How to use the botbuilder-ai.LuisRecognizer.topIntent function in botbuilder-ai

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github microsoft / BotBuilder-Samples / samples / typescript_nodejs / 13.core-bot / src / dialogs / luisHelper.ts View on Github external
public static async executeLuisQuery(context: TurnContext): Promise {
        const bookingDetails = new BookingDetails();

        try {
            const recognizer = new LuisRecognizer({
                applicationId: process.env.LuisAppId,
                endpoint: `https://${ process.env.LuisAPIHostName }`,
                endpointKey: process.env.LuisAPIKey,
            }, {}, true);

            const recognizerResult = await recognizer.recognize(context);

            const intent = LuisRecognizer.topIntent(recognizerResult);

            bookingDetails.intent = intent;

            if (intent === 'Book_flight') {
                // We need to get the result from the LUIS JSON which at every level returns an array

                bookingDetails.destination = LuisHelper.parseCompositeEntity(recognizerResult, 'To', 'Airport');
                bookingDetails.origin = LuisHelper.parseCompositeEntity(recognizerResult, 'From', 'Airport');

                // This value will be a TIMEX. And we are only interested in a Date so grab the first result and drop the Time part.
                // TIMEX is a format that represents DateTime expressions that include some ambiguity. e.g. missing a Year.
                bookingDetails.travelDate = LuisHelper.parseDatetimeEntity(recognizerResult);
        } catch (err) {
            console.warn(`LUIS Exception: ${ err } Check your LUIS configuration`);
github microsoft / BotBuilder-Samples / samples / javascript_typescript / 13.core-bot / src / dialogs / luisHelper.ts View on Github external
public static async executeLuisQuery(logger: Logger, context: TurnContext): Promise {
        const bookingDetails = new BookingDetails();

        try {
            const recognizer = new LuisRecognizer({
                applicationId: process.env.LuisAppId,
                endpoint: `https://${ process.env.LuisAPIHostName }`,
                endpointKey: process.env.LuisAPIKey,
            }, {}, true);

            const recognizerResult = await recognizer.recognize(context);

            const intent = LuisRecognizer.topIntent(recognizerResult);

            bookingDetails.intent = intent;

            if (intent === 'Book_flight') {
                // We need to get the result from the LUIS JSON which at every level returns an array

                bookingDetails.destination = LuisHelper.parseCompositeEntity(recognizerResult, 'To', 'Airport');
                bookingDetails.origin = LuisHelper.parseCompositeEntity(recognizerResult, 'From', 'Airport');

                // This value will be a TIMEX. And we are only interested in a Date so grab the first result and drop the Time part.
                // TIMEX is a format that represents DateTime expressions that include some ambiguity. e.g. missing a Year.
                bookingDetails.travelDate = LuisHelper.parseDatetimeEntity(recognizerResult);
        } catch (err) {
            logger.warn(`LUIS Exception: ${ err } Check your LUIS configuration`);
github microsoft / botframework-solutions / solutions / Virtual-Assistant / src / typescript / assistant / src / dialogs / shared / enterpriseDialog.ts View on Github external
protected async onInterruptDialog(dc: DialogContext): Promise {
        const luisServiceName: string = 'general';
        // get current activity locale
        const locale: string = dc.context.activity.locale || 'en';
        const localeConfig: LocaleConfiguration | undefined =;
        // check luis intent
        const luisService: ITelemetryLuisRecognizer | undefined = localeConfig !== undefined ?
                                                                  localeConfig.luisServices.get(luisServiceName) : undefined;
        const luisResult: RecognizerResult | undefined = luisService !== undefined ?
                                                         await luisService.recognize(dc.context, true) : undefined;
        const intent: string = LuisRecognizer.topIntent(luisResult);
        // PENDING: Evolve this pattern
        if (luisResult && luisResult.intents[intent].score > 0.5) {
            // Add the luis result (intent and entities) for further processing in the derived dialog
            dc.context.turnState.set(this.luisResultKey, luisResult);
            switch (intent) {
                case 'Cancel': {
                    return this.onCancel(dc);
                case 'Help': {
                    return this.onHelp(dc);

        return InterruptionAction.NoAction;
github microsoft / BotBuilder-Samples / samples / javascript_nodejs / / dialogs / shared / prompts / getUserNamePrompt.js View on Github external
// See if we have card input. This would come in through onTurnProperty
        const onTurnProperty = await this.onTurnAccessor.get(context);
        if (onTurnProperty !== undefined) {
            if (onTurnProperty.entities.length !== 0) {
                // find user name in on turn property
                const userNameInOnTurnProperty = onTurnProperty.entities.find(item => item.entityName === USER_NAME);
                if (userNameInOnTurnProperty !== undefined) {
                    await this.updateUserProfileProperty(userNameInOnTurnProperty.entityValue, context);
                    return await super.continueDialog(dc);

