How to use bs-logger - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bs-logger examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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import { LogContexts, LogLevels } from 'bs-logger'
import { readFileSync } from 'fs'
import { resolve } from 'path'

import { createJestPreset as createJestPresetCore } from './config/create-jest-preset'
import { pathsToModuleNameMapper as pathsToModuleNameMapperCore } from './config/paths-to-module-name-mapper'
import { TsJestTransformer } from './ts-jest-transformer'
import { TsJestGlobalOptions } from './types'
import { rootLogger } from './util/logger'
import { Deprecateds, interpolate } from './util/messages'
import { mocked as mockedCore } from './util/testing'
import { VersionCheckers } from './util/version-checkers'

// deprecate helpers
const warn = rootLogger.child({ [LogContexts.logLevel]: LogLevels.warn })
const helperMoved =  any>(name: string, helper: T) =>
  warn.wrap(interpolate(Deprecateds.HelperMovedToUtils, { helper: name }), helper)

/** @deprecated */
export const mocked = helperMoved('mocked', mockedCore)
/** @deprecated */
export const createJestPreset = helperMoved('createJestPreset', createJestPresetCore)
/** @deprecated */
export const pathsToModuleNameMapper = helperMoved('pathsToModuleNameMapper', pathsToModuleNameMapperCore)

// tslint:disable-next-line:no-var-requires
export const version: string = require('../package.json').version
export const digest: string = readFileSync(resolve(__dirname, '..', '.ts-jest-digest'), 'utf8')

let transformer!: TsJestTransformer
function defaultTransformer(): TsJestTransformer {
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  // Use full language services when the fast option is disabled.
  if (!configs.tsJest.isolatedModules) {
    // Set the file contents into cache.
    const updateMemoryCache = (code: string, fileName: string) => {
      logger.debug({ fileName }, `updateMemoryCache()`)
      if (memoryCache.contents[fileName] !== code) {
        memoryCache.contents[fileName] = code
        memoryCache.versions[fileName] = (memoryCache.versions[fileName] || 0) + 1

    // Create the compiler host for type checking.
    const serviceHostDebugCtx = {
      [LogContexts.logLevel]: LogLevels.debug,
      namespace: 'ts:serviceHost',
      call: null,
    const serviceHostTraceCtx = {
      [LogContexts.logLevel]: LogLevels.trace,

    const serviceHost = {
      getScriptFileNames: () => Object.keys(memoryCache.versions),
      getScriptVersion: (fileName: string) => {
        const normalizedFileName = normalize(fileName)
        const version = memoryCache.versions[normalizedFileName]

        // We need to return `undefined` and not a string here because TypeScript will use
        // `getScriptVersion` and compare against their own version - which can be `undefined`.
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import { LogContexts } from 'bs-logger'
import { CompilerOptions } from 'typescript'

import { rootLogger } from '../util/logger'
import { Errors, interpolate } from '../util/messages'

type TsPathMapping = Exclude
type JestPathMapping = jest.InitialOptions['moduleNameMapper']

// we don't need to escape all chars, so commented out is the real one
// const escapeRegex = (str: string) => str.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&')
const escapeRegex = (str: string) => str.replace(/[-\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&')

const logger = rootLogger.child({ [LogContexts.namespace]: 'path-mapper' })

export const pathsToModuleNameMapper = (
  mapping: TsPathMapping,
  { prefix = '' }: { prefix?: string } = {},
): JestPathMapping => {
  const jestMap: JestPathMapping = {}
  for (const fromPath of Object.keys(mapping)) {
    let pattern: string
    const toPaths = mapping[fromPath]
    // check that we have only one target path
    if (toPaths.length === 0) {
      logger.warn(interpolate(Errors.NotMappingPathWithEmptyMap, { path: fromPath }))
    } else if (toPaths.length > 1) {
        interpolate(Errors.MappingOnlyFirstTargetOfPath, {
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[LogContexts.logLevel]: LogLevels.trace,
    version: require('../../package.json').version,
  targets: process.env.TS_JEST_LOG || undefined,

 * @internal
export let rootLogger = createLogger(buildOptions())


// re-create the logger if the env var has been backported
if (original !== process.env.TS_JEST_LOG) {
  rootLogger = createLogger(buildOptions())
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const original = process.env.TS_JEST_LOG

const buildOptions = () => ({
  context: {
    [LogContexts.package]: 'ts-jest',
    [LogContexts.logLevel]: LogLevels.trace,
    version: require('../../package.json').version,
  targets: process.env.TS_JEST_LOG || undefined,

