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get_transaction_sig_p2sh(txHex: string, wif: string, input_index: number, input_satoshis: number, redeemScript: Buffer, sigHashType=0x41): InputSigData {
// deserialize the unsigned transaction
let txn = new Bitcore.Transaction(txHex);
// we need to get the key pair from wif
// this will be used by bitcore-lib input sig generation
// NOTE: Only works for compressed-WIF format
let ecpair = this.slp.BITBOX.ECPair.fromWIF(wif);
// we set the previous output for the input
// again, this is for bitcore-lib input sig generation
txn.inputs[input_index].output = new Bitcore.Transaction.Output({
satoshis: input_satoshis,
script: redeemScript
// produce a signature that is specific to this input
get_transaction_sig_p2pkh(txHex: string, wif: string, input_index: number, input_satoshis: number, sigHashType=0x41): InputSigData {
// deserialize the unsigned transaction
let txn = new Bitcore.Transaction(txHex);
// we need to get the key pair from wif
// this will be used by bitcore-lib input sig generation
// NOTE: Only works for compressed-WIF format
let ecpair = this.slp.BITBOX.ECPair.fromWIF(wif);
// we set the previous output for the input
// again, this is for bitcore-lib input sig generation
txn.inputs[input_index].output = new Bitcore.Transaction.Output({
satoshis: input_satoshis,
script: Bitcore.Script.fromAddress(Utils.toCashAddress(ecpair.getAddress()))
// Update input to be non-abstract type so we can get the p2pkh sign method
addScriptSigs(unsignedTxnHex: string, scriptSigs: (ScriptSigP2PKH|ScriptSigP2SH|ScriptSigP2PK)[]): string {
// deserialize unsigned transaction so we can add sigs to it
let txn = new Bitcore.Transaction(unsignedTxnHex);
let bip62Encoded: Buffer;
scriptSigs.forEach(s => {
// for p2pkh encode scriptSig
if((s as ScriptSigP2PKH).pubKeyBuf) {
let sigBuf = (s as ScriptSigP2PKH).signatureBuf;
let pubKeyBuf = (s as ScriptSigP2PKH).pubKeyBuf;
bip62Encoded = this.slp.BITBOX.Script.encode([ sigBuf, pubKeyBuf ]);
// for p2sh encode scriptSig
else if((s as ScriptSigP2SH).lockingScriptBuf) {
let unlockingBufArray = (s as ScriptSigP2SH).unlockingScriptBufArray;
let lockingBuf = (s as ScriptSigP2SH).lockingScriptBuf;
app.send = (address, satoshis, callback) => {
app.call_before('send', [address, satoshis]);
if (! app.is_logged_in()) {
throw new Error('blockparty: sending without being logged in');
if (! bch.Address.isValid(address)) {
throw new Error('blockparty: invalid address');
let tx = new bch.Transaction();
tx.from(app.get_utxos());, satoshis);
tx = app.clean_tx_dust(tx);
app.broadcast_tx(tx, (tx) => {
if (callback) {
app.call_after('send', [address, satoshis, tx]);
amountToSend = amountBig.times(satoShiRate).toString();
const data = {};
fee = await this.getFee(blocks);
if (fee) {
data.fee = fee;
const utxos = await this.utxosForAmount(Number(amountToSend) + Number(fee));
if (utxos != false) {
data.utxos = utxos;
const fromAddress = this.address;
const privateKey = this.privateKey;
const transaction = new bitcore.Transaction()
.to(toAddress, Number(amountToSend))
const rawTx = transaction.serialize();
const txHash = await this.sendRawTx(rawTx);
return { status: 1, message: 'messages.bitcoin.success.transaction', data: { hash: txHash.txid } };
return { status: 0, message: 'messages.bitcoin.error.insufficient' };
} catch (error) {
return { status: 0, message: 'messages.bitcoin.error.insufficient' };
async buildRawTransaction(UTXOList, fromAddress, toAddress, signingKey, network, amountSat, feeSat) {
var tx = new bitcoreCash.Transaction().from(UTXOList).to(toAddress, parseInt(amountSat)).change(fromAddress).fee(parseInt(feeSat)).sign(signingKey).serialize();
return (tx);
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
_a.trys.push([0, 2, , 3]);
return [4 /*yield*/, this.BITBOX.RawTransactions.getRawTransaction([txid])];
case 1:
res = (_a.sent());
return [3 /*break*/, 3];
case 2:
e_1 = _a.sent();
throw Error(e_1.error);
case 3:
if (!Array.isArray(res) || res.length !== 1)
throw Error("BITBOX response error for 'RawTransactions.getRawTransaction'");
txhex = res[0];
txn = new Bitcore.Transaction(txhex);
slpMsg = this.slp.parseSlpOutputScript(txn.outputs[0]._scriptBuffer);
if (slpMsg.transactionType === index_1.SlpTransactionType.GENESIS) {
slpMsg.tokenIdHex = txid;
if (decimalConversion)
slpMsg.genesisOrMintQuantity = slpMsg.genesisOrMintQuantity.dividedBy(Math.pow(10, slpMsg.decimals));
else {
if (decimalConversion) (o) { return o.dividedBy(Math.pow(10, slpMsg.decimals)); });
return [2 /*return*/, slpMsg];
export const bchTransaction = (pKey, utxo, listOfReceivers) => {
const pk = new bch.PrivateKey(pKey);
const tx = bch
.from( => ({ ..._, address: pk.toAddress().toString() })));
listOfReceivers.forEach(receiver =>, toSatoshi(receiver.amount))
return tx.toString();
async parseTokenOfferFromDummy(dummyHex: string): Promise {
let txn = new Bitcore.Transaction(dummyHex);
let slp = new Slp(this.BITBOX);
let slpMsg: SlpTransactionDetails;
try {
slpMsg = slp.parseSlpOutputScript(txn.outputs[0]._scriptBuffer);
} catch(_) {
throw Error("Not a valid SLP transaction.");
let txid = txn.inputs[2].prevTxId.toString('hex');
let vout = txn.inputs[2].outputIndex;
let txo: TxOut|null = await this.BITBOX.Blockchain.getTxOut(txid, vout, true);
let offer: SlpTokenOffer;