Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
/* render */(function (_self) {
return Curry._1(children, text);
/* initialState */component[/* initialState */10],
return Jest.testAll(name, cases, (function (param) {
return Curry._2(Jest.Expect[/* Operators */24][/* = */5], Jest.Expect[/* expect */0](Curry._1(f, param[0])), param[1]);
/* reducer */(function (action, state) {
if (action) {
return /* Update */Block.__(0, [/* record */[/* isDropdownOpen */!state[/* isDropdownOpen */0]]]);
} else {
console.log("Clicked LogOut!!");
return /* SideEffects */Block.__(1, [(function (_state) {
auth.logout("spotify").then((function (param) {
return auth.isLoggedIn("spotify");
})).then((function (loginStatus) {
Curry._1(setLogInStatus, loginStatus);
return Promise.resolve(/* () */0);
})).catch((function (err) {
return Promise.resolve((console.log(err), /* () */0));
return /* () */0;
/* jsElementWrapped */component[/* jsElementWrapped */13]
function buildTypography(typographyDir) {
console.log("Building Typography Variables");
console.log("Reading data from " + typographyDir);
var dir = List.hd(List.filter((function (file) {
return +(file !== "page.json");
var typos = (json) {
return /* record */[
/* name */Caml_array.caml_array_get(Json_decode.field("overrideValues", (function (param) {
return Json_decode.array((function (param) {
return Json_decode.field("value", Json_decode.string, param);
}), param);
}), json), 0),
/* value */Caml_array.caml_array_get(Json_decode.field("overrideValues", (function (param) {
return Json_decode.array((function (param) {
return Json_decode.field("value", Json_decode.string, param);
}), param);
}), json), 1)
}),, (file) {
return Fs.readFileSync(typographyDir + ("/" + (dir + ("/" + file))), "utf8");
}), List.filter((function (file) {
return +(file !== "artboard.json");
console.log("Building Color Variables!");
console.log("Reading data from " + colorsDir);
var clrs = (json) {
return /* record */[
/* name */Caml_array.caml_array_get(Json_decode.field("overrideValues", (function (param) {
return Json_decode.array((function (param) {
return Json_decode.field("value", Json_decode.string, param);
}), param);
}), json), 0),
/* hex */Caml_array.caml_array_get(Json_decode.field("overrideValues", (function (param) {
return Json_decode.array((function (param) {
return Json_decode.field("value", Json_decode.string, param);
}), param);
}), json), 1)
}),, (file) {
return Fs.readFileSync(colorsDir + ("/" + file), "utf8");
}), List.filter((function (file) {
if (file !== "page.json") {
return +file.includes(".json");
} else {
return /* false */0;
return /* Colors */Block.__(0, [clrs]);
var handleFaqCallback = function (Faq) {
console.log("Faq module imported & resolved");
return Promise.resolve(ReasonReact.element(/* None */0, /* None */0, Curry._2(Faq[/* make */1], redirect, /* array */[])));
return Curry._1(CodeSplitting$ParcelReasonmlCodeSplit.ImportableFaq[/* import */1], /* () */0).then(handleFaqCallback);
function buildTypography(typographyDir) {
console.log("Building Typography Variables");
console.log("Reading data from " + typographyDir);
var dir = List.hd(List.filter((function (file) {
return +(file !== "page.json");
var typos = (json) {
return /* record */[
/* name */Caml_array.caml_array_get(Json_decode.field("overrideValues", (function (param) {
return Json_decode.array((function (param) {
return Json_decode.field("value", Json_decode.string, param);
}), param);
}), json), 0),
/* value */Caml_array.caml_array_get(Json_decode.field("overrideValues", (function (param) {
return Json_decode.array((function (param) {
return Json_decode.field("value", Json_decode.string, param);
}), param);
}), json), 1)
}),, (file) {
var title = Style$* :: */[
Style$BsReactNative.fontWeight(/* Bold */737455525),
/* [] */0
var cardListItem = Style$* :: */[
Style$BsReactNative.height(/* Pt */Block.__(0, [170.0])),
/* :: */[
Style$BsReactNative.flexDirection(/* Row */0),
/* :: */[
Style$BsReactNative.padding(/* Pt */Block.__(0, [16.0])),
/* [] */0
var thumbnail = Style$* :: */[
Style$BsReactNative.height(/* Pt */Block.__(0, [100.0])),
/* :: */[
Style$BsReactNative.width(/* Pt */Block.__(0, [72.0])),
/* [] */0
var stats = Style$* :: */[
Style$BsReactNative.width(/* Pt */Block.__(0, [45.0])),
/* :: */[
case 3 :
var match$4 = statList[0];
switch (match$4.tag | 0) {
case 1 :
var match$5 = statList[1];
switch (match$5.tag | 0) {
case 0 :
case 1 :
return Pervasives.failwith("Invalid Battle Card stat list.");
case 2 :
var match$6 = statList[2];
switch (match$6.tag | 0) {
case 0 :
return /* StrengthIntelligenceSpecial */Block.__(6, [match$4[0]]);
case 1 :
case 2 :
return Pervasives.failwith("Invalid Battle Card stat list.");
case 0 :
case 2 :
return Pervasives.failwith("Invalid Battle Card stat list.");
function decoder(json) {
return, (function (json) {
return /* record */[
/* type_ */Json_decode.field("type", Json_decode.string, json),
/* rank */Json_decode.field("rank", Json_decode.$$int, json)
}), json);
var container = Style$* :: */[
Style$BsReactNative.flexDirection(/* Row */0),
/* :: */[
Style$BsReactNative.marginTop(/* Pt */Block.__(0, [8.0])),
/* :: */[
Style$BsReactNative.justifyContent(/* FlexEnd */1),
/* :: */[
Style$BsReactNative.alignItems(/* Center */2),
/* :: */[
Style$BsReactNative.width(/* Pt */Block.__(0, [45.0])),
/* [] */0
var rank = Style$* :: */[
Style$BsReactNative.marginLeft(/* Pt */Block.__(0, [4.0])),
/* :: */[