 * @internal
export let rootLogger = createLogger(buildOptions())


// re-create the logger if the env var has been backported
if (original !== process.env.TS_JEST_LOG) {
  rootLogger = createLogger(buildOptions())
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logger.debug({ fileName }, `updateMemoryCache()`)
      if (memoryCache.contents[fileName] !== code) {
        memoryCache.contents[fileName] = code
        memoryCache.versions[fileName] = (memoryCache.versions[fileName] || 0) + 1

    // Create the compiler host for type checking.
    const serviceHostDebugCtx = {
      [LogContexts.logLevel]: LogLevels.debug,
      namespace: 'ts:serviceHost',
      call: null,
    const serviceHostTraceCtx = {
      [LogContexts.logLevel]: LogLevels.trace,

    const serviceHost = {
      getScriptFileNames: () => Object.keys(memoryCache.versions),
      getScriptVersion: (fileName: string) => {
        const normalizedFileName = normalize(fileName)
        const version = memoryCache.versions[normalizedFileName]

        // We need to return `undefined` and not a string here because TypeScript will use
        // `getScriptVersion` and compare against their own version - which can be `undefined`.
        // If we don't return `undefined` it results in `undefined === "undefined"` and run
        // `createProgram` again (which is very slow). Using a `string` assertion here to avoid
        // TypeScript errors from the function signature (expects `(x: string) => string`).
        return version === undefined ? ((undefined as any) as string) : String(version)
      getScriptSnapshot(fileName: string) {
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  jest.mock('./bar/foo', () => 'foo')
const func2 = () => {
  const bar = 'bar'
  jest.mock('./bar/foo', () => 'foo')
const logger = testing.createLoggerMock()
const createFactory = () => {
  return hoist.factory({ logger, compilerModule: tsc } as any)
const transpile = (source: string) => tsc.transpileModule(source, { transformers: { before: [createFactory()] } })

describe('hoisting', () => {
  it('should have correct signature', () => {
    expect(typeof hoist.version).toBe('number')
    expect(typeof hoist.factory).toBe('function')

  it('should hoist jest mock() and unmock() statements', () => {
    const out = transpile(CODE_WITH_HOISTING)
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it('should use the cache', () => {
    const compiled1 = compiler.compile(source, __filename)
    expect(logTarget.filteredLines(LogLevels.debug, Infinity)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
Array [
  "[level:20] readThrough(): cache miss
  "[level:20] getOutput(): compiling using language service
  "[level:20] updateMemoryCache()
  "[level:20] visitSourceFileNode(): hoisting
  "[level:20] getOutput(): computing diagnostics
  "[level:20] readThrough(): writing caches
github kulshekhar / ts-jest / src / cli / config / migrate.ts View on Github external
export const run: CliCommand = async (args: Arguments /*, logger: Logger*/) => {
  const nullLogger = createLogger({ targets: [] })
  const file = args._[0]
  const filePath = resolve(process.cwd(), file)
  const footNotes: string[] = []
  if (!existsSync(filePath)) {
    throw new Error(`Configuration file ${file} does not exists.`)
  const name = basename(file)
  const isPackage = name === 'package.json'
  if (!/\.(js|json)$/.test(name)) {
    throw new TypeError(`Configuration file ${file} must be a JavaScript or JSON file.`)
  let actualConfig: jest.InitialOptions = require(filePath)
  if (isPackage) {
    actualConfig = (actualConfig as any).jest
  if (!actualConfig) actualConfig = {}
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describe('raiseDiagnostics', () => {
  const createTsError = jest.fn(
    (list: Diagnostic[]) => new Error( => `[TS${d.code}] ${d.messageText}`).join('\n')),
  const filterDiagnostics = jest.fn(list => list)
  const logger = testing.createLoggerMock()
  const makeDiagnostic = ({
    messageText = 'foo',
    code = 9999,
    category = DiagnosticCategory.Warning,
  }: Partial = {}): Diagnostic => ({ messageText, code, category } as any)
  it('should throw when warnOnly is false', () => {
    const { raiseDiagnostics } = createConfigSet({ createTsError, filterDiagnostics })
    expect(() => raiseDiagnostics([])).not.toThrow()
    expect(() => raiseDiagnostics([makeDiagnostic()])).toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot(`"[TS9999] foo"`)
    expect(() => raiseDiagnostics([makeDiagnostic({ category: DiagnosticCategory.Message })])).not.toThrow()
  it('should not throw when warnOnly is true', () => {
    const { raiseDiagnostics } = createConfigSet({