffer.alloc(5);
buffer.writeUInt8(0xfe, 0);
buffer.writeUInt32LE(x, 1);
} else {
buffer = Buffer.alloc(9);
buffer.writeUInt8(0xff, 0);
buffer.writeUInt32LE(x >>> 0, 1);
buffer.writeUInt32LE((x / 0x100000000) | 0, 5);
return buffer;
async crypto_secretbox(plaintext, nonce, key) {
let encrypted = Buffer.alloc(plaintext.length + 16);
await Util.toBuffer(plaintext),
return encrypted;
function fixLen(msg, length) {
const buf = Buffer.alloc(length)
if (msg.length < length) {
msg.copy(buf, length - msg.length)
return buf
return msg.slice(-length)
function getU64LE(x) {
let buffer = Buffer.alloc(8);
writeUInt64LE(x, buffer, 0);
return buffer;
codec: Codec,
info: TypeInfo,
value: any[],
fopts: FieldOptions,
bare: boolean
): Uint8Array {
if (!info.arrayOf) {
throw new Error("should set a type of array element");
const etype = info.arrayOf!;
let einfo: TypeInfo = {
type: etype.type,
arrayOf: etype.arrayOf
let buf = Buffer.alloc(0);
if (value.length > 0) {
const [deferedInfo] = deferTypeInfo(codec, einfo, value[0], "");
einfo = deferedInfo;
const typ3 = typeToTyp3(deferedInfo.type, fopts);
if (typ3 !== Typ3.ByteLength) {
for (const v of value) {
buf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from(encodeReflectBinary(codec, einfo, v, fopts, false))
} else {
for (const v of value) {
buf = Buffer.concat([