Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
/* global window */
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const fnName = require('fn-name');
const debug = require('debug')('chuhai');
// require('loud-rejection/api')(process);
let benchmark = require('benchmark');
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
const _ = require('lodash');
const process = require('process');
benchmark = benchmark.runInContext({_, process});
window.Benchmark = benchmark;
// Promise.longStackTraces();
const reporterKey = process.env.REPORTER || 'markdown';
const reporters = {
markdown: require('./reporters/markdown')
const reporter = reporters[reporterKey];
function noop() {}
// maybe usefull later
// MIT © 2017 azu
"use strict";
const task = require("./task");
const process = require("process");
const _ = require("lodash");
let Benchmark = require("benchmark");
Benchmark = Benchmark.runInContext({ _: _, process: process });
const Suite = Benchmark.Suite;
// workaround for browser
if (typeof window == "object") {
window.Benchmark = Benchmark;
window.Suite = Suite;
* @param {Object} AlminVeesions
* @param {function(benchmark: Object}} done
module.exports = function(AlminVersions, done) {
const suite = new Suite();
// randomize for equality
_.shuffle(Object.keys(AlminVersions)).forEach(version => {
import benchmark from 'benchmark'
import lodash from 'lodash'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import testComponent from 'react-benchmark-test-component' // eslint-disable-line import/no-unresolved
// Hack to make benchmark work via webpack
const Benchmark = benchmark.runInContext({_: lodash})
window.Benchmark = Benchmark
// Render an instance in the DOM before running the benchmark to make debugging easier
const container = document.createElement('div')
ReactDOM.render(testComponent(), container)
const bench = new Benchmark({
defer: true,
async: true,
fn(deferred) {
const container = document.createElement('div')
ReactDOM.render(testComponent(), container, () => {
var process = require('process');
var benchmark = require('benchmark');
var _ = require('lodash');
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
benchmark = benchmark.runInContext({_, process});
window.Benchmark = benchmark;
module.exports = function suite(name) {
var suite = new benchmark.Suite(name);
.on('cycle', function cycle(e) {
if (! {
console.log(' ' + String(;
.on('error', function (e) {
console.log(String( + ' ' + String(;
.on('complete', function () {
var process = require('process');
var Benchmark = require('benchmark');
var blankFormat = {
videoFormat: {
cropLeft: null,
cropTop: null,
cropWidth: null,
cropHeight: null,
displayWidth: null,
displayHeight: null
var Benchmark = require('benchmark');
Benchmark = Benchmark.runInContext({_: _, process: process});
window.Benchmark = Benchmark;
var emscriptenDecoder = new OGVDecoderVideoVP8(blankFormat);
emscriptenDecoder.init(function () {});
var ivf = require('jsivf');
var jsvpx = require('../build-templates/OgVVideoDecoder.js');
var benchmarkOptions = {
maxTime: 1000000,
async: true
var suite = new Benchmark.Suite(benchmarkOptions);
var vectorFolder = '../vp8-test-vectors/';
import("./earcut").then((module) => {
const earcut_wasm = module.earcut_flat;
const samples = {
'typical OSM building': earcut.flatten(require('./test/fixtures/building.json')),
'dude shape': earcut.flatten(require('./test/fixtures/dude.json')),
'complex OSM water': earcut.flatten(require('./test/fixtures/water.json'))
const benchmark = require('benchmark');
const Benchmark = benchmark.runInContext({ _, process });
window.Benchmark = Benchmark;
setTimeout(() => {
for (const name in samples) {
const {vertices, holes} = samples[name];
const verticesArray = Float64Array.from(vertices);
const holesArray = Uint32Array.from(holes);
new Benchmark.Suite()
.add(`JS ${name} (${vertices.length / 2} vertices):`, function () {
earcut(vertices, holes);
.add(`rust WASM ${name} (${vertices.length / 2} vertices):`, function () {
earcut_wasm(verticesArray, holesArray);
.add(`embind WASM ${name} (${vertices.length / 2} vertices):`, function () {
embind_earcut(verticesArray, holesArray);
var _ = require("lodash");
var process = require("process");
var benchmark = require("benchmark");
var Benchmark = benchmark.runInContext({_, process});
if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
window.Benchmark = Benchmark;
var hookNoEval = require("./index.js")();
var hookEval = require("./index.eval")();
var addHooks = new Benchmark.Suite("add hooks");
var hook = function(next, a, b) {
next(a + 1, b + 1);
var hookedEval;
var hookedNoEval;
"use strict";
const benchmarkImport = require("benchmark");
const _ = require("lodash");
const platform = require("platform");
const deepEqual = require("deep-equal");
const Benchmark = window.Benchmark = benchmarkImport.runInContext( { _: _, platform: platform });
const TEST_CASES = {
"monteCarlo": {
args: [
investmentAmount: 620000,
numRuns: 10000,
numYears: 15,
performance: 0.0340000,
projects: [
startYear: 0,
totalAmount: 10000
}, {
startYear: 1,
totalAmount: 10000