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{inView && (
<img hidden="{loading}">
{loading && (
{typeof window === 'undefined' && (!inView || loading) && (
import svg2react from './tasks/svg2react';
import svg2datauri, { sassMap, svg2sassvar } from './tasks/svg2datauri';
import getIconFontMetadataProvider from './tasks/getIconFontMetadataProvider';
import metadata from './tasks/metadata';
const remToPx = value => {
let parsed = null;
if (/rem$/.test(value)) {
parsed = parseFloat(value.replace(/rem/, '')) * 16;
return parsed || null;
const smallIconSize = tokens.props.ICON_SIZE_SM.value;
const smallIconPxSize = remToPx(smallIconSize);
const largeIconSize = tokens.props.ICON_SIZE_LG.value;
const largeIconPxSize = remToPx(largeIconSize);
const colors = _(tokens.props)
.filter({ category: 'colors', type: 'color' })
.mapKeys((value, key) => _.kebabCase(key).replace('color-', ''))
.mapValues(value => tinycolor(value).toHexString())
const svgoCommonPlugins = [
{ removeTitle: true },
{ removeStyleElement: true },
{ removeEmptyContainers: true },
import getIconFontMetadataProvider from './tasks/getIconFontMetadataProvider';
import metadata from './tasks/metadata';
const remToPx = value => {
let parsed = null;
if (/rem$/.test(value)) {
parsed = parseFloat(value.replace(/rem/, '')) * 16;
return parsed || null;
const smallIconSize = tokens.props.ICON_SIZE_SM.value;
const smallIconPxSize = remToPx(smallIconSize);
const largeIconSize = tokens.props.ICON_SIZE_LG.value;
const largeIconPxSize = remToPx(largeIconSize);
const colors = _(tokens.props)
.filter({ category: 'colors', type: 'color' })
.mapKeys((value, key) => _.kebabCase(key).replace('color-', ''))
.mapValues(value => tinycolor(value).toHexString())
const svgoCommonPlugins = [
{ removeTitle: true },
{ removeStyleElement: true },
{ removeEmptyContainers: true },
{ sortAttrs: true },
{ removeUselessDefs: true },
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import TOKENS from 'bpk-tokens/tokens/base.common';
import InlineLogo from 'bpk-svgs/dist/js/logos/inline';
const BpkInlineLogo = props => ;
BpkInlineLogo.propTypes = {
fill: PropTypes.string,
height: PropTypes.string,
BpkInlineLogo.defaultProps = {
fill: TOKENS.colorGray700,
height: TOKENS.spacingXxl,
export default BpkInlineLogo;
BpkLogo.propTypes = {
logo: PropTypes.oneOf([
color: PropTypes.string,
height: PropTypes.string
BpkLogo.defaultProps = {
color: TOKENS.colorGray700,
height: null
export default BpkLogo
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import TOKENS from 'bpk-tokens/tokens/base.common';
import StackedLogo from 'bpk-svgs/dist/js/logos/stacked';
const BpkStackedLogo = props => ;
BpkStackedLogo.propTypes = {
fill: PropTypes.string,
height: PropTypes.string,
BpkStackedLogo.defaultProps = {
fill: TOKENS.colorGray700,
height: TOKENS.spacingXxl,
export default BpkStackedLogo;
const classNames = [ props.large ? 'bpk-icon-lg' : 'bpk-icon-sm' ]
props.alignToButton ? classNames.push(props.large ? 'bpk-icon-lg--align-to-button' : 'bpk-icon-sm--align-to-button') : null
return <span>
BpkIcon.propTypes = {
icon: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
large: PropTypes.bool,
color: PropTypes.string,
alignToButton: PropTypes.bool
BpkIcon.defaultProps = {
color: TOKENS.colorGray700,
alignToButton: false
export default BpkIcon
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import TOKENS from 'bpk-tokens/tokens/base.common';
import TianxunLogo from 'bpk-svgs/dist/js/logos/tianxun';
const BpkTianxunLogo = props => ;
BpkTianxunLogo.propTypes = {
fill: PropTypes.string,
height: PropTypes.string,
BpkTianxunLogo.defaultProps = {
fill: TOKENS.colorGray700,
height: TOKENS.spacingXxl,
export default BpkTianxunLogo;
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import TOKENS from 'bpk-tokens/tokens/base.common';
import TianxunStackedLogo from 'bpk-svgs/dist/js/logos/tianxun-stacked';
const BpkTianxunStackedLogo = props => ;
BpkTianxunStackedLogo.propTypes = {
fill: PropTypes.string,
height: PropTypes.string,
BpkTianxunStackedLogo.defaultProps = {
fill: TOKENS.colorGray700,
height: '78',
export default BpkTianxunStackedLogo;
: tintColor || colorWhite;
const iconStyle = [styles.icon, { color: tintColorFinal }];
const accessibilityTraits = ['button'];
if (disabled) {
return (