        // call LUIS and get results
        const LUISResults = await this.luisRecognizer.recognize(context);
        let topIntent = LuisRecognizer.topIntent(LUISResults);
        if (Object.keys(LUISResults.intents).length === 0) {
            // go with intent in onTurnProperty
            topIntent = (onTurnProperty.intent || 'None');
        // Did user ask for help or said they are not going to give us the name?
        switch (topIntent) {
        case NO_NAME_INTENT: {
            // set user name in profile to Human
            await this.userProfileAccessor.set(context, new UserProfile('Human'));
            return await this.endGetUserNamePrompt(dc);
        case GET_USER_NAME_INTENT: {
            // Find the user's name from LUIS entities list.
            if (USER_NAME in LUISResults.entities) {
                await this.updateUserProfileProperty(LUISResults.entities[USER_NAME][0], context);
                return await super.continueDialog(dc);
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.then(async res => {
                    // Resolve intents returned from LUIS
                    let topIntent = LuisRecognizer.topIntent(res);
                    state.intent = topIntent;

                    // Start addReminder dialog
                    if (topIntent === 'Calendar_Add') {
                        // Resolve entities returned from LUIS, and save these to state
                        let title = state.title = res.entities['Calendar.Subject'];
                        let date = res.entities.builtin_datetimeV2_date;
                        let time = res.entities.builtin_datetimeV2_time;
                        let datetime = res.entities.builtin_datetimeV2_datetime;
                        // TODO: The datetime parsing below should be 
                        // updated to use TIMEX parsing instead of moment parsing
                        if (datetime) {
                            let dtvalue = datetime[0];
                   = moment(dtvalue).format('DD-MM-YYYY');
                            state.time = moment(dtvalue).format('hh:mm a');
                        } else if (date) {
github hinojosachapel / CorePlus / typescript_nodejs / src / dialogs / main / index.ts View on Github external
// Handle commands
        if (utterance === localizer.gettext(locale, 'restartCommand')) {
            const userData: UserData = new UserData();
            // Save locale and any other data you need to persist between resets
            userData.locale = locale;
            await this.userDataAccessor.set(dc.context, userData);
            await dc.cancelAllDialogs();
            turnResult = await dc.beginDialog(;
        } else if (dc.activeDialog && === {
            // If current active dialog is QnADialog, continue the flow inside that dialog.
            turnResult = await dc.continueDialog();
        } else {
            // Perform a call to LUIS to retrieve results for the current activity message.
            const results: RecognizerResult = await this.luisRecognizers[locale].recognize(dc.context);
            const topIntent: string = LuisRecognizer.topIntent(results, undefined, LUIS_CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD);

            // Based on LUIS topIntent, evaluate if we have an interruption.
            const interrupted: boolean = await this.chitchatDialog.isTurnInterrupted(dc, topIntent);

            if (interrupted) {
                if (dc.activeDialog) {
                    // issue a re-prompt on the active dialog
                    await dc.repromptDialog();
                } // Else: We don't have an active dialog so nothing to continue here.
            } else {
                // No interruption. Continue any active dialogs.
                turnResult = await dc.continueDialog();

            // If no active dialog or no active dialog has responded,
            if (!dc.context.responded) {
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updateResult = newReservation.updateProperties(onTurnProperties);
            // see if updates to reservation resulted in errors, if so, report them to user.
            if (updateResult &&
                updateResult.status === reservationStatusEnum.INCOMPLETE &&
                updateResult.outcome !== undefined &&
                updateResult.outcome.length !== 0) {
                // set reservation property
                this.reservationsAccessor.set(turnContext, updateResult.newReservation);
                // return and do not continue if there is an error
                await turnContext.sendActivity(updateResult.outcome[0].message);
                return await super.continueDialog(dc);
            // call LUIS (bookTableTurnN model) and get results
            const LUISResults = await this.luisRecognizer.recognize(turnContext);
            let topIntent = LuisRecognizer.topIntent(LUISResults);
            // If we dont have an intent match from LUIS, go with the intent available via
            // the on turn property (parent's LUIS model)
            if (Object.keys(LUISResults.intents).length === 0) {
                // go with intent in onTurnProperty
                topIntent = (onTurnProperties.intent || 'None');
            // update reservation object with LUIS result
            updateResult = newReservation.updateProperties(OnTurnProperty.fromLUISResults(LUISResults));

