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import { Insight } from 'insight-explorer'
import { networks } from 'bitcoinjs-lib'
import bip44constants from 'bip44-constants'
import config from './config'
var bitcoinFeePerKb = 100000
var n = networks.bitcoin
n.slip44 = bip44constants.BTC
module.exports = {
name: 'bitcoin',
displayName: 'Bitcoin',
ticker: 'BTC',
satPerCoin: 1e8,
feePerKb: bitcoinFeePerKb,
feePerByte: bitcoinFeePerKb / 1024,
maxFeePerByte: 100,
minFee: bitcoinFeePerKb,
dust: 546,
txVersion: 1,
explorer: new Insight(config.defaultApiUrls.bitcoin),
maxFeePerByte: 100,
minFee: litecoinFeePerKb,
dust: 54600,
txVersion: 1,
explorer: new Insight(config.defaultApiUrls.litecoin),
getExtraBytes: function (options) { },
network: {
bip32: {
public: n.bip32.public,
private: n.bip32.private
slip44: bip44constants.LTC,
messagePrefix: '\u0018Litecoin Signed Message:\n',
pubKeyHash: n.pubKeyHash,
scriptHash: n.scriptHash,
wif: n.wif