            // see if update reservation resulted in errors, if so, report them to user.
            if (updateResult &&
                updateResult.status === reservationStatusEnum.INCOMPLETE &&
                updateResult.outcome !== undefined &&
                updateResult.outcome.length !== 0) {
                // set reservation property
                this.reservationsAccessor.set(turnContext, updateResult.newReservation);
github microsoft / botframework-solutions / templates / Virtual-Assistant-Template / typescript / samples / sample-assistant / src / dialogs / mainDialog.ts View on Github external
if (identifiedSkill !== undefined) {
            // We have identified a skill so initialize the skill connection with the target skill
            const result: DialogTurnResult = await dc.beginDialog(;

            if (result.status === DialogTurnStatus.complete) {
                await this.complete(dc);
        } else if (intent === 'l_general') {
            // If dispatch result is general luis model
            const luisService: LuisRecognizerTelemetryClient | undefined = cognitiveModels.luisServices.get(this.luisServiceGeneral);
            if (luisService === undefined) {
                throw new Error('The specified LUIS Model could not be found in your Bot Services configuration.');
            } else {
                const result: RecognizerResult = await luisService.recognize(dc.context);
                if (result !== undefined) {
                    const generalIntent: string = LuisRecognizer.topIntent(result);

                    // switch on general intents
                    switch (generalIntent) {
                        case 'Escalate': {
                            // start escalate dialog
                            await dc.beginDialog(;
                        case 'None':
                        default: {
                            // No intent was identified, send confused message
                            await this.responder.replyWith(dc.context, MainResponses.responseIds.confused);
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// We have identified a skill so initialize the skill connection with the target skill
            const result: DialogTurnResult = await dc.beginDialog(;

            if (result.status === DialogTurnStatus.complete) {
                await this.complete(dc);
        } else if (intent === 'l_general') {
            // If dispatch result is general luis model
            const luisService: LuisRecognizerTelemetryClient | undefined = cognitiveModels.luisServices.get(this.luisServiceGeneral);

            if (luisService === undefined) {
                throw new Error('The General LUIS Model could not be found in your Bot Services configuration.');
            } else {
                const result: RecognizerResult = await luisService.recognize(dc.context);
                if (result !== undefined) {
                    const generalIntent: string = LuisRecognizer.topIntent(result);

                    // switch on general intents
                    switch (generalIntent) {
                        case 'Escalate': {
                            // start escalate dialog
                            await dc.beginDialog(;
                        case 'None':
                        default: {
                            // No intent was identified, send confused message
                            await this.responder.replyWith(dc.context, MainResponses.responseIds.confused);
github microsoft / botframework-solutions / templates / Enterprise-Template / src / typescript / enterprise-bot / src / middleware / telemetry / telemetryLuisRecognizer.ts View on Github external
logOriginalMessage: boolean = false,
        dialogId?: string): Promise {

        if (context === null) {
            throw new Error('context is null');

        // Call Luis Recognizer
        const recognizerResult: RecognizerResult = await super.recognize(context);

        const conversationId: string =;

        // Find the Telemetry Client
        if (recognizerResult && context.turnState.has(TelemetryLoggerMiddleware.appInsightsServiceKey)) {
            const telemetryClient: TelemetryClient = context.turnState.get(TelemetryLoggerMiddleware.appInsightsServiceKey);
            const topLuisIntent: string = LuisRecognizer.topIntent(recognizerResult);
            const intentScore: number = recognizerResult.intents[topLuisIntent].score;

            // Add the intent score and conversation id properties
            const properties: { [key: string]: string } = {};
            properties[this.luisTelemetryConstants.applicationId] = this.luisApplication.applicationId;
            properties[this.luisTelemetryConstants.intentProperty] = topLuisIntent;
            properties[this.luisTelemetryConstants.intentScoreProperty] = intentScore.toString();

            if (dialogId !== undefined) {
                properties[this.luisTelemetryConstants.dialogId] = dialogId;

            if (recognizerResult.sentiment) {
                if (recognizerResult.sentiment.label) {
                    properties[this.luisTelemetryConstants.sentimentLabelProperty] = recognizerResult.sentiment.label;


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